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Committed to Service
School of Social Work graduate student Benetta Dousuah is one of three talented and passionate Syracuse University student veterans who were recognized as 2024 Tillman Scholars, an award bestowed upon the next generation of public and private sector leaders committed to service beyond self...
Joey Gawrysiak was hired last August as executive director of the esports degree program to bring his visionary research and skills to campus. In this 'Cuse Conversations podcast, he discusses the evolution of the esports program, the progress made in its first year, what’s planned for the future, and more...
We Can’t Do It Alone
In comments provided to the Syracuse University internal communications team, Human Development and Family Science Associate Professor Matthew Mulvaney explores the actions being taken by school districts and the U.S. Surgeon General to curb the negative effects of social media on teens...
Building Community With Pride
Tommy DaSilva ’26, a triple major, works part time at the LGBTQ Resource Center in Schine Student Center. “The LGBTQ Resource Center is great because it works with the IC to provide resources, trainings and programs to students,” he says...
Biology of Aging
Jason DeFreitas, who’ll be joining Falk College this fall as chair and professor in the Department of Exercise Science, is one of 18 early career researchers who received funding from the American Federation for Aging Research to study age-related topics...
Falk in Australia
Starting in mid-May, 19 students from Syracuse University-including 14 from Falk College–spent the start of their summer in Australia for the “Australia: Sport, History and Culture” class. Watch the video and read excerpts from the students’ daily blog while they were “Down Under”...
Four Days in Philly
Earlier this spring nine female students from the Women in Sports and Events (WISE) Club from Falk College’s Department of Sport Management visited Philadelphia to meet with numerous sports organizations and industry professionals. One of the students, Livia McQuade, tell us about their trip...
Focused on Future Success
Syracuse University Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter has convened a task force charged with reimagining the human dynamics academic programs in Falk College and positioning them for future success by leveraging opportunities and expanding impact...
Providing Support and Services
In partnership with Falk College and Hendricks Chapel, Syracuse University’s Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA) has launched the OVMA Resiliency Program to enhance the overall well-being of veteran and military-connected students throughout their academic journey...
Cultivating Compassionate Care
Marriage and Family Therapy graduate students from Falk College provide counseling for trans people and other members of the LBGTQ+ community through the Transgender Affirmative Support Team. “Never underestimate the value of one affirming voice,” says Trans Team founder Deborah Coolhart...