For many years, generous support from Mr. Alan B. Mirken has made possible a three-day New York City educational immersion program for students in the Falk College’s School of Social Work. This recent gift from Mr. Mirken will expand programming this year—and in future years—in the annual “Roots of American Social Work” program. This unique and innovative three-day educational opportunity brings students face-to-face with sites of significance to the history of social work, giving them a close-up view of contemporary practice. This social welfare history tour to such sites as the NY Tenement Museum helps students to learn how U.S.…
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW), and the School of Social Work in the Falk College at SU, began its annual commemoration of National Professional Social Work Month on March 1. The NASW designated March as National Social Work Month in the 1960s to provide recognition and voice for social workers who represent one of the largest professions in the country. SU’s School of Social Work has been recognized nationally for community organization and activism, clinical training in family systems, gerontology, and concentrations in health and occupational social work. SU’s School of Social Work has educated generations of social…
Our 21 sport management majors and minors flying out to Los Angeles on Saturday, March 8 for a week-long immersion trip invite you to follow their blog. Students will keep you up-to-date on the various meetings, games, sites and attractions they will experience throughout the course of the immersion experience. It will be a busy, exciting and educational week exploring the sports industry on the west coast. Students will meet with executives and SU sport management alums from AEG, UCLA, ESPN, Santa Anita, The Dodgers, Mandalay, The Stub Hub Center and so much more.
Collaboration between SU’s Falk College, Upstate Medical University and SUNY Oswego focuses on meaningful research experiences, mentoring for students Falk Family Professor of Public Health, Brooks Gump, Ph.D., MPH, will continue leading a program this summer for undergraduate veterans and non-veterans (five openings for each) interested in becoming trauma researchers. Gump was one of six faculty from three upstate New York universities (Syracuse University, SUNY Upstate, and SUNY Oswego) who ran this Research Education for Undergraduates (REU) program in 2012 and 2013. As one of several on-going interdisciplinary collaborations in the Falk College, the REU program includes faculty members Keith…
In celebration of The Week of the Young Child April 6-12, Desalyn De-Souza, Ph.D., assistant professor, SUNY Empire State College, will be honored for her community service, advocacy for children’s education, and commitment to training child care professionals with the 2014 Altes Prize on April 8. A 2012 graduate of the Falk College’s Department of Child and Family Studies at Syracuse University, De-Souza dissertation was entitled, “Child Care Center Directors’ Perceptions of Continuity of Care: A Qualitative Investigation.” Her CFS advisor was Dr. Bruce Carter. The Altes Prize is named for retired, long-time vice president for academic affairs at SUNY…
Falk College associate professor of nutrition, Tanya Horacek, R.D., Ph.D., and Syracuse University are part of a 14-university team that has received a $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to empower college students to create obesity prevention programs for their peers as well as students in elementary and high schools. The campaign, which will launch in August, is entitled, “Get Fruved.” It will harness the peer-to-peer interactions of more than 1,000 students who will work together to create interventions so students become more physically active. “Fruved” is a term that refers to fruits and vegetables. The…
April 10-11, 2014 at Bloomsburg University The 5th Annual Mini-Conference on Play, Early Childhood Development, and Education is sponsored by Bloomsburg University, Department of Curriculum and Instruction and College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Curriculum and Instruction and College of Education, and by the Department of Child and Family Studies, Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. The opening session will be held on April 11, 2013 at the College of Education, Bloomsburg University in Kehr Union, Multipurpose B, starting at 8:30 a.m. The first presentation begins at 9 a.m., and the conference concludes at noon. This…
A column authored by David B. Falk Professor of Sport Management, Rick Burton, appears in the February 10 edition of Sport Business Journal. Highlighting the new International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach, who is presiding over his inaugural games, the column offers perspectives on what his presidency means for sports in North America.
The Syracuse University Aging Studies Institute—the collaborative initiative of the Falk College and Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs—held a conference on “Social Support and Service Provision to Older Adults: Marjorie Cantor’s Legacy to Gerontology” in New York City in January. The event recognized the pioneering scholarship of the late Professor Marjorie Cantor that advanced understanding of the lifestyles of older persons, the importance of caregiver support systems, and needs of elders across class and culture. The event featured a full-day agenda of aging-related topics and speakers with expertise in those areas, including faculty from the Falk College and…
The Falk College today announced a new bachelor of science degree in Food Studies. The new program, which is now enrolling majors for Fall 2014, provides a thorough understanding of food systems, politics and economies from production to consumption locally, nationally and globally. Students develop marketable skills, such as data management and analysis, food preparation and presentation, and the ability and knowledge to link these skills to the growing interest in food systems. The opportunity to pair the food studies major with minors within the Falk College and throughout Syracuse University, such as public health, nutrition, social sciences, policy studies…