Greetings from the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Welcome to alumni, friends, and supporters of the Falk College. You are a core part of our academic family and have made major impacts in our college, communities, and throughout the world.
On-going investment in time and resources from our alumni and friends helps to advance our best programs, attract the most talented faculty, and support our brightest students.
There are so many ways to stay involved with Falk College. Share your news in the college’s magazine. Get involved with student success or support our college as whole by making a gift to the Falk College.
FalkTalk, our bi-annual email newsletter for alumni, parents and friends helps you to stay up-to-date on all things Falk College with news headlines, student highlights, and upcoming events delivered to your inbox at the end of each semester. Learn more and subscribe to FalkTalk.