Food Studies  News

Food studies student cultivates crops, community at Syracuse urban farm


Located on the South Side of Syracuse at 150 Ford Ave, The Brady Farm grows a variety of delicious, fresh produce. Jessi Lyons, co-founder of Syracuse Grows, runs the urban farm with her team who just this season has grown and harvested an assortment of over 36 herbs and vegetables according to The Post-Standard.

Cheri Abrams, a graduate student in Falk College’s food studies program, is among the members of The Brady Farm team. After completing her practicum at The Brady Farm, Abrams was then hired as a part-time worker. “Since I started in May, I’ve done a bit of everything,” Abrams says, from irrigation and planting to harvesting and selling produce, even conducting research and attending zone hearings. “I have also learned a great deal about what it takes to start an urban farm, from the road blocks to acquiring a use variance to farm in a city, to how important community engagement is and soil and pest management.”

Cheri explains that her experiences at the farm have been quite diverse. Although she truly enjoys each aspect of her work, there is one thing that has been especially gratifying: connecting with other people. “What stands out the most for me is the many conversations I’ve had with people, whom I’ve never met before, about food, family history, farming practices and recipes,” she says. “It amazes me how conversations about food have allowed me to connect with others and my hope is that we at Brady Farm can continue to create new food narratives of acceptance and inclusion.”

Falk College hosts author, nutritionist Jill Castle October 6


Falk College and its Nutrition program will host the Second Annual Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series featuring childhood nutrition expert and author, Jill Castle, MS, RDN, CDN, on Thursday, October 6, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in Grant Auditorium. Her presentation, “Fueling the Growing Athlete: What’s In, What’s Out, & What’s Essential,” is free and open to the public. It will cover:

Appropriate sports nutrition advice for young athletes.

How to understand and avoid the food and feeding pitfalls that commonly plague growing athletes, such as back-loading food intake and unhealthy food environments.

The hierarchy of food and nutrients when it comes to growing strong, healthy, performance-enhanced young athletes.

Castle has practiced as a registered dietitian/nutritionist in pediatric nutrition for over 25 years. She is a national and international speaker, addressing the topic of childhood nutrition and feeding to a wide variety of groups, including medical professionals, allied health professionals, parent, school, and other interest groups.

Castle is the author of Eat Like a Champion: Performance Nutrition for Your Young Athlete, co-author of Fearless Feeding: How to Raise Healthy Eaters from High Chair to High School, and creator of Just the Right Byte, a childhood nutrition blog. In addition, Castle has been published in peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, consumer books, and other blogs. She is the nutrition expert at, and has been a regular contributor to USA Swimming, U.S. Rowing, and

Ann Selkowitz Litt ’75 (1953-2007) was a nationally known nutritionist who helped children and adolescents with eating disorders and assisted developing athletes in reaching their full potential. The nutrition consultant to CosmoGirl magazine, Litt was the author of The College Students’ Guide to Eating Well on Campus, Fuel for Young Athletes, and the American Dietetic Association Guide to Private Practice. She was the nutritionist for the NFL’s Washington Redskins and served as spokesperson for several media campaigns during her career, including the Got Milk campaign. After her death, the Ann S. Litt Foundation, Inc. was created to support nutrition education. Through a generous gift from this foundation to Falk College, the Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series was created at Syracuse University in 2015.

This event is approved for 1.5 CEU credits for Registered Dietitians.

Falk College highlights graduate programs at November 4 information session


Syracuse University faculty, staff and current students will welcome potential graduate students interested in Falk College graduate studies in child and family studies, food studies, public health, marriage and family therapy, nutrition science, social work and sport management during its Graduate Program Information Session on Friday, November 4, 2016 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Grant Auditorium in White Hall, part of the Falk College Complex.

The presentation will provide detailed information on Falk College graduate programs in:

  • Child and Family Studies M.A., M.S., Ph.D.
  • Marriage and Family Therapy M.A., Ph.D.
  • Addiction Studies M.A.
  • Food Studies M.S.
  • Global Health M.S.
  • Nutrition Science M.A., M.S.
  • Public Health M.S.
  • Social Work M.S.W.
  • Sport Venue and Event Management M.S.
  • Dual Degree Social Work and Marriage and Family Therapy M.A./M.S.W.

In addition, information and advising will be available regarding Falk’s Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) programs including child therapy, trauma-informed practice, addiction studies, food studies and global health.

There will be time for a question-and-answer session, as well as a time to meet with faculty, staff and current students. Light refreshments will be served.

Dedication ceremony for Susan R. Klenk Learning Café, Kitchens September 16


Falk College today announced the opening of the Susan R. Klenk Learning Café and kitchens, a new hands-on learning laboratory to prepare students with traditional and emerging professional competencies for careers in food, nutrition, dietetics, and public health. A dedication ceremony, reception and tours will take place Friday, September 16 at 9:30 a.m., on the fifth floor of White Hall in the Falk Complex. The campus community is invited to attend.

The new facility includes an experimental food lab kitchen, commercial kitchen, baking nook and café. A video camera system allows faculty and chef instructors to broadcast classes, food demonstrations and seminars from Falk College to anywhere on campus and across the country.

A generous and visionary gift from Falk College alumna, Susan R. Klenk, made the new facilities possible. A dual major in the School of Education, Klenk pursued a teaching career with the Syracuse City School District. Because her career always revolved around supporting students to help them be successful, she created the Susan R. Klenk Learning Assistantship in September 2009 that allows them to take a leadership role, provide support for classmates and gain valuable management experience.

“Susan Klenk is a true advocate for student learning and a generous visionary whose on-going support makes Syracuse University an extraordinary place to study food. With the opening of the Klenk Learning Café and kitchens thanks to Susan’s commitment and support, Falk College, which began offering courses in food and nutrition in 1917, is leading the way in preparing students for expanding career opportunities in food,” says Diane Lyden Murphy, dean, Falk College.

The learning café and teaching kitchens set the stage for industry-leading, forward-thinking approaches to food and culture, nutrition, research, and food studies development. Its design fosters creativity and collaboration across a variety of departments, schools and colleges, creating interdisciplinary partnerships that support teaching innovation, student learning, research and scholarship.

In addition to unlimited faculty-supervised hands-on experiences, this dedicated space will provide an ideal environment for student-faculty research projects and educational community partnerships that set the SU programs apart.

Falk College hosts food systems consultant and speaker, Dr. Kate Clancy, September 22


The Falk College Department of Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition will host food systems consultant and speaker Kate Clancy, Ph. D., Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in Falk Room 100 for her lecture, “Looking at Food Security in the Northeast Region Through Different Lenses.”

Dr. Clancy is currently a food systems consultant, visiting scholar at the Center for a Livable Future at Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, adjunct professor at Tufts University, and senior fellow in the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, University of Minnesota. She worked as a nutrition and policy advisor at the Federal Trade Commission, and at the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Dr. Clancy developed a graduate course on food systems in 1982 and since then has published, taught, spoken, and consulted widely on sustainable agriculture, food systems, and food policy with government agencies, universities, and nonprofits around the country. She has promoted the idea of sustainable diets since 1983.

She has served on many boards including the Society for Nutrition Education, Bread for the World, and the Food and Drug Administration Food Advisory Council. She is the deputy director of the USDA-funded five-year EFSNE food systems project in the Northeast United States, and engaged with many initiatives including Agriculture of the Middle and It Takes a Region. She was a member of the Institute of Medicine committee that published a framework to assess the health, environmental, social, and economic effects of the U.S. food system.

BrainFeeders student organization brings CSA, fresh produce to campus this Fall


For the second year in a row, BrainFeeders, a student organization in Falk College’s Food Studies program, is partnering with Common Threads CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to bring fresh produce to campus. All Syracuse University and ESF faculty, staff and students are invited to participate in the Fall 2016 program that will run for nine weeks (September 1 through October 27).

Beginning the first Thursday in September, Common Thread Farm will deliver boxes to campus for its members. The drop off location will be under the Huntington Beard Crouse Hall portal every Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. If members are interested in campus delivery to another location, BrainFeeders will deliver CSA boxes for an additional fee of $5 (locations around the general campus area, only). The deadline to sign up is August 15.

Two share sizes are available this year. A full share is $280 total (approximately $31 per week), with 8 to 10 types of sustainably and locally grown vegetables. A half share is $150 total (approximately $16 per week) and has 4 to 5 types of sustainably and locally grown vegetables. Vegetables to be expected in a box include lettuce, beets, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, potatoes, herbs, eggplant, onions, winter squash, kale, chard, garlic, leeks, celery and more.

According to Felicia Ramallo, a food studies and nutrition science double major in Falk College and BrainFeeders secretary, “the CSA is one of our long-term projects to encourage students to have a connection with a farmer and become more connected with the local foods that are produced around central New York.” BrainFeeders was created in 2015 and is working to establish long-lasting food access and justice programs throughout the SU/ESF campus.

“The on-campus CSA program, organized by our food studies student club, is one of the many ways the students in our program are taking initiative and applying what they are learning in classes. We are constantly impressed by what this group takes on and how they get students and other community members engaged in local and sustainable food system projects,” says Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern, assistant professor, food studies, and BrainFeeders faculty advisor.

Food: A woman’s right, a human right


In March 2016, the UN Human Rights Council was in session in Geneva. It was International Women’s Day, and Anne C. Bellows took advantage of the occasion to co-host a side event focused on both issues, human rights and women. The parallel event—“No Right to Food without Women’s Rights: Women Exposing Violations from around the Globe”—was designed to shed light on structural barriers that women find in their everyday lives.

“Despite calls for the inclusion of women and a gender perspective in food and nutrition security, the status of hunger and malnutrition of women and girls is still not improving,” says Bellows, professor of food studies in Falk College. “These groups are particularly susceptible to a dominant economic and development model that exploits people and natural resources.”

The event brought together women’s rights activists from around the world to present an understanding of the right to adequate food and nutrition that does not limit them to their traditional role in families but empowers them as women’s and human rights agents for change. The women made presentations on the situation of women’s rights to food and nutrition in their respective countries and constituencies and how they are advocating for this human right. They spoke on behalf of tea plantation workers in India, peasants in Spain, women affected by mining and displacement in Togo, and women’s analysis of, and recommendations to, address malnutrition in Guatemala.

Bellows, in her presentation, “Structural Disconnects that Frustrate Women’s Rights to Food and Nutrition,” discussed issues that frustrate women’s right to adequate food and nutrition. She touched on the lack of attention to women’s and girls’ specific needs and rights to food in the umbrella International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and subsequent General Comments; and the omission of women’s and girls’ right to adequate food and nutrition in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Bellows was there in her capacity as a board member of FIANInternational, which orchestrated the event; the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food also participated. Founded in 1986, FIANInternational (formerly the FoodFirst Information and Action Network) was the first international human rights organization to advocate for the realization of the right to adequate food and nutrition.

“True social and food justice comes from self-determination, not chronic charity,” Bellows says. “Local and national food systems require sustainable and productive food economies responsive to human rights principles. Public policy, including food governance, must reflect broad public welfare through decision-making bodies that answer to the people, not corporate shareholders.”

Bellows recently co-authored the book Gender, Nutrition, and the Human Right to Adequate Food: Toward an Inclusive Framework, a collaboration between university-based researchers and two international nongovernmental organizations. “All of the authors are focused on aspects of under-recognized food and nutritional justice within the framework of the human right to adequate food and nutrition,” Bellows notes.

She adds that Falk College is the perfect setting for her scholarship, teaching, and advocacy. “The Falk College dean, Diane Murphy, has had the insight of pulling together a Food Studies program at a moment when the new disciplinary field is exploding,” she says. “We in the department are focused on the social, political, and economic conditions of food systems.”

It’s a mutual admiration society. “This event was a wonderful acknowledgement of Professor Bellows’ work, which is recognized around the globe,” Murphy says. “We at Falk College are so proud of her scholarship. The caliber of her work brings great focus to the work in our Food Studies program.”

Digging into Food


Falk College program breaks new ground in the emerging field of food studies.
By Amy Speach, published in the Syracuse University Magazine, Spring 2016, Vol 33, No 1.

When Anna Delapaz ’17 took Professor Rick Welsh’s Agroecology course as a first-year student in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, she saw a fresh new world of scholarly and professional possibilities crop up in front of her. A nutrition major from Dallas whose interest in food sprouted when she read Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma as a high school student, Delapaz enjoyed learning about agricultural production and sustainable agriculture in the class—exploring everything from the science of soil quality and nutrient cycling to the socioeconomic and policy aspects of how food is grown and produced. “From a nutrition perspective, I had been studying how food affects the body, which I found really interesting. Then in the Agroecology class, I learned about agriculture and what goes into making food, especially how to grow food in a sustainable way. I really saw that what we put in our bodies affects not only us, but the whole world around us,” she says. “That idea opened my eyes and made me want to learn more about the social, economic, and political aspects of food.”

No surprise, then, that when Falk College launched its undergraduate major in food studies in fall 2014—the original such bachelor’s degree program in the United States—Delapaz was the first to sign on as an official major, complementing her major in nutrition. Since then, she has taken every food studies course she can, and looks forward to becoming a registered dietitian and delving further into her special areas of interest in sustainable agriculture, community gardens, and improving food access. She is also considering pursuing a master’s degree in food studies—another new opportunity that will be available at Falk starting this fall. “I think having a background in both nutrition and food studies is a great way to fully grasp the complexity of food,” she says.

According to Welsh, who is chair of the Department of Public Health, Food Studies, and Nutrition and director for the undergraduate program in food studies, Delapaz’s enthusiasm for all things food-related is representative of a national trend—one that helped inform the program’s development. “Food studies is one of the fastest growing majors in the country. Programs are popping up lots of places, as well as minors and concentrations, which we also offer. And we’re starting to see a degree in food studies as one of the qualifications for food-related job listings now,” says Welsh, the Falk Family Endowed Professor in Food Studies, whose research and teaching focus on social change and development with emphases on agri-food systems, science and technology studies, and environmental sociology. “One of the reasons this came about is because students let us know they were interested in taking courses in food. They were passionate about food and ‘starving’ for classes with food-related content. So the need became obvious.”

Food studies faculty member Evan Weissman G’12 points to the broad picture of food studies as a developing field of study and practice. “We are living in a moment in history when questions about the food system are at the forefront of public consciousness,” says Weissman, coordinator of the minor in food studies. “Large and complex problems are linked to the food system, everything from climate change to public health crises in the United States, to questions of immigration and labor. All are connected to the ways we produce, distribute, access, and consume food and manage food waste.”

As food-related issues have become matters of public concern, Weissman says, a similar evolution is occurring in institutions of higher education. “You have the academy responding to shifts, recognizing the emergence of social movements focused on food and new economic opportunities around food, and acknowledging the fact that, when looking at food, it’s not just a story of doom and gloom, as I like to tell my students,” says Weissman, who studies disparities in fresh or healthful food access in urban America and grassroots efforts to address those inequities. “It’s also an uplifting story of people thinking about a variety of strategies to strengthen and improve our food system so it is more tuned to questions of social, public, and environmental health.”

When it comes to food, the potential for positive change ranges from the personal to the grand—from individuals and families making slight adjustments in their consumption and purchasing practices, to broad changes in the ways large businesses operate and in governmental policy shifts that have the capacity to affect countless people. “It’s against this backdrop that we see food studies emerging,” Weissman says. “In higher education, there’s a long history of people doing food-related work. Here at Falk, for example, our sister program in nutrition is nearing its 100th anniversary. In the United States, we have a history of land-grant institutions doing agricultural research, and Syracuse University had an agriculture program at one point in time. Social scientists have long looked at food as an indicator of inequality or as a question of labor or economics, as an insight into gender, or as a cultural marker in anthropology. Given the shifts in the public and in higher education toward transdisciplinary approaches to knowledge production and education, you have this groundswell leading to the growth of food studies.”

World of Food

The new Falk program is built on a social science foundation, specifically one with a political economic focus. “We take a holistic and multidimensional approach to understanding food as a process—as reflecting a host of relationships between people and institutions,” Weissman says. “We’re looking at questions of power and inequality. We’re looking at social transformations and the intersection of politics and economics as it shapes and is shaped by food.”

For example, Professor Anne Bellows, who is director of the food studies graduate degree program, focuses her scholarship and activism on the relationship between food-related issues and human rights, with a concentration on women’s access to adequate food and nutrition. She joined Falk College in 2013 from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, where she was chair of the Department of Gender and Nutrition. Her new book, Gender, Nutrition and the Human Right to Adequate Food: Toward an Inclusive Framework (Routledge, 2016), identifies conditions fueling food insecurity around the world and how those conditions disproportionally affect women, children, and rural food producers. “We’re interested in food studies as an explanatory vehicle for understanding social conditions more broadly—in learning how civil society interacts to create a democratic and just process of food governance,” Bellows says.

In her work, food studies faculty member Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern examines the interactions among food and racial justice, labor movements, and transnational environmental and agriculture policy as a framework for understanding how the food system operates and how it can be improved. In her Food Movements class, for example, students learn to think through the problems with the food system and explore methods for changing it, from the perspectives of social justice, the environment, and access to food. “Students also learn to be critical of solutions we have today and to think systematically about the food system and the structural ways to make changes, which challenges them to think beyond food as a consumer issue, seeing it as a bigger social issue,” says Minkoff-Zern, whose research has been informed by her work on farms and with agriculture and food organizations in Guatemala, New York State, and California. “In all our classes, we teach about the food system. For us, food is not just about what’s on your plate, but what’s growing in the ground. It’s about the water and the air and the workers—everything from the soil and how food gets to the market to how food gets prepared and who’s preparing it.”

The food studies program has its home in the Department of Public Health, Food Studies, and Nutrition in the new Falk Complex, allowing for important relationships with faculty in the college’s well-established partner programs. Among them are collaborations with public health professor David Larsen, a global health specialist researching malaria in southern Zambia; and with Jennifer Wilkins, the Daina E. Falk Endowed Professor of Practice in Nutrition. Her work focuses on nutrition in the food system, including the creation of MyPlate Northeast, a regional food guide that emphasizes a nutritious and seasonally varied diet.

Creating spaces and opportunities for interdisciplinary partnerships—both within Falk College and across campus—was an essential aspect of Dean Diane Lyden Murphy’s vision for the program. “When you’re building a program in food studies, you’re bringing together a mix of people to have a conversation about how to study and inquire about and make a difference through food: food as culture, food as critical, food as it relates to the social and political sciences, to geography and the STEM sciences, the humanities and the arts,” says Murphy ’67, G’76, G’78, G’83. “That deep interrogation across disciplines is where we wanted to go with this, and that’s what we’re excited about.”

Another distinguishing characteristic of the program is the curriculum’s culinary component. Three full-time teaching chefs—Mary Kiernan G’12, Bill Collins, and Chris Uyehara—and professional kitchen facilities serve as valuable instructional resources and provide opportunities for hands-on food preparation labs to enhance student learning. In the course Philosophy and Practice of Locavorism, for instance, Bellows partners with chef Uyehara to provide students with an understanding of the what, why, and how of eating locally produced food year-round. Another example is Weissman’s Farm to Fork class, in which he partners with chef Kiernan in exploring the culinary theory and practice of alternative food networks through study, field trips, and a cooking laboratory. “We are also building strong collaborations with the broader Syracuse community, where dynamic shifts are happening in terms of food as an economic development tool in Central New York, and where there are a lot of grassroots efforts to strengthen our food system and improve food access,” Weissman says.

Active Learning

Such experiential learning is a key element of the food studies curriculum, both in the classroom and beyond. “We use a wide variety of teaching and learning modalities,” Weissman says. “That creates an exciting program for our students and helps them acquire the knowledge and skills needed for success beyond Syracuse University.”

In Weissman’s Feeding the City course, which was recognized with a 2015 Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship, students work on semester-long, community-based projects to put their learning into action. Students partnered with the Syracuse-Onondaga Planning Agency to conduct a basic food system analysis, using an assets-based approach to thinking about Central New York, focusing not on deficits but on strengths that might be leveraged to bolster the food system and better attend to environmental, social, political economic, and public health concerns. “We’ve also partnered with Nojaim Brothers grocery store and the technology startup, Rosie—a web-based tool for food delivery—and helped the owner, Paul Nojaim, to think about marketing and outreach strategies and possibilities of using this technology to expand his customer base and increase access for individuals who otherwise would not have it,” Weissman says.

The Emergency Food Systems course Bellows teaches also creates opportunities for active learning. In January, students toured the Hendricks Chapel food pantry and considered ideas for class projects that would help the pantry better serve the SU students who periodically draw on its assistance. And in her Gender, Food, Rights course, Bellows arranged for graduate students to meet via Skype with the gender coordinator at FIAN International (FoodFirst Information and Action Network), a human rights organization with members from more than 50 countries that advocates for the right to adequate food and nutrition. “At FIAN, they are working to develop new indicators to monitor the impact of right-to-food approaches on national food and nutrition security,” says Bellows, a member of the organization’s board, who was exploring ways for students to contribute to that project.

Internships are another way students gain essential hands-on experience. Anna Delapaz, as well as being the first official food studies major, was the first to acquire an internship with My Lucky Tummy, a community organization that promotes awareness of the refugee population in Syracuse through sharing different ethnic dishes at pop-up food courts. “I volunteered with My Lucky Tummy in my sophomore year at an event held that February, and that led to an internship,” Delapaz says. “It was so much fun, cooking side by side with people from all around the world. There were three chefs there, all speaking different languages. It was such an interesting learning experience that I could never have gotten anywhere else.”

Students have also taken a proactive approach, creating BrainFeeders, the first academic food studies student organization in the country. The idea for the group originated with its co-presidents and founders, Lindsay De May ’16 and Imelda Rodriguez ’16, when they took the Human Right to Food and Nutrition course with Bellows in 2014. “We felt we needed a club that addressed food beyond health and nutrition. We wanted to look at food access and sustainability on campus,” De May says. “The inspiration came from that class, where we were learning about implementing a human rights framework into a food system and figuring out what our role is to make food more accessible. It felt very natural to want to create a student club after that.”

The group has accomplished a lot in a short time, from completing the process for becoming a recognized student organization and establishing its identity, to recruiting members from across campus and getting several projects underway. Last fall, they brought a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program to campus for the first time, partnering with a Central New York farm to bring shares of fresh seasonal produce to more than 40 members of the SU community. BrainFeeders students also organized a weekly charter bus service from campus to the CNY Regional Market, and are now working with the campus sustainability committee and Food Services to find ways to bring more sustainable, local, and organic food to campus, including the establishment of a café with such offerings in Schine Student Center. “We’ve had amazing experiences with the group and have learned a lot,” Rodriguez says. “It’s been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I’ve done at SU.”

In May, De May and Rodriguez will receive their bachelor’s degrees from Falk College as two of the four members of the first graduating class in food studies. It’s an important milestone for them and for the new program they’ve helped shape and define by their presence and contributions here. “We’ve grown very quickly, and it’s been an exciting time for us and for our students,” Weissman says. He points to upcoming additions as the program flourishes, including a partnership with Syracuse University Abroad to offer classes in Florence starting next fall, and the development of a certificate of advanced study in food studies. “We’re a brand new program and still growing,” he says, “but I don’t think it is an overstatement to say that very quickly Syracuse University is going to be recognized as the place to study food.”

New Center Strengthens Nutrition Offerings
A longtime dream came true in September for Falk College nutrition faculty and students with the official opening of the Nutrition Assessment, Consultation, and Education (ACE) Center within the Falk Complex. Made possible by a visionary gift from Falk College alumna Rhoda Dearman Morrisroe ’69, the new center is a hands-on learning laboratory designed to prepare students with traditional and emerging professional competencies critical to effective nutrition practice. “The Nutrition ACE Center simulates the types of professional settings where its graduates will work, while providing ongoing, unique learning opportunities that give students a competitive advantage,” says Dean Diane Lyden Murphy.

The center comprises two lecture rooms, one with a media-ready demonstration kitchen and one with a teaching station; two private consultation rooms; a physical assessment room featuring the Bod Pod body composition testing system; and a conference room with media screen. The counseling and physical assessment rooms are equipped with two teaching mannequins, a tube feeding placement simulator, wall-mounted height-measuring devices and electronic scales, pediatric measuring equipment with several multiethnic infant mannequins, electronic blood pressure monitors, a lactation education baby, and a variety of food models.

The center’s counseling rooms allow students to practice nutrition consultation skills, while the demonstration kitchen supports the new integrative nutrition curriculum, which uses food as medicine to support disease treatment. “We already have many things to be proud of in the SU nutrition programs,” says nutrition professor Kay Stearns Bruening G’80. “Our students have above average placement rates in the required dietetic internships they must complete to obtain their practice credentials. And the pass rate for SU nutrition grads on the national credentialing exam is well above the national average. This new facility makes it possible for us to embrace and incorporate new initiatives being pursued by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, particularly around nutrition-focused physical examination and emerging areas in integrative and functional nutrition.”

According to Bruening, the Nutrition ACE Center also enhances research opportunities for faculty and student research at Falk. “The potential is tremendous, and with our current group of nutrition faculty with complementary interests, and our growing graduate program, the new facility and equipment can be put to use right away,” she says. “It also strengthens our position for collaborative and interdisciplinary research with health researchers at nearby universities and in the community.”

Bruening also points to a national initiative concerning inter-professional education—learning experiences designed to be completed by students from several health care disciplines working together. “With our new facility, we are well-positioned to reach out to health professions education programs in our area to design such learning experiences,” she says. “We’re very excited about and grateful for the new center, and what it means for the future of our nutrition programs.”

Food Studies Figures

Food Hubs

  • Since 2006-07, the number of regional food hubs—firms that aggregate local/regional food—throughout the United States has increased by 288 percent.*

Organic Sales

  • Sale of organic products increased 72 percent from 2008 to 2014, from $3.2 billion to $5.5 billion, with growth occurring in every sector.*

Farm to School

  • Between 2006 and 2012, there was a 430 percent increase in farm-to-school programs, with more than 4,000 school districts in the United States using locally sourced food in school meals.
  • Farm to school programs now exist in more than four out of 10 school districts in the United States.*

Farmers’ Markets and CSA Programs

  • In 2014, there were 8,268 farmers’ markets operating in the United States, up 180 percent since 2006.
  • 64 percent of farmers’ markets reported increased customer traffic; 63 percent reported increases in their number of repeat customers and in their annual sales.
  • According to 2012 data collected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 12,617 farms in the United States reported marketing products through a community-supported agriculture (CSA) arrangement.*


  • More than 42 million households in the United States (35 percent of all U.S. households) participated in food gardening in 2013, an increase of 17 percent in five years (source:
  • In 2008, there were eight million millennial food gardeners; in 2013, there were 13 million, an increase of 63 percent (source:
  • In Syracuse, the number of community gardens and urban farms has grown from three operating in 2007 to 23 in summer 2015 (source: *

*Information provided by Evan Weissman. Source is the U.S. Department of Agriculture, except where otherwise indicated.

Food (and sport) for thought


Patience and prioritization-that’s what two food studies majors at the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics say it takes to succeed in both the classroom and Division I sports.

Eli Silvi Uattara ’16 came 4,800 miles from Voronezh in the Russian Federation to study and compete at Syracuse University. She played outside hitter on the volleyball team, which she captained the past two years. During her career, she was twice named First-Team All-ACC.

“Patience is probably the most useful quality for a student athlete, because there are always going to be difficult moments in sports and in academic and student life,” Uattara says. “It’s hard to manage everything, but who said it was going to be easy?”

That’s why you get your priorities straight, says Deirdre Fitzpatrick ’16, who rows port on the SU women’s crew and whose trip home to Cheshire, Connecticut, is only 200 miles. Her honors include 2015 First-Team All-ACC, Second-Team All-American, and Collegiate Rowing Coaches Association (CRCA) National Scholar Athlete.

“Being a student athlete has really taught me about organization and prioritization,” she says. “You need to balance school and athletics with sleep, cooking and eating, homework, and social life. All are equally important in order to be good at both sports and academics.”

Uattara says she’s always been interested in food, “not only its consumption but all aspects, from food chemistry and microbiology through the cooking process, quality, and distribution.” For Fitzpatrick, “I simply love food and think that everyone should be informed about the risks and benefits of certain foods and how to access good, healthy, sustainable food.”

Both say sports powers stronger academics. “Sports makes people be more dedicated to what they do, whether it is the sport or academics,” Uattara says. “Athletes cannot perform if they give less than 100 percent, and this benefits my school work as well.”

Fitzpatrick concurs. “I think the lesson you learn from sports is that you have to practice to be good at something. It’s the same for school. To do well, you can’t just go to class and take the test. You need to do the readings, understand the concepts, and apply the knowledge.”

Uattara wants to play professional volleyball after college. Fitzpatrick is applying to Teach for America, saying, “I think I will finish my rowing career here at ‘Cuse.”

Both have met a big challenge. Fitzpatrick figures practice takes 17 hours a week; she studies three hours nightly. Says Uattara, “There are lots of nights where I stayed up to finish one thing or another, then made it to practice the next day. Athletes are probably the busiest people in college.”

The outside hitter and port rower-and food studies majors-wouldn’t want it any other way.

Leveraging the study of food into a dream job: Co-founders of Good Food Jobs visit campus February 24


Motivated by a strong belief that food is the perfect outlet for fulfilling employment because of its potential impact on culture, economics, and the environment, Good Food co-founders Taylor Cocalis Suarez and Dorothy Williams-Neagle will present “A sustainable approach to finding a good food job” on February 24, 3:45 p.m., 104 Falk Complex. The presentation is free and open to the campus and local communities.

Since its founding in October 2010, Good Food Jobs has registered 35,000 users and posted over 8,000 jobs across all disciplines, for full- and part-time, volunteer, apprenticeship, and other out-of-the-box jobs. The site educates people about the multitude of ways one can embark on a food-related career that is satisfying, empowering, and beneficial to others.

Graduates of Cornell University, the co-founders’ common goal was to build community around a subject that they knew had power: the individual desire to find fulfillment through one’s day-to-day work. Through their in-depth knowledge of the food industry, they will offer Syracuse University students first-hand insights and insider tips on how to find sustainable roles in the food world. Both have presented widely on topics including conservation and environmentalism, farm living, food entrepreneurship, nurturing human connection through food, and reviving American food culture through sound economics.

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