Sport Management  News

Falk College welcomes prospective students at New York City


Exterior of Lubin HouseOn Sunday, October 1, Falk College will welcome prospective students and family members in the greater New York City metropolitan area to an informational program at 12:00 noon at Syracuse University’s Lubin House, 11 E. 61st Street. A parking garage is available adjacent to the Lubin House building. In addition to the opportunity to meet one-on-one with Falk Admissions Office staff, the program will provide an overview of the college’s academic programs for undergraduates in Food Studies, Human Development and Family Science, Nutrition Dietetics, Nutrition Science, Pre-Health, Public Health, Social Work, Sport Analytics, and Sport Management.

Undergraduate Fall Orange Preview Days are scheduled for Monday, October 9 and Friday, November 10. Online registration for all programs is accessible at on Syracuse University’s website.

SPM associate professor Gina Pauline honored by Vera House

Gina Pauline holding the Award
Gina Pauline, sport management associate professor and undergraduate director, received a Vera House Special Appreciation Award on June 13, 2017.
On June 13, 2017, during a luncheon at the Doubletree by Hilton in East Syracuse, Vera House presented a Special Appreciation Award to Dr. Gina Pauline, sport management associate professor and undergraduate director.

Vera House acknowledged Pauline’s leadership in the creation of the Sport Venue and Event Management Charity Golf Classic. The inaugural tournament, which was held in 2016, benefited Vera House and resulted in a $15,000 donation. The 2017 tournament was held on May 8 at Drumlins Country Club and resulted in a $14,000 donation. Also, Syracuse University special assistant to the Chancellor Barry L. Wells was honored.

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Congratulations Falk faculty!

Ellen deLara and Mary Ann Middlemiss posed
Professors Ellen deLara and Mary Ann Middlemiss at Falk Convocation.
Portrait of Sarah Short and Diane Murphy
Professor Sarah Short and Dean Diane Lyden Murphy at retirement celebration. Photos courtesy of Prof. Alejandro Garcia.

Dean Murphy, along with Falk College faculty and staff, congratulate faculty who retired at the end of the 2016-17 academic year, including:

  • Ellen deLara, associate professor emerita, social work;
  • Mary Ann Middlemiss, associate professor emerita, public health, and;
  • Sarah Short, professor emerita, nutrition.

In May, the following faculty promotions were announced:

  • Lynn Brann, associate professor, Nutrition
  • Ambika Krishnakumar, professor, Human Development and Family Science
  • Katherine McDonald, professor, Public Health
  • Patrick Walsh, tenured and associate professor, Sport Management

Congratulations Class of 2017!


Dean Diane Lyden Murphy, along with the faculty and staff of Falk College, congratulates the Class of 2017! We are excited to see where your careers take you. Remember that you are “forever orange” and will always be a part of Falk College and Syracuse University.

We invite you to stay in touch and connect through social media, on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

As alumni, you will now receive FalkTalk, Falk College’s email newsletter for alumni, parents and friends. FalkTalk keeps you up-to-date with news headlines, student highlights, and upcoming events delivered to your inbox at the end of each semester.

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We have many photos to share that recap some of the celebration events of this past week:

Check out more photos of commencement weekend on Collage or at #SUGrad17.

Falk College honors faculty for excellence in service, research, teaching


Bruce Carter, Katherine McDonald, Gina Pauline named 2017 Falk College Faculty of the Year

Faculty members from the Departments of Human Development & Family Science, Public Health, Food Studies & Nutrition, and Sport Management were honored for excellence in service, research and teaching with 2017 Falk College Faculty of the Year Awards. The honorees, who are nominated by their peers for outstanding performance and contributions to students, Falk College, Syracuse University and beyond, were recognized by Diane Lyden Murphy, Dean.

“It is with great joy that we honor professors Bruce Carter, Katherine McDonald, and Gina Pauline.,” says Diane Lyden Murphy. “Falk College is privileged to have faculty like these, who are truly dedicated to the success of our students. We appreciate their many contributions to their respective academic departments, as well as to the college and Syracuse University as a whole.”

Bruce Carter posed with Jennifer Wilkins, Diane Murphy and award
Associate Professor Bruce Carter (middle) accepts 2017 Falk College Faculty of the Year Award for excellence in service with Diane Lyden Murphy, Dean (right), and Falk Endowed Professor of Practice Jennifer Wilkins (left). Photo credit: Alejandro Garcia, Jocelyn Falk Endowed Professor of Social Work
Katherine McDonald posed with Diane Murphy and award
Associate Professor Katherine McDonald (middle) accepts 2017 Falk College Faculty of the Year Award for excellence in research with Diane Lyden Murphy, Dean (right), and Assistant Professor Deborah Coolhart (left). Photo credit: Alejandro Garcia, Jocelyn Falk Endowed Professor of Social Work
Gina Pauline posed with Diane Lyden Murphy and award
Associate Professor Gina Pauline accepts 2017 Falk College Faculty of the Year Award for excellence in teaching, is applauded by Diane Lyden Murphy, Dean. Photo credit: Alejandro Garcia, Jocelyn Falk Endowed Professor of Social Work

Sport venue and event management students host charity golf tournament May 8

Otto posed with golfers
Golfers and Otto at the inaugural Charity Golf Tournament to benefit Vera House; this year’s event planned for May 8.

Graduate students in Falk College’s Department of Sport Management are hosting the Second Annual Sport Venue & Event Management Charity Golf Classic May 8 at Drumlins Country Club East Course beginning at 12:00 p.m. Monies raised will support Vera House’s comprehensive domestic and sexual violence programs. The goal of the event is to raise $20,000—while raising awareness—for Vera House.

The Sport Venue & Event Management Golf Classic includes 18 holes of golf, lunch, and a dinner reception for the $150 individual entry fee. For those interested in attending the reception, only, $40 tickets are available. The reception-only tickets include dinner, a silent auction, and raffles to benefit Vera House.

“Partnering with the Vera House is something that is extremely important for us because of the increasing domestic and sexual abuse on college campuses happening today. Being able to gain event experience and work with Vera House to help bring awareness of the cause and the resources that are available really pushes us to put in the extra effort to make the golf tournament as successful as possible,” says Candace Sena, sport venue and event management graduate student.

The execution of the tournament is part of the sport venue and event management curriculum that requires students to organize an event to gain a direct, hands-on learning experience working in all facets of the sports industry. To date, their efforts have included selecting the community partner, course operations, marketing, communications, hospitality, fundraising, and sponsorships.

This event deliberately connects event management courses, including experiential learning opportunities, with social responsibility, which is a hallmark of all academic programs across Falk College. During March, the students and many others at Syracuse University joined thousands throughout Central New York wearing a white ribbon or white wristband to raise awareness about domestic and sexual violence in support of the annual White Ribbon Campaign, which is led by men and encourages all members of the community to join them in their efforts. Students participated in the annual White Ribbon Breakfast, and met with Vera House staff throughout the semester.

“Last year in the first year of the event, the students set the bar very high. As a result, I have challenged this group to go above and beyond the expectations set forth for them. During the past nine months, the students have worked hard learning and applying the concepts of event planning to this event,” says Dr. Gina Pauline, sport management associate professor and undergraduate director. “When we started in July, the students simply thought only about the focus of planning an event and now it has turned into so much more as they now understand social responsibility. For the second year, Vera House has been a tremendous organization to partner with. The impact this project has left on each and every one of them professionally and personally is tremendous.”

SPM students immersed in Los Angeles sports culture over spring break

Students in Los Angeles
The students met NBA legend Bill Walton (back row)

Eighteen Sport Management students enrolled in SPM 358 (Los Angeles Immersion) traveled to Los Angeles from March 11-18, 2017, where they met with more than 40 executives from the sport industry in seven days. One highlight was meeting NBA legend Bill Walton. The group also visited NASCAR, UCLA, LA Clippers, LA Dodgers, Monster Energy Drinks, Mandalay Baseball, LA Marathon, CAA, FOX, AEG, LA Kings, Staples Center, Stub Hub Center, Santa Anita Racetrack, Rose Bowl, Hollywood Bowl, NFL Network, and LA Coliseum, among others. SPM director Michael Veley and SPM internship placement coordinator Francesco Riverso accompanied the students on the trip.

Sport Management Club raises over $40,000 during 12th Charity Sports Auction

Presentation of the check in the Dome
From left to right: Alex Wood, 2016 auction co-chair, Kate Veley, Sport Management Club advisor, Linda Cleary, McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center executive director, Colleen Merced, McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center associate director, Kyle O’Connor, 2016 auction co-chair

The Sport Management (SPM) Club at Syracuse University is excited to announce it has raised $42,900 for The McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center as a result of its 12th Annual Charity Sports Auction. During the SU men’s basketball game on December 10th, supporters placed bids on hundreds of items, including sports memorabilia, electronics and tickets to major sporting events. In conjunction with the live event, Steiner Sports also hosted an online auction, which showcased a number of premium items up for bid.

“As a result of months of hard work on behalf of nearly 100 Syracuse University students, we’ve attained our second highest total in the 12-year history of this event,” said Kate Veley, SPM club co-advisor. “It wouldn’t have been possible without the many products and services generously donated by the Syracuse community, and later bid on by thousands of SU fans. Our thanks to everyone who through their gifts, have allowed us to perpetuate this event in support of the community our students call home.”

“McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center is so proud of the Sport Management Club students for the amazing job they did with their charity auction,” said McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center Executive Director Linda Cleary.  “We were honored to be selected as the beneficiary of the charity auction and be able to be a part of it.  Congratulations to the students on a job well done!  Thank you for helping us put children on a path to healing.”

McMahon/Ryan is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to ending child abuse through intervention and education. The organization offers a safe, child-friendly process for abused children and their families, supported by a committed, professional team specializing in the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child abuse. The Child Advocacy Center provides services to nearly 700 child victims and their families each year.

The SPM Club is a student-run organization in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics’ Sport Management Department. Since its founding in 2005, the Club has now raised over $360,000 for local charities. Previous beneficiaries of the Club’s annual charity auction have included the Boys & Girls Clubs, American Diabetes Association, Golisano Children’s Hospital at Upstate, the Ronald McDonald House Charities of CNY, the Central New York SPCA, the Upstate Cancer Center, Special Olympics New York and Food Bank of CNY, Make-A-Wish of CNY and the Salvation Army.

SU Women in Sports and Events (WISE) hosts February 19 panel on careers in sports


Syracuse University’s Women in Sports and Events (WISE) will host “Shoot for Success: WISE Women in Sports,” a pre-game panel discussion on Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 2 p.m. in the Carrier Dome. Organized in collaboration with Syracuse University Athletics, the panel discussion will take place before the SU women’s basketball team tips off against Notre Dame at 5 p.m.

Designed for women interested in pursuing professional careers in sports and events, the event will feature helpful how-to guidance and personal experiences from panelists on leading a successful career in sports. Guest panelists include:

  • Boston Celtics Group Ticket Sales Manager, Chrissy Cronin
  • Boston Celtics Director of Marketing, Kara Hutchinson
  • ESPN Women’s College Basketball Analyst, Gail Goestenkors
  • ESPN Coordinating Producer, Kate Jackson
  • ESPN Play-by-Play Announcer, Pam Ward
  • NCAA Director of Business Operations for Women’s Basketball, Tracie Hitz

“It is so important to show young women that they can compete and be successful in sports, especially when it is such a male-dominated industry,” says sport management major and WISE president Paige Serra ‘17. “We wanted to gather a group of female leaders and successful individuals together to have them share their experiences, teach us about smart business practices, and inspire us to compete to be the best for the job, regardless of gender. Having an event like this will not only help the members of WISE, but it will also encourage community members in attendance to think about a path that they might not have previously considered.”

The Syracuse University chapter of Women in Sports and Events—the first collegiate chapter in the nation established in Falk College’s Department of Sport Management in 2009—includes women from all majors on campus interested in pursuing careers in sports and events. The organization, which meets on Tuesday evenings from 6-7 p.m. in Falk 441, promotes professional development and civic engagement.

The group’s activities planned for the spring 2017 semester include traveling to the University of Connecticut for its Sports Business Conference January 28 and co-hosting a Power Hour Career Panel with regional National Association of Collegiate Women Athletics Administrators (NACWAA) members February 7. Last fall, WISE hosted a “Dress for Success” outing to Destiny USA where retailers provided tips on dressing for interviews. Members also participated in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF benefitting the United Nations Children’s Fund, and attended Syracuse University Women’s Basketball’s “Women in Business Night.”

“WISE as a national organization is a strong network of accomplished women across the country, so having a student chapter is a fantastic networking tool for our students that are involved in the organization as well as a great model to emulate its mission locally on campus,” says Imbrogno. “It also provides our young women the opportunity to lead, create, plan, and execute tangible events and activities to gain real-life work experiences to take with them into their professional careers.”

SU’s New Sport Analytics degree featured in national magazine


In May 2016, the Department of Sport Management at Syracuse University announced the creation of a new degree program in Sport Analytics. Since then, the announcement has generated a lot of media interest. The latest feature coming in the national magazine Athletics Administration.

In its December 2016 issue, Athletics Administration ran a piece written by Syracuse University senior Justin Mattingly, who is majoring in Journalism and Political Science and minoring in Sport Management. The piece is titled “The Moneyball Mentality” and the cover of the issue features a photograph of Sport Management director Michael Veley and SPM Class of 2016 graduate Blake Johnson.

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