CFS Student Organizes Clothing Drive for High School Workshop

In preparation for an hour-­‐long workshop geared to target students of junior and senior class standing in Fowler Highschool, WCNY and David B. Falk senior and workshop presenter, Chyna A. Fox, are looking to collect new to gently used business professional garments and accessories to coincide with their presentation.

The newly developed Trying on Success workshop has been structured to provide students with valuable appearance-­‐related information about how to dress in job and college interviews as well as “on-­‐the-­‐job”. During this very interactive workshop, students will learn what appropriate business attire is and how to dress for success.

The workshop will feature…

  • “What Will You Wear” a hands-­‐on game presented by Syracuse University’s Fashion’s Conscience, where students will dress mannequins to demonstrate the differences between business professional versus business casual dress styles
  • A business wardrobe photo-­‐shoot where students will be given the opportunity to dress up mannequins in donated clothing and have photos taken of the mannequins they personally style in business attire that they can take home with them as a reminder and a reference for dressing for success.
  • A raffle where one student will earn the chance to receive a $50 store voucher for 3fifteen Thrift Shop to pick out their very own business professional outfit.

We want to help make sure that students in our community are career and college ready, to encourage them to have successful and prosperous futures. We want them to exude confidence in professional settings and knowing how to dress appropriately in the business world is one way to help build that confidence.

Could you assist us by donating business-­‐type clothing items such as shirts, sweaters, ties, slacks, dresses, vests, hosiery and blazers for use in our workshop?