The University’s Community Review Board (CRB) invites students, faculty and staff to its fall open forum on Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 4 to 5 p.m. in 335 Falk College or online via Zoom.
After a brief introduction of the CRB’s mission and representatives, Associate Vice President and Chief Craig Stone will present the Department of Public Safety (DPS) policies that are currently being reviewed by the CRB and invite attendees to comment on them. The forum will also serve as a listening session where members of the campus community can share about their experiences or ask thoughtful questions related to the DPS and policing on campus.
For those attending in person, light refreshments will be available and Communications Access Realtime Translation (CART) will be provided. To request additional accommodations, please contact crb@syr.edu.
“We are all responsible for the well-being of our community. The CRB is a vehicle that aids us in better understanding each other and how we must function as a community. I encourage people to take a look at participating and see a side of their community they may not otherwise engage with,” says Mary Kiernan, associate teaching professor of nutrition and food studies in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics and new chair of the CRB.
Jordan S. Beasley ’24, a political science major in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and the College of Arts and Sciences, is serving as the co-chair of the CRB and encourages student participation in events like the open forums. “I joined the CRB to ensure student voices are heard and included in the policies and decisions that will ultimately affect the future of student life at Syracuse University,” says Beasley.
Getting to Know the New Co-Chairs
Kiernan and Beasley have succeeded the inaugural chair of the CRB, Brianna Sclafani L’23, G’23 who graduated this past May. Along with the other members of the CRB, they each bring their own unique perspective and are looking forward to what they can accomplish as their times as co-chairs.
Kiernan, as a faculty member and originally from a small town and in an environment very different than Syracuse, hopes to be a strong member for all the communities of Syracuse University.
“Growing up, our chief of police knew us kids by name, and we knew him. There was rapport among neighbors. The saying ‘it takes a village’ is true to me. We are all in this world together and need to work on understanding more than just the lens we see through,” says Kiernan. “By being part of the CRB, I will see more than one side of an issue; looking holistically at things, whether they be a change in a regulation or a case, is important. I hope my participation strengthens what a community is representative of.”
She invites and encourages everyone in the community to participate in the CRB and see a side of the community that they may not engage with otherwise. “We are all responsible for the well-being of our community and the CRB is a vehicle that aids us in better understanding each other and how we must function as a community,” says Kiernan.
Through the lens of a student, Beasley hopes to make the CRB more transparent and accessible to the student body. “I believe that our board is vital to the shared governance that this University balances itself upon. My goal moving forward is to continue to impact the policies within our realm,” he says. “We are here to serve and we are an accessible body. We will strive to ensure that all the decisions we make and the policies we advocate will benefit everyone who steps through the gates of Syracuse University.” Beasley encourages everyone to reach out to him via email if would like to share their concerns.
History of the CRB
The CRB was created following an independent review of DPS by former Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch in 2020-21. It is responsible for:
- reviewing appeals of civilian complaints regarding DPS officer conduct;
- reviewing and commenting on prospective new DPS policies, procedures and trainings;
- reviewing key community-facing functions of DPS; and
- issuing to the University community a public annual report of findings and recommendations.
CRB Membership
Current members serving on the CRB include the following:
- La’Kesa Allen, community standards coordinator, Office of Community Standards
- Mary Grace Almandrez, vice president of diversity and inclusion, Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Linda Baguma, undergraduate student, College of Arts and Sciences
- Jordan Beasley, undergraduate student, College of Arts and Sciences (co-chair)
- Rebecca Reed Kantrowitz, associate dean, Hendricks Chapel
- Mary Kiernan, associate teaching professor, Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics (chair)
- Maria Pettolina, professor of practice, Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute
- Omnia Shedid, graduate student, College of Law
- William Simurra, graduate student, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
The CRB has also engaged two highly experienced consultants to advise on its work. Bethaida “Bea” González, former vice president for community engagement, special assistant to the chancellor and dean of University College, is senior advisor to the CRB; and Melvin “Tony” Perez, former chief of public safety for Monroe Community College, serves as its expert law enforcement consultant.
Interested in joining the CRB? Currently, there are two openings for undergraduate and staff representation. For those interested in being considered, please complete this application [PDF] and submit it to the specific individual designated for your constituent group:
- Undergraduate students: One undergraduate student will be selected by the Student Association (SA); please submit your application to Will Treloar, president of SA.
- Staff: A staff member will be selected by the Office of Human Resources; please submit your application to Andrew Gordon, senior vice president and chief human resource officer.
For more information, visit the CRB webpage or contact the CRB directly by email to CRB@syr.edu.
An SU Story by News Staff originally published on October 30, 2023.