Research Ethics for All: Accessible Research Ethics Education for Community Research Partners

Katherine McDonald (PH) Co-Lead and Ariel Schwartz (University of New Hampshire) Co-Lead, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), 11/1/21-1/31/24.

As part of a broader disability rights movement, adults with developmental disabilities are increasingly influencing scientific research. In these roles, adults with developmental disabilities help decide what to study, how to study it, what it all means, and what to do with the new information—all with the goal of conducting research aligned with community needs and values. To carry out these roles, community research partners may need certification in ethical issues in social and behavioral research.

Research Ethics for All (RE4ALL): Accessible Research Ethics Education for Community Research Partners is a free resource that provides community research partners disability-accessible education in ethical issues in social and behavioral research. Research Ethics for All was made by people with developmental disabilities, disability service providers, researchers, and human participant protections experts. Research Ethics for All may be provided to community research partners with developmental disabilities to support ethical conduct of social and behavioral research.

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Read a Syracuse University News article about this grant.