Jason DeFreitas


Jason DeFreitas (he/him/his) joined the Department of Exercise Science in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics in the Fall 2024 semester as a pre-tenured full professor and department chair.

Prior to joining Syracuse University, DeFreitas was an associate professor and program coordinator of the Health and Human Performance program at Oklahoma State University. He spent 11 years at Oklahoma State, where he primarily taught classes in neuroanatomy and neuromuscular physiology.

DeFreitas’ research focuses on how the brain controls movement, and how that control system changes with aging and/or training. His lab utilizes brain stimulation techniques, functional brain imaging, nerve conduction studies, and more. He has a strong applied focus with goals of reducing fall risk in older adults through physical activity interventions and improved diagnostic testing.

His lab, the Neural Health Research Laboratory, is currently supported by the De Luca Foundation and the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) Award in Aging Biology and Geroscience Research, a three-year award sponsored by the Hevolution Foundation.

While at Oklahoma State, Dr. DeFreitas won multiple university-wide research awards, including the President’s Fellows Faculty Research Award (2021), the Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award (2019) and the Regents Distinguished Research Award (2018). He also won multiple university-level awards for his graduate student mentorship, including the Phoenix Award (2015) and Advising Excellence Award (2015).

DeFreitas earned a Ph.D. in 2013 and master’s degree in 2009, both from the University of Oklahoma. He received his bachelor’s degree in 2007 from the University of Connecticut.


Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology, University of Oklahoma, 2013

M.S. in Exercise Physiology, University of Oklahoma, 2009

B.S. in Exercise Science, University of Connecticut, 2007


Neurosciences, Exercise physiology, Motor control, Behavioural neuroscience

Research Projects

Improving Sensorimotor Assessments to Predict Fall-risk in Older Adults. Funded by the De Luca Foundation, November 2023 – December 2024.

Recent Publications

  • Danielson, T. L., Gould, L. A., DeFreitas, J. M., MacLennan, R. J., Ekstrand, C., Borowsky, R., ... & Andrushko, J. W. (2024). Activity in the pontine reticular nuclei scales with handgrip force in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology, 131(5), 807-814.
  • MacLennan, R. J., Hernandez-Sarabia, J. A., Reese, S. M., Shields, J. E., Smith, C. M., Stute, K., ... & DeFreitas, J. M. (2024). fNIRS is capable of distinguishing laterality of lower body contractions. Experimental Brain Research, 242(5), 1115-1126.
  • Beausejour, J. P., Rusch, J., Knowles, K. S., Pagan, J. I., Chaput, M., Norte, G. E., ... & Stock, M. S. (2024). A Comparison of Techniques to Determine Active Motor Threshold for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Research. bioRxiv, 2024-04.
  • Andrushko, J. W., Carr, J. C., Farthing, J. P., Lepley, L. K., DeFreitas, J. M., Goodall, S., ... & Boyd, L. A. (2023). Potential role of cross-education in early-stage rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 57(23), 1474-1475.
  • Danielson, T. L., Gould, L., DeFreitas, J. M., MacLennan, R. J., Ekstrand, C., Borowsky, R., ... & Andrushko, J. W. (2023). Activity in the reticulospinal tract scales with handgrip force in humans. bioRxiv, 2023-10.
  • Smith, C. M., Shields, J. E., Reese, S. M., Dos Santos, M. L., & DeFreitas, J. M. (2023). Is Nerve Size Sensitive To Potential Changes In Neuron Size? A Preliminary Study: 701. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 55(9S), 239.
  • Shields, J. E., Smith, C. M., Reese, S. M., Dos Santos, M. L., & DeFreitas, J. M. (2023). Quantifying The Trainability Of Peripheral Nerve Function In Young And Older Adults: 1610. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 55(9S), 532-533.
  • Roberts, M.D., Defreitas, J.M. (2023). Measures of Neuromuscular Function. In: Atherton, P.J., Wilkinson, D.J. (eds) Neuromuscular Assessments of Form and Function. Neuromethods, vol 204. Humana, New York, NY.
  • Smith, C; Shields, J; Reese, S; Dos Santos, M; and DeFreitas, J (2023) "Do Nerves Grow In Response To Resistance Training? A Preliminary Study," International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings: Vol. 11: Iss. 10, Article 51.
  • MacLennan, R; Hernandez-Sarabia, J; Reese, S; Shields, J; Smith, C; Stute, K; Collyar, J; Olmos, A; Danielson, T; MacLennan, D; Pagan, J; Girts, R; Harmon, K; Coker, N; Carr, J; Ye, X; Perry, J; Stock, M; and DeFreitas, J (2023) "FNIRS Brain Imaging Is Capable Of Discerning Hemispheric Laterality During Lower-Body Contractions," International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings: Vol. 11: Iss. 10, Article 60.