April 10-11, 2014 at Bloomsburg University
The 5th Annual Mini-Conference on Play, Early Childhood Development, and Education is sponsored by Bloomsburg University, Department of Curriculum and Instruction and College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Curriculum and Instruction and College of Education, and by the Department of Child and Family Studies, Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. The opening session will be held on April 11, 2013 at the College of Education, Bloomsburg University in Kehr Union, Multipurpose B, starting at 8:30 a.m. The first presentation begins at 9 a.m., and the conference concludes at noon.
This year’s conference, a joint effort by Bloomsburg University’s College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University’s College of Education and The Falk College, Syracuse University, emphasizes the promotion of developmentally and culturally appropriate practices in early childhood development and education by highlighting the interplay among ecological niches, child development, and early education. The conference aims to increase interdisciplinary understanding of the role of family, community, and educational practices in childhood development. In keeping with the mission of promoting children’s safety and optimal development, this year’s topics include: International Festival of Street Games; Teaching Teachers to Play in Early Childhood Education; International Perspectives on Play; Kids Want Play-Friendly Parents and Teachers, and Doctoral Student Research.