In commemoration of National Professional Social Work Month during March, the School of Social Work in Falk College will present its annual Dan and Mary Lou Rubenstein Social Justice Award program on Monday, March 25, at 6:45 p.m. in Hendricks Chapel. The keynote address will be given by Colonel Parker Schenecker, United States Army (retired), titled, “Overcoming Adversity: Embracing Resilience and Social Change.”
Colonel Parker Schenecker was a senior leader and strategist in the U.S. intelligence community, responsible for support to the U.S. defense and counter-terrorism efforts in the Middle East. He finished his 27 year Army career at U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida, with combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and over 20 deployments in the Middle East. His unique story of service, honor and resilience overcoming adversity is inspiring. After 30-plus years of government service, this leader, role model and father has chosen to continue his service by remembering how his children lived.
Lepa Jones is the president of Mothers Against Gun Violence, who, along with A Tiny Home for Good, Inc. of Syracuse, New York, will be honored that evening with the 2019 Dan and Mary Lou Rubenstein Social Justice Awards for their respective demonstrated commitments to service and social justice in the Syracuse community.
Mothers Against Gun Violence is a grassroots organization that works with neighborhood leaders, politicians, media and local organizations to address and prevent gun violence. A Tiny Home for Good, Inc. supports those facing homelessness by providing affordable, safe and dignified homes and fostering strong community partnerships to ensure resident stability.
Presented for more than 30 years, the Rubenstein Social Justice Award is given in honor of the late professor Dan Rubenstein, a former faculty member in the School of Social Work and his late wife, Mary Lou, a former school social worker. Recipients of this award are role models whose courage and strength inspire others to stand up—and step up—to advocate and be a voice in the Syracuse community. The values of social justice are integral to their daily lives. The work of honorees each year, by their individual and collective examples, exemplify the true spirit of the Rubenstein Social Justice Award.
The event is free and open to the public. Reception to follow. R.S.V.P. to Laura Brown at ljmarra@syr.edu or 315.443.5562 by March 18. Communications Access Realtime Translation (CART) services will be provided. For accommodations requests, please contact Laura Brown at ljmarra@syr.edu or 315.443.5562 by March 18.