Child and family studies Ph.D. student, Elif Dede Yildirim, working with Jaipaul Roopnarine, Ph.D., has received a $100,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families. The research project, “Paternal Factors and Childhood Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Relationship Quality and Support Networks,” offers great promise for state and local agencies that focus on preventing developmental risks to children that are attributed to challenging home and neighborhood environments. Several initiatives at the federal, state, and local levels have identified fathers as important figures in combating poverty, reducing the lost developmental potential of young…
A standing-room-only audience of students, faculty and staff had the chance to hear the insights of Mark Bittman, one of the country’s best-known, most widely respected food writers. Bittman, who was in Syracuse as the featured speaker at the Rosamond Gifford Lecture on November 5, made a special trip to campus to meet with students in Falk College’s food studies and nutrition programs. The question-and-answer format led by Bittman explored many topics, including how students can work with their faculty to help expand the percentage of locally produced food served on campus, why people who are ‘foodies’ are becoming increasingly…
Faculty, staff, students available to talk about programs, coursework, student life Syracuse University faculty, staff and current students will welcome potential graduate students interested in the Falk College’s graduate programs in child and family studies, public health, marriage and family therapy, nutrition science, social work andsport management during a special Fall Information Session for graduate studies on Saturday, November 15. The presentation begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Shaffer Art Building, Shemin Auditorium. Detailed information will be provided on graduate programs in child and family studies (MA, MS, Ph.D.), child and family health (MS), marriage and family therapy (MA), social…
MFT 400: Introduction to Couple and Family Therapy Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:45pm – 5:05pm Introduction to couple and family therapy theory and techniques, including structural, strategic, intergenerational, and experiential couple and family therapy. MFT 600: Interpersonal Violence and Family Therapy Thursdays, 9:30am – 12:15pm Systemic approaches to the assessment and treatment of domestic violence, child, spousal, and parental abuse, and other forms of interpersonal violence.
Alejandro Garcia, Ph.D., was honored recently with the State Society on Aging of New York’s (SSANY) 2014 Advocate for Older Adults Award. The Advocate for Older Adults Award recognizes a record of planning, policy development and advocacy work. Garcia, who currently holds the position of professor of social work in the Falk College at Syracuse University where he has taught in the areas of gerontology, social policy, and human diversity for 35 years, was nominated by Maria Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, a member of the Board of Directors for SSANY who also accepted the honor on his behalf at the Society’s…
On November 10, students in Syracuse University’s School of Social Work in the Falk College explored the implications of policy changes for social workers and other health professionals as New York State moves forward with reforming its behavioral health system. The 16th Annual James L. Stone Legislative Policy Symposium, entitled “Serving Adults with Severe Mental Illnesses: Will New York State Get It Right?”, offered a day-long interaction connecting students with the first-hand expertise of faculty, agency leaders, government officials and human services practitioners on the future of community-based care for adults with severe mental illnesses. The day-long event, held at…
The Trauma Research Education for Undergraduates (REU) program, launched three years ago by Falk Family Endowed Professor of Public Health, Brooks Gump and SUNY Oswego psychology professor Karen Wolford, trains veterans and non-veterans to conduct trauma-related research. A joint venture of Syracuse University, the State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego and SUNY Upstate Medical University, the Trauma REU is offered to 10 students each year. It starts with an intense, immersive summer program–four weeks of trauma coursework while crafting a research project–and continues through the year as students conduct research under faculty supervision. Students are a mix of…
by Samantha Maristany Social Work Major, Class of 2015 My name is Samantha Maristany and I am from the beautiful state of Maine. Syracuse University was my dream college and I feel blessed that I have been able to spend the past four years of my life here. From the moment I took a college tour, I knew that Syracuse was where I wanted to be. This is my final year at Syracuse University and thinking about my time here, quickly coming to an end, truly pains me. All that I have participated in, all the activities I have done,…
This course will help students understand pediatric death, dying and loss through exploring the psychosocial, sociocultural and ethical aspects of loss and through examining concepts of loss, grief and bereavement. Theories of child and adolescent development will provide students with a comprehensive framework of children’s understanding of illness and end of life care. Students will be given the opportunity to examine their own beliefs about death through the analysis of their own life experiences.
Falk College nutrition students recently gave a cooking demo for the AHL Syracuse Crunch at the War Memorial as Part One of a three-part nutrition education series. Students Andy Lai, Megan Mullins, Sarah Skinner and Rachel Mallory taught 15 of the hockey players how to make veggie scrambled eggs, lemon caper chicken, a berry recovery smoothie and roasted sweet potato fries. The students shared cooking tips and provided facts about the importance of nutrition for fueling and recovering from rigorous practice and game schedules. The athletes asked lots of questions and ate all the food. Next, students will take them…