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Another Milestone

Falk College’s Sport Analytics Program Receives STEM Designation
A group of students are in a room with a presenter

Sport Analytics Director Rodney Paul (right, standing) speaks to students and Falk College benefactor David Falk (left, center) at a reception last April for sport analytics students who represented Syracuse University in national competitions during the Spring semester.

The expanding Sport Analytics program in Falk College’s Department of Sport Management recently reached another significant milestone as it was granted the prestigious Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) designation.

This recognition from the U.S. Department of Education is a testament to the program’s academic rigor and alignment with the evolving needs of the sport analytics industry. The major, minor, and Certificate of Advance Study programs now stand alongside the Master of Science degree, which was launched in 2023. Under the leadership of Director Rodney Paul, the Sport Analytics program will be an anchor of the new David B. Falk College of Sport, the first college on a high-research activity campus (R1) to focus on sport-related disciplines.

The College of Sport, which will officially start July 1, 2025, will also include a new research institute focused on sport and will connect business, digital media, technology, and other areas to fuel innovation in sport and health outcomes.

Jackie Dorchester portrait
Jackie Dorchester

“For Falk College, this elevates our programs to be on par with other schools and colleges who have a STEM designation,” says Jackie Dorchester, program coordinator for the Sport Analytics program. “This allows us to be eligible for grants and funding for quality research that will be a focus of the College of Sport – research that’s being done by students as well as faculty.”

To obtain the STEM designation, Dorchester undertook an extensive assessment of similar programs and diligently applied for the change in Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). Following a comprehensive review process by Falk College, Syracuse University, and New York State, the designation was implemented at the start of the Fall 2024 semester. This meticulous process ensures the credibility and value of the STEM designation, particularly as the Department of Homeland Security uses CIP codes to determine STEM fields for student visa purposes.

While sport analytics students focus on sports, the skills they learn in the program cover a vast range of skills in demand in today’s job market, including mathematics and statistics, databases and SQL, programming languages, economics and econometrics skills, data science techniques, and effective communication.

This esteemed STEM designation will not only enhance the program’s reputation, but help it attract the best international students. It serves as a testament to the program’s commitment to prepare students for top analytics positions both in the United States and abroad.

“It broadens our applicant pool – enriching the variety of perspectives in our classrooms and programs – and opens doors for international students seeking study and employment opportunities through STEM-designated VISAs,” Dorchester says. “Domestically, it provides greater access to grants and federal funding for students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, ensuring that education remains an inclusive and transformative opportunity for all.”

Visit the Department of Sport Management academic programs web page to learn more about sport management, sport analytics, and esports in Falk College.