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Focused on Future Success

Human Dynamics Task Force Members Appointed, Set to Begin Work

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A task force charged with the reimagination of Syracuse University’s human dynamics academic programs has been convened by Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter.

The work of the Human Dynamics Task Force will focus on programs in human development and family science; marriage and family therapy; public health; and social work with the aim of positioning them for future success by leveraging opportunities and expanding impact. Those programs have long been housed in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics which, as announced in April, will become the David B. Falk College of Sport and focus exclusively on sport-related disciplines.

“The human dynamics programs have played an important role in the history of our University, and have had a significant impact on the communities they serve,” Provost Ritter says. “With the transformation of Falk College comes a unique opportunity to take a thoughtful approach to ensuring the future success of these programs and the continuation of that legacy.”

The first meeting of the task force was held May 28, and work will continue throughout the summer. A final report will be submitted to Provost Ritter by the end of October.

Members of the task force include:

  • Lois Agnew, associate provost for academic programs (co-chair)
  • Rachel Razza, associate dean for human dynamics, Falk College (co-chair)
  • Colleen Cameron, professor of practice of human development and family science, Falk College
  • Marcelle Haddix, associate provost for strategic initiatives
  • Jody Levison-Johnson, Falk College Advisory Board
  • Melissa Luke, Dean’s Professor, School of Education
  • Kenneth James Marfilius, assistant dean for online and distance education and associate teaching professor of social work, Falk College
  • Sharon Owens, deputy mayor, City of Syracuse
  • Ian Richardson, assistant director of undergraduate admissions, Falk College
  • Ann Rooney, deputy county executive for human services, Onondaga County
  • Tracey Reichert Schimpff, member, Falk Faculty Council and associate teaching professor and graduate director of marriage and family therapy, Falk College
  • Merril Silverstein, professor of human development and family science and Marjorie Cantor Professor of Aging Studies, Falk College
  • Yvonne (Eevie) Smith, associate professor of social work, Falk College
  • Maureen Thompson, associate professor and undergraduate director of public health, Falk College
  • Dyane Watson, professor of practice and chair of marriage and family therapy, Falk College
  • Ryan O. Williams, associate dean, College of Professional Studies

A Syracuse University News story by Wendy S. Loughlin originally published on June 6, 2024.