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Together for Better: Diane Lyden Murphy’s 45 Years of Service

Diane reflects on her time at Syracuse University, and the people and experiences that prepared her for leadership.

Dianne L. Murphy Portrait

Diane Lyden Murphy


Many know Diane Lyden Murphy as the Dean of Falk College, a position she has held since 2005. But her journey and impact at Syracuse extend well beyond her deanship. In many ways, her leadership in Falk College was shaped by the people and experiences in Diane’s life before Falk College even existed.

As we approach the end of August 2023 and the conclusion of her deanship, we sat down with Diane to reflect on her personal journey to academia; her calling to social policy, social justice, and feminist scholarship; and her remarkable 45 years of service at Syracuse University. Here is her story:

Moving In a Crowd

“Do you want to be a jumping hyena? Or do you want to play ball?” One of the sisters who taught at Our Lady of the Valley, a Catholic high school in Orange, New Jersey, was encouraging a young Diane Lyden to join the basketball team. It was the early 1960s, a time when women’s competitive sports were still new and most young women were cheerleaders. “The nuns were my first feminist teachers,” she said. “I didn’t know it then.”
Thanks to the nuns’ encouragement, Diane joined the women’s team, which won several state championships in northern New Jersey. “I wasn’t top of the team. But my very best friend Bernie was. She was a top shooter in Jersey. Boys would get scholarships every year. But there were no scholarships for Bernie, so she did not go to college.”

Growing up in North Jersey, there were Irish, Italian, and Polish neighborhoods. At home, she was part of a multi-generational household of first-generation Irish Catholics. Diane was the eldest of 10 children—four girls and six boys. The house was huge, and it needed to be—it was home to her siblings, grandparents, and aunt and uncle “I’ve always lived in a gang, that’s how I moved around and knew life. There were always little kids around. There was always lots of activity. We went to school, and church, and athletics. You had to do well in your own role.”

In school and at home, Diane found a mix of “old world” culture mixed with the social justice values of her Jesuit education and home upbringing. “The whole ethos and modeling and life I had was always built around issues of social justice and giving back and philanthropy, mutual aid, and leadership in that area. The concept that what you’re given must be returned,” she said.

The family went to mass every day, and they all worked by the time they were 16. “I either volunteered, or by 16 I had a job.” In high school, Diane was a hospital volunteer, often called a “candy striper.” Even there, Diane was marching to her own drum. “I kept getting into trouble because I kept on serving the people. You’re supposed to just give them their food and leave—but I kept on feeding the old people,” she said, grinning. “The nurses finally said to me, ‘You’re only supposed to leave the trays, you’re not doing the right job, you’re fired,’” she laughed. “I had a little rebel streak. If anybody said don’t, I did.”

But as traditional and new ideas of the world in the 1960s found themselves at odds, Diane found a way to preserve the best of both and still push for progress. Perhaps her biggest act of individual thinking was her decision to go to college. Diane had a knack for academia; she took three years of math, and even won a state award for her four years of Latin language education.

Although she was at a college prep school, her family did not understand why she wanted to go to college. No one in her family had earned a bachelor’s degree, and the women didn’t receive any college education. Money for higher education was reserved for the men in the family. Her father, an Irish biological orphan raised by an adoptive Polish family, had an associate degree and a stable white-collar job in traffic control. Just as Diane was finishing high school, her father was being transferred to Upstate New York. Since her family was relocating to Syracuse, Diane enrolled at Syracuse University.

Dianne L. Murphy
Diane in The Onondagan, the Syracuse University yearbook, from 1967.

A Born Social Worker

Diane became part of the progressive action movement in the community and on campus. “It was a social activist time. It completely meshed with my own mission and values. So, I became an activist scholar.” She majored in sociology at the Maxwell School and was part of the honors program. At the time, social work was not an undergraduate major.

“My parents didn’t help me financially because they couldn’t. I always worked. I worked at the bookstore, lifeguarding, water safety. I worked all through college. I did my schoolwork at home at night.” As an undergraduate student, Diane lived with her family in a big farmhouse. She shared a room with her two sisters. Second in birth order was Diane’s sister, who was following a more traditional path. And while her grandmother gave her sister a dowry, Diane only wanted books. “Grandma would say, ‘Any money I give you will not go into a book!’ It was so far from her experience as a farm child in the Catskills.”

As a senior, she received her honors degree in Hendricks Chapel. “My parents came for the first time to campus, and my father said, ‘What are you doing?’ Meaning, ‘What is this all about?’ My family always loved me and supported me, but, having never experienced it themselves, did not understand higher education.” Although her family did not understand Diane’s chosen path, she credits them with setting her on it. “My inclination to social justice comes out of my early preparation as a child. My parents showed the way,” she said. “All my brothers and sisters do this work. We’re all involved in human services: Doctors, healthcare workers, lawyers, social workers, teachers, and on and on it goes.”

While at Syracuse, Diane met Fred Murphy, a graduate student in economics at the Maxwell School, five years her senior. “He was also an activist scholar. He was employed by the City of Syracuse doing tenant organizing.” One week after her graduation in 1967, Diane and Fred were married. In January 1969, their twin daughters were born.

No Stopping Her

Diane was working at Elmcrest Children Center with a team of six women, each of whom had their Master of Social Work. “You’re a born social worker,” her supervisor told Diane. After a year at Elmcrest, she made her way back to Syracuse to earn her own M.S.W.

Diane arrived at the admissions office with her twins and was greeted with a comment she’d never forget: “‘What are you doing with those babies sitting in my office for admissions?’ he said to me. ‘I’m applying to graduate school.’ ‘And what makes you think that’s reasonable, young lady?’ I said, ‘Because women do it all.’ I was so upset, it got me charged up. I said to myself, ‘I’m really going to do this!’”

She started courses in social work in the fall of 1969. “By this time there was no stopping me. I really loved my studies in social work.” At the time, her twins were not yet 1 year old. There were no childcare services on campus for students with children, and since Fred was working full time, they went to class with Diane. “I took them to school. I brought them to class,” she said. “Still to this day my friends from graduate school talk to me about holding them on their lap. I often rode on a bike with them—one on the front and one on the back. It was a little challenging, but all my friends I met in class helped me do it.” In the M.S.W. program Diane became president of the social work Graduate Student Organization.

Diane in 1978 sitting at a dining table and talking with a fellow student and professor.

Diane (left) at the all-university Gerontology Center, established in 1972 by the School of Social Work. Today, it exists at the Aging Studies Institute.


Diane paid for her education through scholarships and teaching assistant stipends. These turned into formative experiences for her. “I was given the opportunity to make family-friendly structural changes for all members of the university community, working side-by-side with mentors, university leaders, and countless collaborators.”

In her first year as a graduate student intern, Diane worked with Central New York Legal Services in local family court cases. In her second year, she worked with Dr. Charles Willie, then-Dean of Student Affairs and previous chair of the sociology department whose research focused on mental health in African American families. “That was an unbelievable adventure working with him as his graduate assistant. What a privilege. He ended up being tenured at Harvard University’s School of Education. Under his mentorship, we developed and founded the Syracuse University Early Childhood Education Center.”

By the early 1970s, there was a large population of married students and families, many of whom were having children. But there were only minimal health benefits at Syracuse University. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was more than 20 years away. “Dr. Willie said to me, ‘Married students are a poverty population.’ And they were.” And although Syracuse University had the Bernice M. Wright Laboratory School, the school was a cooperative model, and it didn’t take infants. Together, Dr. Willie and Diane as his graduate assistant established the Early Childhood Education Center funded between the Department of Psychology, the School of Education, and the Office of Student Affairs. They also created a program with SUNY Upstate Medical University to help students access affordable childbirth delivery.

After completing her M.A. social science in 1976 and her M.S.W. in 1978, Diane decided to continue with a Ph.D. “Obviously I was kind of pushing against things all along, and now it became pretty obvious what the mission was. There’s no question of the intentional effort that we would make this university a model for family friendly policy.”

black and white photos of the exterior of two buildings.

When Diane was a graduate student, the School of Social Work was located at “Crouse House” (left), three buildings on South Crouse Avenue, until 1974 when it moved to Brockway Hall (right).


Trained by the Very Best

Throughout her doctoral studies, Diane worked with Dean of the School of Education Burton Blatt, Doug Biklen, Bob Bogdan, Steve Taylor, and other scholars and partners at the Center on Human Policy in the School of Education. “These were the School of Education’s flagship signature moments, and we were the literal pipeline of funding from Washington. Most of the federal funding for the nation came to Syracuse University for disability studies.” In part, the Center worked on deinstitutionalization and the promotion of community care models. “This was a big part of my journey in my 30s and 40s and this movement in disability studies transformed America,” she said.

Diane’s colleagues at the Center were trailblazers for inclusive education. The Jowonio School was an early pilot of inclusive education modeling that was created by the School of Education. They integrated these models into the Early Childhood Education Center and the Bernice M. Wright Laboratory School before they became the model for the surrounding Syracuse community, and eventually the world. “Now inclusive education is mainstream. Syracuse University School of Education built that,” she said. “I am pleased to say every one of my children have been educated within an inclusive education environment. It makes a world of difference, and everyone benefits.”
All of Diane’s doctoral work was done with the Center on Human Policy. In her graduate assistant office on campus, she kept a crib for the twins where they would sleep while she wrote her dissertation.

She earned her Ph.D. in 1983 and by then, Syracuse University was truly her home. “I had a lot of good fortune,” she said. “I had been trained by the very best and got to do the work I love, which is organizing and planning social change, having the university engage in the community and the community engage in Syracuse University.” She loved academia, and she felt part of the community. And perhaps most importantly, she could see an opportunity to make change in the place she had grown to call home. “I realized I could do activist organizing within the university community and make this a better place for all,” she said. “So, I stayed, and I never left.”

Together You Create the Shift

As a member of the University Senate since 1979, Diane was deeply involved in writing new policies for the university. She and her colleagues formed policies for women’s concerns, gender pay equity, and sexual harassment. They established benefits for parental leave, adoption, domestic partnerships, and retirement. “We looked across the nation and even in Europe to see what best healthcare policies to have at a university. We adapted them, we brought them in, we pushed for them. You have to be strategic and skilled in community change and movement and organization theory—and we were. So, we’ve attended to all those things and we’re a better place because of it.

“But we can’t rest on this,” she continued. “Although there has been accomplishment, we realize there is a harsh political context to consistently work in. But the university has been responsive through its legislative and statute process, through the University Senate, our chancellors, and our provosts, and community leaders have been responsive to working towards a progressive site. That’s a gain for the entire community.”

Active in the early women’s movement in the wider community, Diane was one of four charter members of The Women’s Center, which operated consciousness raising (or “CR”) groups in Syracuse and surrounding towns. It’s still active and located on Allen Street and Harvard Place. From 1993-1994, Diane served alongside her colleague Dr. Marie Provine, a lawyer and Chair of the Department of Political Science, as consultants to Chancellor Kenneth Shaw on women’s issues.

Diane Lyden Murphy
Diane joined the School of Social Work faculty in 1978. Diane is pictured here in 1985.

In 1989, Diane took on a new role establishing women’s studies at Syracuse University. She recalls university leadership asking, “Why do we need women’s studies?” “Because everything else is men’s studies,” she said. She was Director of Women’s Studies for more than 16 years. Together with her colleagues, they established women’s studies as a department in the College of Arts and Sciences, and created a major, a minor, and a certificate of advanced study. “Women’s studies is an articulation of giving women the opportunity to study every subject through the lens of women and their history and contributions. It shifts the perspective by focusing on women in all academic fields. And it has created the movement of women’s perspective entering every field of knowledge without exception. This perspective is not yet universal, and there is more progress to be made,” she said.

“You do that collectively,” she continued. “Collectively means you have women that are interested in doing this and leading this as mentors in every possible place in the university and community, and together you create the shift in knowledge.”

Following Dr. Claire Rudolph and Dr. Nancy Mudrick, Diane in 1978 became the third female faculty member to join the School of Social Work. She taught macro policy and law in mental health and developmental disability policy, emphasizing the importance of building change into structures, processes, and systems. “I know as an organizer, until you build it into the structure, it goes with the wind.” She loved teaching her students how to work with people to make progress–something she’s been doing her whole life. But perhaps her biggest challenge was yet to come.

We’re Going to Build It

In 2001, Syracuse University merged the College for Human Development, the School of Social Work, and College of Nursing together to form the new College of Human Services and Health Professions (renamed the College of Human Ecology in 2007), led by Dean William Pollard, former Dean of the School of Social Work. The merge raised questions from faculty about the future of their programs. What does it mean for the formerly independent disciplines? How would the programs continue as a collective College? “It was a challenging time,” said Diane.

In the fragile early years of transition, the university began a search for Pollard’s successor. Although a dozen candidates were vying for the job, Diane wasn’t one of them. But the university leadership identified her as a strong candidate, thanks to her track record of success in leadership and community organizing. She was heavily recruited. Still, many of the university’s leaders openly expressed their doubts about the ability of the college to succeed. She recalls a conversation with one member of university leadership who said, “If I were you, I would take the job and let it fall to its own because it’s never going to work. Let it fall apart and that’ll be the end of it.”

Even Diane had her doubts. But taking the job under the assumption of failure was unacceptable to her. She would accept the job under only one vision: that it would succeed. “I remember saying to myself, ‘If I’m going to do this, we’re going to do it! If these schools must be arranged like this, then we’re going to build it so that we can live and thrive in this structure. Otherwise, all the programs will go away.’ And that’s what I said to the committee: We’re going to build this thing.” In 2005, she was selected unanimously by full faculty vote.

Diane Lyden Murphy

After being named Dean, Diane was photographed for “Woman at the Top: Dean Diane Lyden Murphy Hits the Ground Running,” a story that appeared in the Fall/Winter 2005 issue of the college’s magazine, Insights.


For Diane, failure wasn’t an option. The programs themselves—professional programs in health, nutrition, social work, human development, and others—were too vitally important to society in promoting health and equity. “I said to the faculty, ‘We’re going to take this College and make it what we want it to be. What we know it is. But we will do it. We won’t let it fail because our subject matters are too important. We can do this together—and we will do this together.’”

Diane was the perfect choice to join people together to create a new community. “I was raised in a crowd from the time I was a young person in a large family. I move in a crowd.

“I never make decision alone,” she continued. “I assume that I have other experts around me—we bounce off ideas, we have discussions, and we come to collective work that I think represents the best of everyone. And that’s guided me even to the deanship.”

As the College structure was being formed, so was its identity. With Diane at the helm, the college was built on the principles of social justice and civic engagement. It became a college where putting theory into practice is about more than just gaining practical experience, but about serving others and fostering humility and understanding in diverse global cultural contexts.

Among the merged colleges was a curriculum for sport management, written by faculty in consumer studies, one of the academic programs that had been newly introduced as part of the merge in 2001. In 2004, Falk College launched sport management built on the framework of social justice and corporate social responsibility. In many ways, a socially minded business program was ahead of its time. But the students embraced it, and since 2006 they have raised more than half a million dollars for local charities and continue to lead discussions about diversity and equity in sports.

Murphy talks at a podium outside Falk College entrance surrounded by benefactors.

Diane at the podium for the Falk College Complex dedication ceremony in 2015. Seated behind her from left to right are Rhonda Falk, David Falk, Chancellor Kent Syverud, Falk College Advisory Board Chair Corey Schneider, and Sport Management Advisory Council Chair Brandon Steiner.


With support from Syracuse University alumni David Falk ’72 and Rhonda Falk ’74, the College was renamed the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics in 2011. The Falk College Complex, former home of the College of Law, was dedicated 2015. Falk programs which had been dispersed in eight different locations across campus were finally all together under one roof. “It’s 18 years since I became Dean, and we have built it. We are a huge success on every dimension,” she said. “We’ve done it as a collective. We’ve done it as a community.”

Today, Falk College boasts impactful interdisciplinary faculty research in human services, health, and social equity. The curriculum integrates highly effective theory-to-practice learning models for student training. Falk College created new undergraduate and graduate academic programs in food studies, esports, and sport analytics at Syracuse University, new programs public health from the legacy of the former College of Nursing, and new programs in exercise science which began in the School of Education. Students also benefit from new global study abroad programming across Europe, Asia, and Africa.

But most importantly, every year the College graduates a cohort of students who are prepared to make their communities stronger, healthier, and more just places. “When students come and study in Falk College, they’ve already made decisions about what they want to do in their life. They want to be largely involved in improving the lives of others through their professional career. They bring such joy, commitment, eagerness, and innovation. That’s the everyday lift you get from being around Falk students.”

Diane stands in a stadium dressed in regalia.

Diane at the 2019 Syracuse University Commencement.


Accomplishment in Doing Good

Diane recalls words from a colleague and friend who said to her, “I have never seen anybody fight so hard and forget so easy. You can work with anybody.” She has grown to be admired for her ability speak truth to power in a way that maintains respect and preserves unity.

“I have an ungainly and probably not grounded sense of self confidence, and still do to this day,” admitted Diane, a self-described “straight-shooter.” But she is still inclined toward a bit of humor. Empathy and humility have been guiding principles in her life and leadership. “I don’t feel above anybody else, and I always value diverse perspectives,” she said.

For the campus community, Diane’s legacy will be her effectiveness as an advocate for change and her ability to move groups of people together for better. “It’s a sweet and lovely feeling of accomplishment in doing good.”

Diane receives and award from Chancellor

Diane invited her grandchildren to the stage as she received Syracuse University’s highest honor—the Chancellor’s Medal—at the One University Awards Ceremony April 21, 2023, in Hendricks Chapel.


But for Diane, her legacy is the one she shares with her late husband, Fred: Their five daughters, their grandchildren, and their commitment to their communities. “I am certainly a feminist. I get it right back at me now from five feminist daughters of whom I am immensely proud.” All her daughters work in education, health, and helping professions. All are heavily involved in civic activity, and not by accident “Fred and I raised our family in the City of Syracuse by determination. We’re urbanists.” Still today, Diane is a proud member of the Westcott community.

Over the years, Diane’s big family home just kept getting bigger, encompassing her family, her Syracuse neighbors, and the university community. “I feel privileged to have had the chance to practice my own values, my own mission, my own journey as I saw it with my family. To be able to execute that and to live that life comfortably and bring that to work, I mean, what an opportunity. I get to work every day at what I love to do. It is quite a privilege and I know that.”

Thanks to Diane and the progress she helped forge in favor of social justice, more people can enjoy that same privilege of shaping their own path in life and living out their own personal mission in all circles of influence–at home, at work, and in the community–instead of having to choose. After all, if Diane has demonstrated one consistent truth, it’s that change can only be achieved if it is achieved together.

Story by Valerie Pietra. Special thanks to Matt Michael for editorial collaboration and contributions and Syracuse University Archives Special Collections Research Center for research and photography.

Kay Stearns Bruening Appointed Associate Dean of Falk College Academic Affairs

Kay Stearns Bruening Portrait
Kay Stearns Bruening

Kay Stearns Bruening, Ph.D., RDN, FAND, associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies in the Falk College, has been named Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for Falk College effective August 1, 2023. In her new role, Bruening oversees program review, curriculum development, and accreditation for Falk College academic programs.

Previously, Bruening was an undergraduate director in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies and director of the Nutrition Assessment, Consultation and Education (ACE) Center. Bruening has also served as a program reviewer for the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) for 21 years and as a Program Representative on the ACEND Board. Most recently, Bruening was instrumental in Falk College’s early transition to ACEND’s Future Education Model and the successful accreditation under these new standards. This was a multi-year effort that started in 2019, when Syracuse University was accepted as a demonstration cohort to participate as a pilot program of ACEND’s vision to implement competency-based learning to prepare nutrition and dietetics professionals for future practice.

“Falk College is highly regarded for our curriculum, pedagogy, and student success,” says Bruening. “Throughout the college, our curriculum blends theory and research with practical experience, preparing our students for leadership and innovation in critically important professional fields. I am thrilled to serve in this new capacity as Associate Dean and advance Falk College as a leader in education and professional practice.”

Employment outcomes for all majors and the ability of students to seek additional educational goals are excellent throughout Falk College. Accredited programs and license-bearing degrees have an outstanding level of success. Falk College meets, and often exceeds, standards for four accrediting bodies: Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education, Council on Education for Public Health, and Council on Social Work Education. Falk’s professional programs are consistently among the nation’s strongest in licensing exam pass rates.

“Kay brings a wealth of expertise in educational instruction and design,” says Diane Lyden Murphy, M.A., M.S.W., Ph.D., Dean of Falk College. “Her work in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies has kept this program at the forefront of nutrition and dietetics education, as evidenced by our accreditation and favorable licensing exam pass rates. Falk College is privileged to have her leadership in a new capacity as Associate Dean.”

Bruening’s teaching and research interests center around medical nutrition therapy, and she is published in dietetics education. She has collaborated with international dietetic education programs in Chile, South Korea, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, and collaborates with local medical researchers on detection of adult malnutrition and developing food-based programs for adult weight management and related comorbidities. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, belongs to three dietetic practice groups, and completed advanced training in child and adolescent weight management. She holds a courtesy faculty appointment with the Department of Medicine at Upstate Medical University, where she is a co-instructor on an elective nutrition course for medical students.

She earned a Ph.D. in clinical nutrition from New York University, M.A. in nutrition from Syracuse University, and B.S. in biology from St. Lawrence University.

Kay succeeds Eileen Lantier, R.N., Ph.D., who is concluding her 17-year tenure as Senior Associate Dean of Faculty, Curriculum, and Alumni on August 24, 2023. Under Eileen’s leadership, Falk College has successfully launched a wide range of new residential and online academic offerings, sustained accreditation with its four accrediting bodies, and achieved remarkable student outcomes from its signature theory-to-practice model.

Eileen has served more than 39 years at Syracuse University as a faculty member and administrator. Prior to her role as Senior Associate Dean in Falk College, she taught nursing at Syracuse University and championed the use of educational technology in healthcare. Prior to her work in academia, she led a professional career in nursing, working in several area hospitals and clinical settings. She earned a Ph.D., M.S., and B.S., all from Syracuse University. Eileen will retire in January 2024.

“I have served with Eileen since the very beginning of my deanship in 2005. Eileen has demonstrated extraordinary leadership to the great benefit of Falk College and has been instrumental both in developing new academic disciplines at Syracuse University–such as public health, food studies, and sport management–and maintaining excellence and accreditation in our longstanding professional licensing programs,” says Murphy. “Falk College thanks Eileen for her service and lasting positive impact at Syracuse University, her passion for excellence in education, and her deep personal commitment to our students and their success.”

At the end of August 2023, Murphy concludes her tenure as Dean of Falk College, a position she has held since 2005. She is succeeded by Jeremy S. Jordan, a seasoned academic with extensive experience in sport and recreation management. Jordan’s appointment as Dean of Falk College begins September 1, 2023.

Jeremy S. Jordan Named Dean of Falk College

Jeremy S. Jordan Named Dean of David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics.
Jeremy Jordan portrait
Jeremy S. Jordan

Jeremy S. Jordan, a seasoned academic with extensive experience in sport and recreation management, has been named the next dean of the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. The announcement was made today by Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter. His appointment, effective September 1, was approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.

“Jeremy Jordan brings a combination of academic leadership experience and hands-on industry knowledge that will be a boon to Falk College and its professional programs—from food studies to marriage and family therapy to social work,” Provost Ritter says. “I look forward to working with him, especially on important initiatives like the launch of the esports degree and the expansion of the sport management program.”

Jordan is currently the vice provost for faculty affairs at Temple University in Philadelphia, where he is also a professor and Ed Rosen Senior Research Fellow in the School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management’s Department of Sport and Recreation Management. He is the NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative, and has also been the director of the Sport Industry Research Center and the Millard E. Gladfelter Research Fellow.

Jordan’s research focuses on the impact of sport participation and events on individuals and communities, as well as the social, environmental and financial impact of sport events and organizations. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, and has participated in more than 65 funded research projects.

Before joining Temple in 2008, Jordan held faculty positions at the University of Miami, Mississippi State University and the University of Memphis, and served as the athletic director at La Sierra University in Riverside, California. He earned a Ph.D. in sport management from The Ohio State University, a master’s degree in exercise and sport science from the University of Utah and a bachelor’s degree in physical education from La Sierra.

“I am honored to have been selected as the next dean of Falk College and look forward to becoming a member of the Syracuse community,” Jordan says. “The college is known for its academic excellence, impactful research and commitment to community engagement. I admire the culture and rigor of the college and Syracuse University, and I look forward to contributing to the success of both with the support of the students, staff, faculty and alumni.”

The dean search committee, convened by Provost Ritter in February, was co-chaired by Falk College faculty members Mary Graham, professor of sport management and faculty athletic representative, and Katherine McDonald, associate dean of research and professor of public health.

“I am grateful to the committee members for their hard work in recruiting a talented leader like Jeremy Jordan to join our campus community,” Provost Ritter says.

Jordan succeeds Diane Lyden Murphy, who is concluding her tenure as dean of the Falk College, a position she has held since 2005. She has served 45 years at Syracuse University. “Diane has truly left her mark on Falk College, shepherding it from its early days and overseeing multiple successful initiatives,” Provost Ritter says. “I thank her for her service and her incredible contributions to the college and the University.”

On Her Own Time

Margaret Voss is 1 of 6 Faculty/Staff Artists Selected to Display Work at the Everson Museum of Art This Fall
Margaret Voss stands in an office by a jewelry set

Margaret Voss displays handmade jewelry, “A Rococo Homage.” (Photo by Angela Ryan)

Margaret Voss, an associate professor of nutrition and food studies and the Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence in Falk College, is one of six faculty/staff artists who were selected to display their art at the “On My Own Time” finale exhibition Oct. 11-Nov. 7 at the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse.

“On My Own Time” is a program spearheaded by CNY Arts to celebrate the often-unsung artists employed by local businesses in Central New York who create art on their own time. Syracuse University has participated in “On My Own Time” ever year it has been offered since 1982 and it’s estimated that more than 1,800 faculty and staff have exhibited.

This year’s on-campus exhibition, which was displayed in Hendricks Chapel throughout late May and early June, comprised 34 pieces of art from 17 faculty/staff artists representing 14 schools, colleges, and departments across the University. The diverse range of artwork submitted this year included drawing, photography, painting, sculpture, glasswork, jewelry making, printmaking, fiber art, computer art, and collage/assemblage.

Of the six artists who’ll display at the Everson, five were selected by CNY Arts judges and a sixth individual received the People’s Choice Award, nominated by people on campus who visited this year’s exhibition. Voss’ art is a stunning piece of jewelry she calls “A Rococo Homage.”

Read more about the artwork and artists in this story from Syracuse University News.

Congratulations Class of 2023


2023 Syracuse University Commencement stage with the Chancellor speaking

Along with Dean Murphy, the entire Falk College community of students, faculty, staff, alumni, community partners and friends, congratulates to the Class of 2023! Falk College’s seven academic departments and schools represented 529 degree candidates, including:

  • 321 undergraduates;
  • 155 masters candidates;
  • 50 students earning certificates of advanced study, and;
  • 3 Ph.D. students.

Through the month of May, departments across Falk College honored student achievements and celebrated the graduating Class of 2023, which are detailed on individual department websites.

Falk College Convocation was held Saturday, May 13 at Lally Athletic Complex. Falk College Convocation, other college convocations, and the May 14 Syracuse University Commencement ceremony, were recorded and are available to view on the Syracuse University commencement website and is also included below.

Falk College Convocation | Saturday, May 13 | 5:30 p.m. ET

Syracuse University Commencement | Sunday, May 14 | 9:30 a.m. ET

Faculty of the Year Awards

Falk College Honors Faculty for Excellence in Teaching, Service, Research
portraits of three people

Falk Faculty of the Year awardees (from left) Jane Burrell, Lynn Brann, and Bryce Hruska.

Jane Burrell, Lynn Brann, and Bryce Hruska were honored with 2023 Falk College Faculty of the Year awards for excellence in teaching, service, and research, respectively. The honorees were nominated by their peers for outstanding teaching, scholarship, and internal and professional service contributions and announced by the Falk Faculty Council in early May.

Chaya Lee Charles, an assistant teaching professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies and chair of the Falk Faculty Council, thanked all faculty members who submitted nominations and her fellow Faculty Council members for their time and efforts in the award selection process.

“It is inspiring to see the talent and excellence that we represent as a college, and the high caliber of the nominees made our job challenging,” Charles says. “The Faculty Council is excited to share the results of our thoughtful deliberations.”

Here’s a look at the 2023 honorees with comments from their award presenters:

Two people are posed together in a classroom
Falk College Dean Diane Lyden Murphy (left) congratulates Jane Burrell for receiving the Evan Weissman Memorial Faculty of the Year Award for Teaching Excellence.

Jane Burrell

Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
Evan Weissman Memorial Faculty of the Year Award for Teaching Excellence

From presenter Lisa Olson-Gugerty, associate teaching professor in the Department of Public Health:

“Jane has taught and continues to teach multiple courses in her department, and her teaching prowess was described as dynamic and responsive to her students’ needs. Her ability to teach with such excellence stems from her lengthy past and current clinical work in nutrition and dietetics. In other words, she is teaching from ‘hands-on’ experience.

“Jane has mastered adaptability in the classroom. She teaches introductory nutrition (NSD 225) in multiple modes, modifying delivery and assessment to match her audience. In the fall, Jane teaches a large section of NSD 225 for students from across campus. Given the size and limited support (10 teaching assistant hours per week), managing NSD 225 requires organization and attention to detail. Jane keeps the class current by modifying content, utilizing new textbooks, and adopting technology to engage a large audience.

“Jane is dedicated to professional development. In 2022, she participated in a Peer Teaching Evaluation Workshop focused on ‘Small Teaching,’ a book James Lang. She utilized this new knowledge in her ‘NSD 342: Nutrition in the Lifespan’ course. She initiated low-stakes quizzes, providing immediate feedback and a sense of where students stood in the learning process. Jane further modified NSD 342 after attending the Equity-Minded Syllabus Design Workshop by the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. This training prompted her to add detail concerning the weight and purpose of assignments so students would understand what they gain from assessments while increasing motivation.

“Jane is not afraid of challenges. In spring 2022 she taught a two-week immersion travel course in Italy, ‘NSD 452: Mediterranean Food and Culture,’ for the first time. The course was started by a recently retired colleague. When the opportunity arose, Jane jumped at the chance to teach the class, working with Syracuse Abroad to create new student experiences. Jane is excited about modifications for this spring that further enhance the abroad experience.

“Jane strives to provide her students with the most recent evidence-based education. In fact, she is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in our very own Human Development and Family Science department. Her list of teaching skills and accomplishments goes beyond what is listed here. On a personal note, I want to add that I am thrilled to be presenting this award to Jane. She was one of the first people I met when I joined Falk and has always been a kind and supportive colleague.”

Three people are posed together in a classroom
Excellence in Service Award winner Lynn Brann (center) with Falk Faculty Council chair Chaya Lee Charles (right) and member Lisa Olson-Gugerty.

Lynn Brann

Chair of the departments of Exercise Science and Nutrition and Food Studies, associate professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
Faculty of the Year Award for Excellence in Service

From presenter Chaya Lee Charles, assistant teaching professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies:

“Lynn has an extensive resume of teaching, research, and service in Falk College and within the University as evidenced by her previous receipt of nine Chancellor’s Awards for public service during her tenure at Syracuse University.

“This academic year, however, she went far above and beyond, accepting her call to duty by chairing not only the combined Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, but also chairing the Department of Exercise Science. Despite this challenging task, Lynn has provided leadership, support, guidance, and advocacy for both departments while mentoring junior faculty in the Nutrition program and assisting Exercise Science faculty and staff through the growing pains of acclimating to Falk College. She has exceeded all expectations one could place on someone assigned such a difficult role and has done so with grace, compassion, understanding, and outstanding professionalism.

“In additional service during 2022 at the University level, Lynn was selected to participate in the inaugural Syracuse University Women in Leadership Cohort Group to support the professional development and career development of women faculty and staff at the University. She also continued her work on the Academic Appeals Committee; the Falk College Promotion and Tenure Committee; the Falk College Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, and the Falk College Program Review Committee, and she is a Dean’s Cabinet member and serves as a trainer for Academic Integrity panelists and Academic Integrity faculty interviewers.

“Locally, Lynn serves on the Health Services Advisory Board, Peace, Inc., Head Start, and Early Head Start of Syracuse. In her desire to further the profession of nutrition and dietetics, Lynn also serves as advisor to the Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and is a journal reviewer for the Journal of Child and Family Studies, Appetite, Nutrients, the International Journal of Obesity, the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Public Health Nutrition, the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics, the Maternal and Child Health Journal, and the Maternal and Child Nutrition Journal.

“I couldn’t be more pleased to honor Lynn with this award as she has been a calming force to our department and a strong leader who consistently considers all aspects of any difficult situation and guides us in the right direction. No matter the problem, she always has an open door and provides sound counsel, such as my favorite piece of wisdom, that ‘It will all be fine!’”

Three people are posed together in a classroom
Excellence in Research Award winner Bryce Hruska (center) with Falk Faculty Council chair Chaya Lee Charles (right) and member Lisa Olson-Gugerty.

Bryce Hruska

Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health
Faculty of the Year Award for Excellence in Research

From presenter Lisa Olson-Gugerty, associate teaching professor in the Department of Public Health:

“Over the last several years, Bryce has been systematically building his program of research, investigating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its co-occurring mental health consequences, and identifying strategies for addressing PTSD before it takes its full toll on functioning.

“In the past year, he has had several notable accomplishments that have significantly advanced his research program. He submitted six first-authored, peer-reviewed pieces of scholarship resulting in two published peer-reviewed articles, one peer-reviewed article in press, one published peer-reviewed book chapter, and two peer-reviewed articles that are currently under review after receiving an invitation to revise and resubmit. The published/in press pieces all appear in high impact journals, including Sleep Health, Journal of Psychiatric Research, and Journal of Anxiety Disorders.

“Bryce has presented his research and its findings at two international conferences: the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and Society for Ambulatory Assessment. These presentations included a peer-reviewed symposium and two peer-reviewed poster presentations.

“Much of his research focuses on the mental health burden experienced by healthcare providers, a topic that has recently received special attention due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To facilitate the translation of his research into practice, this past year he delivered an invited presentation at American Medical Response (the largest ambulance service provider in Central New York) that described his research examining the connection between sleep and mental health. He also wrote two pieces of publicly engaged scholarship–including a blog post and a research brief–that were delivered to an international audience of policy makers, practitioners, media outlets, students, and the public.

“Finally, he was awarded a CUSE Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant supporting the next phase of an intervention that he is developing that will reduce the mental health symptoms experienced by ambulance service providers. This work will serve as pilot data for a subsequent submission for extramural funding from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.

“Collectively, these achievements highlight his commitment to high-quality research that has translational implications and demonstrate the high level of research activity that he has engaged in during the past year. I would like to personally add that as a healthcare worker in emergency medicine who has spent a significant amount of time working in the COVID pandemic, I appreciate all that Bryce has done and continues to do in his research for me and my colleagues.”

Syracuse University’s Highest Honor

Falk College Dean Diane Lyden Murphy Receives Chancellor’s Medal
Dean Diane Murphy is presenting at a podium

Before presenting Falk College Dean Diane Lyden Murphy with the Chancellor’s Medal, Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud said “I can’t imagine what this place would be like today without her work, but I’m certain it would be a less accomplished, less just, and less human place.”

Diane Lyden Murphy, dean of the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, received Syracuse University’s highest honor–the Chancellor’s Medal–at the One University Awards Ceremony April 21 at Hendricks Chapel.

The Chancellor’s Medal is awarded to individuals in honor of their trailblazing and extraordinary contributions to the University, to an academic body of knowledge, or to society. Dean Murphy, who was appointed Dean of the College of Human Services and Health Professions (now Falk) in May 2005, checks all three boxes.

“This medal is given for the very things Diane has always done here: extraordinary contributions to the University, to the community, to academic knowledge,” Chancellor Kent Syverud said before presenting the Chancellor’s Medal to Dean Murphy. “She’s done those things, but she’s also done one thing that’s even rarer and worth celebrating and I can say this from experience, she has consistently and faithfully had the courage to speak up.

“She’s had the courage to speak up, including to chancellors, when things are not right, when they could be better, and even more rare is that after speaking up she has the integrity to roll up her sleeves and actually work to make them better,” Chancellor Syverud added.

Dean Murphy was one of several 2022-23 award recipients who were honored at the April 21 ceremony. Watch the video of the Chancellor’s Medal presentation here:

Dean Murphy received four degrees at the University and joined the faculty in the School of Social Work in 1978. Prior to her appointment at Falk, Dean Murphy served 17 years as director of the Women’s Studies program in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Dean Murphy’s many contributions to the University include co-authoring the University’s sexual harassment policy; initiating studies of gender pay equity; developing adoption and domestic partner benefits; and creating a family-friendly environment for students, faculty, and staff.

Chancellor Syverud started his remarks by reading a news release from January 1973 about Dean Murphy’s appointment as a personnel intern in the Office of Student Affairs who would “specialize in the problem of married students.” She served as a liaison between married students and the administration and from that work arose the first childcare center on campus.

“There have been a lot of initiatives in the last 50 years at Syracuse University to help people and populations in our community,” Chancellor Syverud said. “There have been precious few where Diane Lyden Murphy has not been present and accounted for in support of doing the hard work and listening and doing the problem-solving and speaking up to make things better.

“We talk about diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and support for survivors, Diane was there often before most of the world had developed the vocabulary to describe the problem and the opportunity,” Chancellor Syverud added. “Going back to that first press release, Diane never regarded married students as a problem, she never regarded these things as problems, she regarded them as opportunities. And boy, she’s made an impact on this University! I can’t imagine what this place would be like today without her work, but I’m certain it would be a less accomplished and a colder and less just and less human place.”

The Chancellor’s Medal is the latest in an extensive list of awards Dean Murphy has received while at the University, including the Excellence in Graduate Education Award from the Graduate School, the Francis McMillan Parks Women of Influence Award, and a Chancellor’s Citation. In 2005, the Women’s Studies Program established the Diane Lyden Murphy Women’s Studies Activism Award in her honor.

Class of 2023 Falk Scholars

‘I Am Forever Grateful to Those Who Have Made These Last Four Years So Special’

Fourteen members of the Class of 2023 have been named Falk College Scholars–the highest academic award conferred by Falk College on graduating seniors. Falk Scholars represent undergraduate students who display academic excellence, exceptional campus and community engagement, independent research and creative work, innovation in their disciplinary field, and personal integrity.

We asked the Class of 2023 Falk Scholars to describe their most meaningful experiences at Syracuse University. Here’s what they wrote:

Alexander Borelli
Alexander Borelli started the Fantasy Sports Club in 2021 and was a recruiting intern for the Syracuse University football team in 2021-22.

Alexander Borelli, Sport Analytics

Throughout my four years at Syracuse University, my most influential and memorable experiences have come from within Falk College. Starting the Fantasy Sports Club in 2021 and serving as its vice president was an incredibly fulfilling experience that allowed me to bring together many like-minded individuals. It has been amazing to see an idea I started with one of my peers develop into a hub for students to attend weekly and discuss their fantasy football leagues.

Being a recruiting intern for the Syracuse University football team during the 2021-22 season was also a memorable experience that taught me a lot about the player operations side of a football organization. I was able to tie my love for sports and my background in player evaluation to a position that granted me the opportunity to make an impact on the team. Syracuse University, and the various experiences in my time here, has helped me develop into a better person and leader.

In the News: Borelli competed for the Syracuse University team that finished first in the game analytics division in the AXS National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship.

Kylie Dedrick and friends posed in a stadium
Kylie Dedrick and friends Seth Warner (left) and Sam Auerbach celebrate the Syracuse University football team’s win over North Carolina State at the JMA Wireless Dome.

Kylie Dedrick, Sport Analytics

Syracuse has provided me with memories, experiences, and friends that will stick with me for many years to come. One of the most meaningful experiences I’ve had at Syracuse would be joining the Sport Analytics Women (SAW) Club. I was involved with other clubs but SAW truly gave me a tight-knit community of women to go through this program with as there are not too many of us.

The club gave me the opportunity to grow as a person and take on more responsibility. Coming into college, I never thought I would be the president of a club, but here I am in my senior year serving as president. I’ve been able to participate in multiple case competitions, attend the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, and connect with some amazing people in the sport industry. Coming to Syracuse University is truly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

In the News: Dedrick competed for the Syracuse University team that finished second in the business analytics division in the AXS National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship.

Kiersten Edwards poses in front of a wall with graffiti
Kiersten Edwards explores the quarry beyond South Campus during her sophomore year and marvels at the artwork there.

Kiersten Edwards, Public Health, Neuroscience

My time at Syracuse University has been full of ups and downs. While my classes and clubs have always provided security in their routine, it’s really the people and the adventures you embark on with those people that make the difference.

Nothing has been more meaningful to me than the nights I spent with friends staying awake far too late, or the in-depth conversations with faculty beyond school–the ones that dove into my dreams, my sorrows, and our collective hope for what the world could be someday. I am so grateful for the friends I made here, for the faculty mentorship I have received, and for the future that Syracuse has helped provide for me!

In the News: Edwards is also a 2023 Syracuse University Scholar and through public health, she found the path to improving the lives of others.

Taylor Fein stands infant of a waterfall
On an unusually warm November day at Chittenango Falls, Taylor Fein remembers “being excited about the warm weather and eager to enjoy the day!”

Taylor Fein, Nutrition Science and Dietetics

I have had many meaningful experiences at Syracuse but volunteering for the Shaw Center program “Books and Cooks” each semester is one that stands out the most. During this program, we visit a local elementary school every Friday to teach students a lesson about nutrition and food from different countries. I have built connections with the students and witnessed how much joy it brings to their day. I am grateful to have been part of a program that makes a difference in students’ lives.

Another experience that I am thankful for is conducting my own research. In my “Sleep and Hydration” study I was able to conduct hands-on research with human participants. I learned how important it is to improve and learn from each encounter along the way. I am now looking forward to pursuing a Ph.D. in physiology and continuing this path of academic discovery through research.

In the News: Fein received the 2021 Ruth Tolley Award from the Department of Nutrition Science and Dietetics.

Shane Haplin
Of his time at Syracuse University, Shane Halpin says “I could not have hoped for a more enjoyable journey than what I experienced in the Sport Analytics program.”

Shane Halpin, Sport Analytics

The Sport Analytics program at Syracuse University has provided me with countless rewarding opportunities to cultivate and demonstrate my analytical skills as they relate to the world of sports. My most meaningful experiences have been representing Syracuse through SABR Diamond Dollars Case Competitions.

As part of these events, I have collaborated with peers formulating responses to complex prompts relevant to current issues in baseball. These experiences have required me to think outside the box and find as precise and unique answers as possible. Being selected as captain of my teams in the last two competitions has been a gratifying experience for me, allowing me to reflect on my growth as a student and as a leader. Additionally, I have been inspired to pursue further research related to baseball with my professors, igniting my passion to continue working in the sport industry upon graduation.

In the News: Halpin competed for the Syracuse University team that finished second in the business analytics division in the AXS National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship.

Aric dressed in an EMS outfit leans against an ambulance
Aric Lechner says, “Being able to join the field of EMS, learn, and teach from my experiences with Syracuse University Ambulance has been very important to me.”

Aric Lechner, Public Health, Neuroscience

In my time at Syracuse University, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some amazing, bright-minded people. Working closely under the guidance and mentorship of Professor Brittany Kmush and other faculty members in the Department of Public Health has been a defining experience and certainly helped shape my career goals. The pilot study was made possible through SOURCE (Syracuse Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement), where I was able to receive funding for research to further analyze new methods for the detection of opioids in wastewater.

In addition to research and experiences in the Department of Public Health, Syracuse University Ambulance (SUA) has been another place of support during my time here. Being able to serve as a personnel supervisor has had a meaningful impact on my growth as a leader, teacher, and person, and I am forever grateful to all of those who have made these last four years so special.

In the News: In addition to SUA, Lechner was a member of the “Goon Squad,” Syracuse University’s official welcoming committee for new students.

Eli Miller
Eli Miller says, “My time at Syracuse University was incredibly valuable in preparing me for my future career in the sports industry.”

Eli Miller, Sport Analytics

Being part of the Falk College provided me with a unique learning experience that I could not have received anywhere else. The coursework was not only challenging but also very practical, giving me real-life experience that will undoubtedly come in handy in my future career.

Furthermore, the university’s robust internship program allowed me to apply my knowledge in real-world settings, giving me hands-on experience and the opportunity to network with professionals in the sports industry. The faculty and staff were also incredibly supportive, providing me with guidance and resources to succeed both academically and personally. I feel confident that my experiences at Syracuse University have given me a strong foundation for success in the sports industry, and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

In the News: Miller competed for the Syracuse University team that finished second in the business analytics division in the AXS National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship.

Mara stands next to a research poster
Mara Miranda at the SOURCE 2023 Spring Symposium, where she and her research partner presented a poster that highlighted their undergraduate research.

Mara Miranda, Public Health

Since beginning my journey at Syracuse University, I have had opportunities that have helped me grow professionally and personally. As I reflect on the past four years, the experience that I’ve had participating in undergraduate research through the Syracuse Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Engagement (SOURCE) has been truly rewarding.

Working with Professor Justin Ehrlich, Professor Brittany Kmush, and Professor Shane Sanders on research involving head injuries, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), helmet policies, and rule changes in the NFL has helped me bridge my love for sports with my passion for public health and medicine. It has helped me to look at athletics from a different lens, and I have appreciated this experience. Being a member of the Falk community has granted me opportunities that I will hold for a lifetime.

In the News: Miranda assisted with the research for the study on head injuries for NFL players that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Matthew Penn sits behind a computer at an auction desk
Matthew Penn sits in the backcourt of the JMA Wireless Dome for the 18th Annual Charity Sports Auction to benefit Vera House.

Matthew Penn, Sport Analytics

Some of my most influential experiences at Syracuse have been in clubs. One of those clubs is the Baseball Statistics and Sabermetrics Club, for which I have served as the vice president. Through the organization, I have been able to work on research and travel to Arizona to compete against other schools across the country in SABR Case Competitions.

Another club that has been influential in my time at Falk is the Sport Management Club and its Charity Sports Auction. As co-chair of the Analytics Committee for the auction, I have been able to help raise money and give back to the Central New York community. These experiences have helped me grow both as a person and in my career.

In the News: Penn and the Sport Management Club raised more than $50,000 for Vera House at the 2022 Charity Sports Auction.

Madison stands beside a research poster
Madison Roberts presents her research poster at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology national conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

Madison Roberts, Human Development and Family Science

Syracuse University offered many extraordinary opportunities, but my time presenting at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) stands out as one of the most impactful. In the fall of my sophomore year, I began an independent study with Professor Matthew Mulvaney and another student. We examined the developmental and personality variables that influenced students’ willingness to engage with diverse viewpoints on campus. This project was accepted for the SPSP National Conference in Atlanta. In February, we flew to Georgia and presented our poster at a three-day conference.

This opportunity reinforced my passion for research. I have been able to conduct two projects across the human development and family science field. This contributed to my decision to pursue graduate school, including taking a position in a research lab. I look forward to taking these skills and applying them to my future academic career.

In the News: Roberts received the 2021 Florence B. Potter Memorial Award from the Department of Human Development and Family Science.

Brielle Seidel
Brielle Seidel says of her many memorable moments at Syracuse University, being a 2022-23 Remembrance Scholar was one of the most meaningful.

Brielle Seidel, Public Health

Syracuse University has been a place of true academic and personal growth for me. I have been able to explore my passion for the medical field and service by taking public health and addiction classes and engaging in meaningful campus organizations, including Syracuse University Ambulance and Camp Kesem. Additionally, I traveled abroad to Geneva, Switzerland, expanding my understanding of the world and addiction studies.

Syracuse University and its incredible staff have encouraged me to converge my personal and academic interests through their support of my thesis about psychedelic medicine. Their support for my passions has given me a deeper appreciation for my education at this University.

Finally, being a 2022-2023 Remembrance Scholar has been one of the most meaningful experiences at Syracuse. I faced challenges and grief in honoring Luann Rogers and those who perished on Pan Am Flight 103. Through that experience, I was able to find the importance of promoting peace, connection, and love–the qualities that build a better future.

In the News: Seidel was one of Syracuse University’s 2022-23 Remembrance Scholars, whose mission was to honor and remember the Syracuse students and others lost in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Joanna Vines
After graduation, Joanna Vines will work as a business technology analyst at Deloitte Consulting in Washington, D.C.

Joanna Vines, Public Health, Policy Studies

During my freshman year, I determined that a double major in public health and policy studies would align with my interests and goals. This interdisciplinary path of study created a trajectory that has provided me with valuable opportunities and meaningful experiences and enabled me to make positive impacts over my years at Syracuse.

I have engaged in experiential learning roles as a research consultant for the Onondaga County health department, an intern for Planned Parenthood, and a laboratory assistant at the COVID-19 Program Management Office. Through these positions, I enhanced my skills and knowledge in public health practice and connected with influential public health community leaders. These experiences inspired the research content for my honors thesis, which addresses public health and educational disparities and inequities in New York State.

In the News: This spring, Vines is working as an intern in the Education and Outreach department at Planned Parenthood of Syracuse.

Ben Wachtel
Ben Wachtel enjoyed attending Syracuse University football games, particularly Family Weekend 2022 against North Carolina State when Syracuse clinched a bowl game.

Benjamin Wachtel, Sport Analytics

When I first learned of the Sport Analytics program at Syracuse University, I knew it was the best choice for me. Now as I am completing my studies, I can reflect on how much I have grown both inside and outside the classroom.

Out of all my experiences–whether it be competitions, research, or other extracurricular projects–one of the most meaningful has been being a Berlin Scholar for Sport Management Instructor Adrian Simion. In this role, I am participating in department research while also learning about this process. I have assisted with research pertaining to the NCAA transfer portal, providing input on project ideas and cleaning data.

Currently, I am aiding the initial stages of a Major League Baseball deep-learning project. My growth as a student and researcher, and my future professional in the industry, could not have been achieved without the opportunities the Sport Analytics program provided to me.

In the News: Wachtel competed for the Syracuse University team that finished first in the game analytics division in the AXS National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship.

Junhui “Carol” Yang
Junhui “Carol” Yang says, “The confidence and passion I have developed at Syracuse have propelled me toward pursuing my dream of becoming a physician-scientist.”

Junhui “Carol” Yang, Nutrition Science and Dietetics, Psychology

As an undergraduate researcher and research assistant at Syracuse University, I have been presented with numerous impressive opportunities and resources. During my sophomore year, I joined Professor Latha Ramalingam’s lab and worked on a study investigating the cross-generational effects of omega-3 fatty acids on improving obesity and chronic inflammation. Through this research project, I learned various skills in experimental operation, including testing gene expressions. This experience not only expanded my knowledge but allowed me to receive multiple scholarships, awards, and poster presentation opportunities, which have been incredibly encouraging.

Furthermore, serving as a peer mentor in International Student Success and the Renée Crown Honors Program, and being a teaching assistant for Professor Jane Burrell, has provided me with meaningful opportunities to assist others. Additionally, I am honored to have been pre-selected by the Phi Beta Kappa Society New York Chapter at Syracuse University, the most prestigious academic honor society in America. The confidence and passion I have developed at Syracuse have propelled me toward pursuing my dream of becoming a physician-scientist.

In the News: Yang’s research with Ramalingam involved examining obesity in male mice to explore the idea that a healthier father will produce a healthier child.

Sports Nutrition Expert Heidi Skolnik to Speak

Heidi Skolnik Portrait
Heidi Skolnik
Falk College is pleased to welcome Heidi Skolnik, MS, CDN, FACSM, as the featured speaker of the Seventh Annual Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series.

We invite you to join us at 6:30 p.m. April 20 in Grant Auditorium, Falk Complex, for her lecture “Cancel Diet Culture: Food, mood, body image and media. Learn how to normalize vs. moralize eating.” The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served at 5:30 p.m. prior to the lecture.

A national thought leader in nutrition, Skolnik has influenced millions through her media work, writing, and thriving consulting business. She oversees the Performance Nutrition program at The Juilliard School and the School of American Ballet and she has consulted with numerous Broadway shows, including “Hamilton,” “An American in Paris,” “Aladdin,” and “Billy Elliot.” Previously, she worked with the NBA’s New York Knicks (seven years), NFL’s New York Giants Football (18 years), and Major League Baseball’s New York Mets (15 years), and with NHL, MLS, WNBA, Olympic, collegiate, high school, and recreational athletes.

Skolnik has been part of The Women’s Sports Medicine Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery for over 20 years. She has co-authored five books, including The New York Times best-selling “The Whole Body Reset,” “Nutrient Timing for Peak Performance: The right food, the right time, the right results,” and “The Athlete Triad Playbook.”

“When you combine Heidi’s extensive experience with athletes from high school to the NFL with her ability to connect with audiences, this is a can’t-miss opportunity for anyone interested in performance nutrition,” says Lynn Brann, chair of the departments of Nutrition and Food Studies and Exercise Science at Falk. “We are thrilled that Heidi will share her stories and insights with us, and we are grateful to the Litt family for their continued support of this event that greatly benefits our students.”

An experienced and sought-after presenter, Skolnik consults and presents nationwide to corporations, professional organizations, universities, and colleges. As an expert resource for national media, Skolnik has appeared on The Today Show, The View, Good Morning America, The Early Show, The Meredith Vieira Show, Primetime, 20/20, Extra, The Weather Channel, Fox News Channel, ESPN, the YES Network, Food Network, and CNN’s American Morning and Headline News.

In addition to sports nutrition, wellness, and active aging, treating the Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy in Sports (RED-S) continues to be Skolnik’s area of expertise as she works in collaboration with other members of a client’s team to help each athlete return to health and peak performance.

Skolnik holds two master’s degrees in exercise physiology and human nutrition and is a Fellow with the American College of Sports Medicine. Skolnik sat on the board of the National Osteoporosis Foundation for 10 years and currently sits on the Medical Advisory Committee of the National Menopause Foundation.

For information about the Ann Litt Lecture and accommodations or parking requests, please contact Annette Hodgens at or 315.443.9816.

About the Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series

Ann Selkowitz Litt ’75 (1953-2007) was a nationally known nutritionist who helped children and adolescents with eating disorders and assisted developing athletes in reaching their full potential. The nutrition consultant to CosmoGirl magazine, Litt was the author of The College Students’ Guide to Eating Well on Campus, Fuel for Young Athletes, and the American Dietetic Association Guide to Private Practice. She was the nutritionist for the NFL’s Washington Commanders and served as spokesperson for several media campaigns during her career, including the Got Milk campaign. After her death, the Ann S. Litt Foundation, Inc., was created to support nutrition education. Through a generous gift from this foundation to Falk College, the Ann Selkowitz Litt Distinguished Speaker Series was created at Syracuse University in 2015.

Preventing Childhood Obesity

Nutrition Science Students Examining Impact of Father’s Obesity on His Children
Two women ad one man working in a lab

Nutrition Science student Mariana Pérez Lugo (center) and Akriti Shrestha G’22 (right), a research assistant in the Nutrition Science department, have spent the past two years working with Professor Latha Ramalingam on the impact of a parent’s obesity on their children.

Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States, where 1 in 5 children and adolescents are affected, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While obesity in mothers has been the primary focus of early life nutrition and children’s health, obesity in fathers has been overlooked. According to the CDC, about 2 in 3 males of reproductive age in the United States are either overweight or suffer from obesity.

Latha Ramalingam, Ph.D., an assistant professor of Nutrition and Food Studies in the Falk College, has spent the last two years working with students on research involving parental obesity and how a diet modification–specifically the consumption of fish oil–can potentially reduce a father’s or mother’s obesity and its adverse effect on children.

After studying effects of fish oil in maternal obesity last year, Ramalingam and Nutrition Science students Junhui “Carol” Yang ’23 and Mariana Pérez Lugo ’24 are currently examining obesity in male mice to explore the idea that a healthier father will produce a healthier child.

“If (human) fathers are obese, it increases the risk of obesity by 10 to12 times in their children,” Ramalingam says. “My research will hopefully establish that fathers need to pay attention to what they eat during the pre-pregnancy period to help reduce obesity in their children.”

Yang, a double major in Nutrition Science at Falk and Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences, is investigating the role of fish oil in reducing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and obesity in males, and examining if healthier fathers are producing healthier female offspring.

Pérez Lugo is studying the role of fish oil in reducing obesity in male offspring by analyzing the adipose tissue (i.e., body fat) of obese male mice who are fed fish oil and their offspring.

The American Heart Association is funding this year’s research and funded last year’s research, which was spearheaded by Akriti Shrestha G’22, a research assistant in the Nutrition Science department. Last year, Shrestha focused on the male offspring liver tissue.

Carol and Latha
Junhui “Carol” Yang (left) says with the support and encouragement of Professor Latha Ramalingam (right), she has received several grants and awards for her research.

In a previous study, Ramalingam had examined the benefits of fish oil for pregnant female mice and their offspring. Shrestha’s research and the ongoing research with Yang and Pérez Lugo is connected to Ramalingam’s earlier study, with the ultimate goal to determine if fish oil consumption in both females and males will lead to healthier offspring. Ramalingam’s ongoing research was recently highlighted in this story from Syracuse Woman Magazine.

“The rates of obesity are increasing and leads to other diseases, including diabetes and heart diseases,” Ramalingam says. “I have a genetic risk of heart disease and hence my interest in reducing obesity and associated heart diseases. What better way than to reduce it using diet or bio actives.”

Ramalingam says this study is important for Yang and Pérez Lugo, who are both interested in attending medical school. The research training in nutrition will help them recognize the importance of nutrition in the prevention of chronic diseases.

To get a better understanding of the impact of this research on their current studies and future careers, we asked Yang and Pérez Lugo about their work with Ramalingam. Here’s that conversation:

Q: Why is this research important to you?

Yang: This research is valuable because it allows me to see my potential and interest in doing research; Dr. Ramalingam has given me patient and professional guidance on my graduate thesis for the Renée Crown University Honors Program; and with her support and encouragement, I have received several research-related grants and awards for my study, which has built my confidence and made me more proactive.

I am impressed by how much financial and resource support Syracuse University provides to undergraduate researchers. Through doing presentations at research fairs, I have met and built connections with several outstanding professors and researchers.

Pérez Lugo: This research is important to me because we aim to find a very easy and realistic intervention that will lead to healthier children. Fish oil can be taken as a supplement but can also be found in certain foods. A good example is adding a fatty fish such as salmon to our diet.

Q: For prospective students who want to come to Syracuse University and conduct research, can you give us an idea of the time commitment for this research and how you have fit it into your schedules?

Pérez Lugo: The time commitment has varied depending on the stage of the study we were in. You can spend anywhere from two to 10 hours in the lab each week. It comes down to communicating with your research mentor and setting clear expectations and goals.

I am lucky that Dr. Ramalingam is very flexible and considerate of my class schedule, so it has never been difficult to make time for research. If time commitment is a concern, set a specific time each week dedicated to research and look at it as you would a class or any other commitment where you are expected to attend.

Yang: The first semester of your sophomore year is a good time to go research fairs because the students and professors of various laboratories will introduce their current projects and research topics. The students can target several laboratories based on their interests and leave their contact information to the lab members. Later, they will receive emails from the targeted labs. They can ask more detailed questions, including the schedule.

When the decision is made, students receive related lab training and start lab work during the second semester of your sophomore year. However, if the student already feels overwhelmed by courses or anything else in their sophomore year, junior year is also a good time to commit to a lab. In my situation, I efficiently took most of the required courses for my double majors in my first two years, so I only needed to take 15 credits of courses per semester in the following two academic years while committing to research. Another smart way to save time is using your research project to apply for an independent study to fulfill 3 credits of major electives.

Q: How valuable has it been/will it be for your career goals to have conducted this research and worked with Dr. Ramalingam on this project?

Yang: This enjoyable working experience in Dr. Ramalingam’s lab helps me see the charm of finding potential solutions to clinical diseases through research. I have changed my career goal from being a physician to a clinical trial researcher for epidemiology.

Now, obtaining an M.D.-Ph.D. degree will be my new academic goal for the coming years. Meanwhile, I have gained good skills in using experimental instruments, including but not limited to RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, and gene expression. This has enabled me to build a good skill foundation to start more research studies in the future, even in different science fields.

Pérez Lugo: I joined Dr. Ramalingam’s lab my first semester of freshman year, so I have been part of this study for a long time and am very proud of everything I’ve learned and accomplished. It has taught me so much not only in the lab, but in areas such as writing, teamwork, and problem solving.

This has been a valuable opportunity because it has given me research experience that will be beneficial in my career in medicine. Additionally, as data analysis continues, we are also writing our research paper on this study with intent to publish that will also serve as my senior year honors thesis.

Q: Is there anything else about your experience that you’d like to share?

Yang: Dr. Ramalingam is very generous and thoughtful. We had a high school student doing a summer research project in our lab, and I had a wonderful working and mentoring experience with her. During the project, whenever we encountered questions, Dr. Ramalingam gave timely help and guidance. Before the student left, Dr. Ramalingam took us out to celebrate. This semester, Dr. Ramalingam organized a team meal for us and praised our efforts!

Pérez Lugo: Being in a research lab has been a major part of my undergraduate career and I am very grateful that Dr. Ramalingam gave me a chance my freshman year. To any student interested in research but doesn’t have a lab yet, my advice would be to reach out and stay in touch with professors whose research interests you. They may not have an open spot now, but they might next semester!

Carol and Dr Chen at Research Fair

Junhui “Carol” Yang, shown here at the Honors Research Fair with Dr. Ruth Chen, professor of practice at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, says her career goal is to become a clinical trial researcher for epidemiology.

Junhui “Carol” Yang

A native of China, Yang is a member of the Renée Crown University Honors Program advisory board and the American Society for Nutrition, and this past fall she was nominated by Falk faculty as a candidate for a Syracuse University and Falk College Scholar Award. She received the Ruth Tolley Award from the Women of the University Community in Spring 2022, and she has received funding/scholarship awards from several Syracuse University programs, including SOURCE, the University Honors Program, International Student Success, and Invest in Success.

Student Mariana

Mariana Pérez Lugo says her research work in Falk College has provided valuable experience that will benefit her future career in medicine.

Mariana Pérez Lugo

A native of Puerto Rico, Pérez Lugo is president of the Catholic Student Association and an EMT for Syracuse University Ambulance and was an orientation leader. She is a Renée Crown University Honors Program student, and received the Nutrition Science and Dietetics Research Award-Undergraduate and the Emili Gere Coon nutrition student award. She has received scholarships/funding for her research as a McNair Scholar, WiSE Undergraduate Research Scholar, and SOURCE grant recipient. She is in Spain this semester with the Syracuse Abroad program.

Mariana Pérez Lugo says her research work in Falk College has provided valuable experience that will benefit her future career in medicine.

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