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Artist Seitu Jones visits for lecture and workshop October 4, 6
Seitu Jones Falk College’s food studies program, together with the Syracuse University College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), Canary Lab, and the Humanities Center, partnering with Brady Farm in Syracuse, are pleased to welcome artist Seitu Jones to campus for a lecture and a workshop October 4 and 6, part of the Humanities Center’s 2018/19 Stories Symposium. Jones will give a lecture, “CREA…
Alford Appointed Syracuse University Interim Chief Diversity Officer
Chancellor Kent Syverud has appointed Professor Keith A. Alford to the newly created post of interim chief diversity officer (CDO), effective July 1. Alford is an associate professor, chair of the Falk College’s School of Social Work and graduate program director. The Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion recommended that a CDO position be created to strengthen the University’s diversi…
Syracuse researchers study mindfulness in elementary schools
Falk College Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Science, Rachel Razza, and Joshua Felver, Assistant Professor of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences, are working collaboratively on new mindfulness interventions research. Through a partnership with Meachem Elementary school in Syracuse, New York, Razza and Felver are studying the impact of daily mindfulness activities,…
Three Falk Students Receive Fellowship Honors from the AAMFT
From SU News, By Michele Barrett – Jennifer Coppola, Gift Nleko and Shaelise M. Tor, graduate students in Falk College’s Department of Marriage and Family Therapy and School of Social Work, are recipients of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy’s (AAMFT) Research & Education Foundation Minority Fellowships. The AAMFT’s Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) includes a competitive re…
Explore Falk Graduate Programs at November 2 Info Session
Syracuse University’s Falk College will host a Graduate Information Session on Friday, November 2 in Falk Complex, White Hall, Room 335 across from the Falk College Admissions Suite. Faculty, staff, and current students will welcome potential graduate students interested in helping professions in counseling, therapy, public policy, and advocacy; health professions such as public health, epidemiolo…
Sport analytics students present research at European Sports Economics Association Conference
By Margie Chetney – Students Justin Perline ’19 and Charles “CB” Garrett ’19 in Falk College’s sport analytics program attended the European Sports Economics Association (ESEA) Conference in Liverpool, England, from August 29-31, 2018. ESEA is the premier sports economics conference held annually in Europe where sports economists present on a variety of theoretical and empirical models related to…
Department of Marriage and Family Therapy Statement of Support
Welcome to the new semester. Last spring the SU community was involved in an incident that shocked us. At the time, some in the MFT Department met and issued a statement that we attempted to deliver to the wider community. Because we have not seen it in print, we wanted to make sure it was on our website. The statement is below. In light of the recent horrific videos that showed members of the SU…
Falk College Welcomes the Class of 2022
Falk College is thrilled to welcome back returning Syracuse students and to extend a special welcome to the Class of 2022, new transfer and graduate students! We are so happy to have you in the Orange family, as well as our family here at Falk College. As you meet your professors, classmates, and roommates, you’ll soon be feeling right at home. We are here to help you along the way. If you have an…
Welsh’s expertise in agriculture’s technological change shared with U.S. EPA scientific panel
A critical issue facing U.S. and global agriculture, specifically corn and cotton crops, is widespread resistance to crops genetically engineered to manifest the soil bacteria bacillus thuriengensis or Bt. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has convened a Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) to consider a set of eight Charge Questions related to the issue titled: “Resistance of Lepidop…