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Equity in Esports

Sport Management Professor Lindsey Darvin a Finalist for National Award
Students sitting at gaming stations wearing headphones

Syracuse University students in the esports gaming room in the Barnes Center at The Arch.
As a former athlete who played basketball and lacrosse in college, Lindsey Darvin became fully aware that too frequently, all is not equal when it comes to men’s and women’s organized sports. And when it came to esports and computer gaming, Darvin discovered the levels of equity were even worse.
So Darvin, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Sport Management at Syracuse University’s Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, has dedicated her research and teaching career to creating greater equity in esports and gaming.

Darvin has emerged as a national leader in this area, and she was recently named a finalist for the National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) Scholar of the Year Award. The winner will be announced at the NACE National Convention July 17-19 in Winter Park, Florida.

“It’s such an honor to be nominated for this award,” Darvin says. “I was thrilled to learn I was a finalist and excited to know that the work I have been doing to drive greater equity in the gaming and esports’ spaces has been recognized by scholars and practitioners across the industry.”

Nationally, Darvin is making an impact as associate editor of the Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports (JEGE); co-chair of the esports mini-track at the January 2025 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Conference, where her goal is advance esports scholarship and promote JEGE and publishing opportunities in the space; and a regular contributor to Forbes Magazine, where she writes columns such as this one about how an all-women’s Fortnite tournament is driving equity in esports.

Lindsey Darvin portrait
Lindsey Darvin

On the Syracuse campus, Darvin has been awarded Falk College seed grants to examine the culture of gaming for gender minoritized participants, and to study the processes of building community in gaming spaces for minoritized participants.

She also received a Syracuse University SOURCE award to work with two undergraduate students on a multi-level review of the underrepresentation of women and girls in esports and gaming (the manuscript is currently being developed). Overall, Darvin has received more than $22,000 in grants and awards for esports and gaming research projects.

Starting this fall, Syracuse University is introducing an esports communications and management program that is being offered jointly by Falk College and the Newhouse School of Public Communications. The course that Darvin teaches, “Race, Gender, and Diversity in Sport Organizations,” will be a required course in this new major.

We reached out to Darvin to learn more about her motivation to create greater equity in the esports and gaming space. Here’s that conversation:

Were you – and are you still – a gamer, and what motivated you to find ways to build equity and community in esports and gaming?

I have been involved in traditional sport spaces from a very young age and for me gaming was always a bit of an escape from those experiences. I was largely a PC gamer when I was young and played a pretty wide range of computer games growing up. Then I moved over to a variety of mostly sport-based games on my Gameboy, and now I’m much more of a console gamer.

I really brought over a lot of my traditional sport experiences as an athlete into my curiosity regarding the levels of equity in esports and gaming. Having recognized initially the influence that traditional sport and gaming had on me in terms of building confidence and risk-taking, I want to ensure all girls and women have the opportunity to experience not only playing for enjoyment, but also the benefits that come from participation in gaming spaces.

Regarding greater equity in esports, can you discuss the progress so far and what you’d like to see happen next?

Girls and women game at pretty high proportions compared to boys and men. Anywhere from 30 to 60 percent of women and girls game, depending on the mode (mobile, PC, console). Game titles are slowly dropping off with the more harmful stereotypes and women are being more prominently featured–think FIFA and NBA2K, for example, with women being featured as avatars and on the marketing materials.

But overall, we are not seeing women and girls at the highest levels of gaming as participants, which means they aren’t seeing the same opportunities to monetize their abilities or build a career through gaming. Right now, only about 8 to 10 percent of collegiate varsity gamers in the U.S. are women, and only about 5 percent of professional gamers worldwide identify as girls or women.

This is what I would like to change in the future by using my research to highlight the cultural issues and organizational processes that sustain this underrepresentation. At the same time, I want to promote the importance of bringing more women and girls to the table–it’s good business.

Can you explain the value of your research in practical terms. That is, how have the results of your research played out in reducing the “isms” (racism, sexism, etc.) in esports and gaming?

To this point, my work across the esports and gaming spaces has focused on three key pillars: 1) Expose (the isms, barriers, and obstacles that limit the advancement of women and girls in the esports and gamine spaces); 2) Debunk (the myths that limit women and girls from climbing to the collegiate and professional ranks, such as stereotypes); and 3) Advance (new solutions, programming, and protocols, including my current work looking to apply Title IX policy standards to ensure equitable opportunities at the high school and collegiate levels of play).

The funding I have been awarded over the previous few years has significantly assisted in accomplishing this overall research agenda, including a 2023-24 Falk seed grant that allowed me to travel for in-person data collection activities and serve as an exhibitor at TwitchCon (a gaming convention). In-person data collection at these conventions is a key component to the work that I do in these areas given how difficult it is to remotely identify highly engaged gamers, and grant funding has greatly assisted in my ability to reach this population.

We’re very excited to welcome the new esports communications and management major to Falk College and Syracuse University. You played a key role in developing and planning the program. Can you discuss how your research and advocacy for equity in esports and gaming will intersect with the goals of the program?

It’s a very exciting time in our department with the esports program officially launching this fall (2024). Throughout some of the earlier stages of planning I was sure to highlight the role of this program in driving greater equity across the esports and gaming spaces. It’s so important that coursework and research works to shape a more inclusive industry for the students we are training to be out in this field.

We want to prepare students for a career that maintains inclusive organizational cultures. Our students are the leaders of tomorrow, and through exposing them to these equity issues across the industry during their time as undergraduates, we are preparing them to create change as they move up the ladder.

The research I conduct also maintains this same mission of working to expose cultures in gaming and esports organizations that may not maintain environments that are welcoming for all employees and participants. We want this new esports program to be a leader in this area and prepare students to create meaningful change in the work they do once they graduate.

Visit the Sport Management homepage to learn more about academic programs, experiential learning, and career opportunities in the sport industry. To learn more about the esports degree program at Syracuse University, listen to this podcast with esports Executive Director Joey Gawrysiak.


Esports Degree Program Enjoys Successful Launch (Podcast)
An image with the text "Cuse Conversations Episode 164 with Joey Gawrysiak Executive Director, Electronic Sports Degree Program"

On this episode, Joey Gawrysiak discusses the evolution of the esports program on campus, the progress made in its first year, the expanded opportunities available to students and what’s planned for the future.

Beginning in the fall, Syracuse University’s electronic sports, or esports, academic degree program will welcome admitted students to campus for classes.

This past academic year served as “Year Zero” for the esports degree program, which employs a holistic, experiential learning-based approach that will prepare students for career success in various industries, leveraging the largest collection of faculty and staff members of any esports program on a college campus.

It’s an all-encompassing venture, including both the academic degree program and the competitive teams that vie for national championships in their respective games.

Academically, students who embark on this first-of-its-kind esports communications and management program, offered jointly by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and the Falk College, will pursue one of three tracks:

  • esports business and management, covering such topics as sport promotion, sport venue management and finance for emerging enterprises;
  • esports communications, including coursework in virtual reality storytelling, esports and advertising, public relations principles and sports in the metaverse; or
  • esports media and design, focused on 3D animation, game experience design and virtual production.

Competitively, Syracuse University fielded its first varsity esports squad in January, with the Orange winning a national championship in the Counter-Strike game and experiencing plenty of success across other varsity and club sports teams.

Portrait Joey Gawrysiak
Joey Gawrysiak

Joey Gawrysiak, executive director of the esports degree program, was hired last August to bring his visionary research and skills to campus, helping Syracuse capitalize on the tremendous popularity of esports while continuing to offer students innovative career options in emerging fields.

“Students will get a world-class education from esports-specific faculty that are at the top of their field in researching and teaching esports, with industry connections that will help you find an experience, a capstone, an internship and a job. That’s part of your educational journey,” says Gawrysiak, who developed one of the first esports degrees in the country at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia. He notes that the best-in-class esports facilities currently underway on campus will create standout opportunities for students to engage with esports and gaming.

On this “’Cuse Conversation,” Gawrysiak discusses the evolution of the esports program on campus, the progress made in its first year, the expanded opportunities available to students and what’s planned for the future.

Check out episode 164 of the “’Cuse Conversations” podcast featuring Gawrysiak. A text transcript is available at the end of this story.

What will set our esports degree program apart and set students up for success?

An esports degree program must include the communications side of the industry—the broadcast and production aspects—and the sport management side, including brand monetization and name, image and likeness opportunities as content creators. Our program pulls on one of the best sport management programs in the country with the Falk College and one of the best communications schools in the country with the Newhouse School.

We’re going to set new standards because of the skillsets and experiences our students go through while earning their degree. The three-pronged academic degree program will ensure our students are well positioned to succeed, both in the classroom and once they graduate.

What lessons did you bring with you from past experiences launching esports programs that have served you well so far in your current role?

I came to Shenandoah as a sport management professor and then developed the curriculum for what esports could look like in higher education. One of the biggest lessons I learned was how the program was based not just in the classroom, but also included running events out of our esports arena that we could use as a lab space for students to understand how to set up for an event, orchestrate a run of show and the broadcast and production that goes into an esports event. It’s important for students to handle tournament operations, advertising, social media posts and the promotional efforts that go with hosting an event, and our students were able to do all that as part of the curriculum to get a degree.

How would you summarize the first year of the program on campus? What were some of the highlights?

The biggest area of growth I’ve seen is helping people understand what esports looks like in higher education and that it’s not just a degree program, a club team, a varsity team or our great facilities. It’s how all those pieces work together to make an esports program under the Syracuse University umbrella. The top-down support we’ve received from Chancellor Kent Syverud and other administrators really is reassuring that we have a great support structure that will turn this program into something meaningful for our students.

The thing I’m most proud of is we had varsity competition for one semester this year. We had a Counter-Strike team win a national championship as the best Counter-Strike team in the country. I was so incredibly proud of what they did and how they embraced going varsity. I’m really proud of the competitive side of our esports program in their first semester of varsity play, and I’m also really proud that we’ve made some great connections for our students that are going to have the chance to work with some of the best esports organizations in the world as part of this degree program.

Listen to the full story…

’Cuse Conversations: Gamechangers – Esports Degree Program Enjoys Successful Launch

Beginning in the fall, Syracuse University’s electronic sports, or esports, academic degree program will welcome admitted students to campus for classes…

John Boccacino:
Hello and welcome back to the ‘Cuse Conversations podcast. I’m John Boccacino, senior internal communications specialist at Syracuse University.

Joey Gawrysiak:
So I think somebody looking at Syracuse to come and study esports, yes, you’re going to have world-class classes as part of this. You’re going to have teachers that are proficient in their discipline, in sport and in communication. But now you’re going to have esports specific faculty that are top of their field in researching esports, and teaching esports, but also with the industry connections that will help you find a job and an experience, a capstone, an internship, that are part of your educational journey that you’re here. And to top it all off, you’re going to have the best in-class facilities that no other college campus has with what we’re putting together in Schine and in Marley to go with what we’ve already had in Barnes. We’re going to have three massive esports facilities that any university would be lucky to have one of, for our students to have so many opportunities to engage with esports and gaming that you don’t get anywhere else.

John Boccacino:
Our guest today on the ‘Cuse Conversations podcast is Joey Gawrysiak, the executive director of Syracuse
University’s esports, or electronic sports communications and management degree program, which recently concluded its first year on campus. And what an exciting year it has been for our esports community. It’s hard to believe but a little more than one year ago we brought you this emerging topic by breaking down this news with Jeff Rubin, Olivia Stomski and Chris Hanson here on the podcast, discussing the exciting news that Syracuse was creating a new, first of its kind degree program focused on esports. Well, here we are now one year later, we’re having Joey on to discuss the progress the esports program has made, as well as some of the exciting initiatives planned for the program going forward. And for a little background for our audience, Joey is no stranger to developing esports degree programs. Syracuse University is, I believe, the third institution where he has played an integral role in launching an esports degree program, the last of which being Shenandoah University in Virginia. Joey, it’s a pleasure having you on. Thanks for making the time to join us.

Joey Gawrysiak:
Yeah, John, really appreciate it, man. It’s always a fun conversation to talk about all the things that we’re working on, and then it’s intimidating. It’s like, oh my gosh, we still have a long way to go, but we’ve come so far already from being here and having that groundwork initially. So really excited for the conversation today.

John Boccacino:
Give our audience a little background on the program itself and what your role has been serving as, again, that executive director.

Joey Gawrysiak:
This idea of an esports program, and in particular, this esports degree program that we’ve been working on during this past year in what I call year zero, because no students were actually admitted to the program. We actually have that this coming fall, will be the first admitted students. So yeah, I’ll try to give some background about my role, but also how esports in general has evolved on campus and how it’s not just about the academic program. It’s about what student experience has to offer. Elevating that club program to varsity competition. The chancellor approved that term varsity. So we have varsity teams competing for national championships now to go along with the programming that we’re building on the academic side of things and working with partner organizations. So yeah, there are so many different, I don’t know why it was good on octopus. There’s so many different tentacles that esports has and touches on a college campus like Syracuse, and I can’t wait to keep diving into each of these areas and figuring out how all this works together.

So with the degree program, launch this year, year zero, programmed it out, getting the planning, the curriculum set up, the courses, marketing, advertising, all the things that go with it to bring in our first incoming class. So joint degree program, like you mentioned, it was set up excellently by Olivia, by Chris, by Jeff Rubin, and everybody else that worked behind the scenes over the last few years to get it going. So it’s joint between Falk and Newhouse, where the curriculum is split between those two schools.

It is not a dual degree, it is a joint degree, which is confusing in some ways and figuring out exactly how enrollment structures work, how the homeschool idea works about communication to students, the advising opportunities. So it’s constantly a work in progress like, all right, we have this thing that is split between two different schools equally.

How does that actually work? And when I came to campus, I was like, I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out. And my favorite phrase that I’ve learned here, John is, we will get there. And I’m like, okay, that’s cool. We’ll get there. What opportunities can we set up within this academic program for this broader idea of professional development, career preparation that is not just focused on esports careers, but is also focused on those transferrable skills that work across different entertainment sectors and industries so that we’re not here with an esports degree to get somebody to be the next best caster for a rocket league in a professional setting. If that’s a career opportunity that somebody gets, awesome, love it, fantastic. But let’s make sure we’re preparing our students to work across different sectors and industries through this lens of esports and gaming and getting those transferable skills that is also based in experiential learning. Which is what Syracuse has done so well for so long, is making sure the students aren’t just in the classroom learning, but that they’re actually out in the field doing and experiencing and networking to make sure they actually have the skill sets that industry leaders are looking for in that next workforce coming through.

So that’s been a big push for us recently is making sure that we do have those opportunities with those companies and those industries to do that. It’s been a really great start for things. And my job, my position again, has evolved to not only report to Dean Jordan and Dean Lodato and Falk and Newhouse respectively, but working with Jeff Rubin out of the chancellor’s office, but also now working with Allen Groves out of student experience to set up experiences on that side of things too. So it’s been a great start.

It’s been 10 months, it feels like sometimes 10 years and sometimes 10 weeks that I’ve been in the position. So it’s never a dull moment and always exciting to work with great people at the university that’s doing things that nobody else is doing. And we’re one of about 15 or 20 schools that has an esports major in the country, and we’re by far the biggest when it comes to brand recognition and popularity, those kinds of things. So I really like where we are.

Also, the fact that we have the chancellor and the provost supporting these initiatives on campus goes a very long way, because they understand the importance and the opportunity, that educational opportunity that esports and gaming has to offer that is not about playing video games, but it’s understanding the ecosystem and the industry around this idea of video games and competitive video games and all the components that go with it. So even this year, no esports students per se, but we still, in our office space, we had about six to eight students on a daily basis that would just be in here asking us questions, wanted to get involved with the planning, the understanding, the execution of our matches or our competitions or the production, the long form, short form content we were creating. Because it helps them build their resume up and build their portfolio through something that they’re interested in already.

We know these young adults are playing video games. But now with this program, we’re offering them a structured and intentional opportunity to have an educational experience through this new and exciting lens that they value and they love and they’re passionate about, to help them gain those skills and build that portfolio, develop their network of connections in this field, yes. But it touches so many different fields that it’s important for them to understand where their career can go with the knowledge and skills they get through these opportunities.

John Boccacino:
You happen to come from a great school, Shenandoah University in Virginia that actually was one of the first esports programs in the country. What lessons did you take away from that experience that have served you well so far in your current role here at Syracuse?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Yeah, that’s a great question. And I love my time at Shenandoah. It was a fantastic experience. I came there as a sport management professor. That was my background, was teaching in sport management. And then I developed the curriculum about, at this point, it’s about seven, eight years ago, geez, that makes me feel old. That I started working on this curriculum for what esports could look like in higher ed. And I think that what was so great about the program down there is that it was all in one school. It was in the business school down there, and I had the varsity programming. I had the facilities that we were building at the same time I was writing curriculum. And what was great, and this is one of the biggest lessons I had I wanted to carry over, was that it was really based in not just being in the classroom.

It was also based in hey, running events out of our esports arena that we could use as almost like a lab space for students to be in, not to play video games, but to understand different setups for an event, understand a run of show and broadcast and production that goes with running an esports event. We could have local high schools come in and have a competition in our space, and we could have our students doing the tournament operations, do the advertising, social media posts, do the videos, the editing, the graphics, everything that goes with an event, hospitality, all this stuff that goes with an event. Our students can now do that as part of the curriculum to get a degree, which I thought was great. Because honestly, somebody looking at an esports degree on a resume, it’s like esports degree, okay, “They played video games and got a bachelor’s in that? What does that mean?”

I want that to pop out and people to say esports degree, tell me about what that means and what you did? And our students can talk about not just being in a classroom listening to somebody like me talk and blab on, but actually being in the field in an arena or off campus running an event and talking about all the things that go into that planning, the organizing, the execution of those events. So at Shenandoah, one of the biggest things I learned was how to write experiential learning based curriculum. And that’s something I wanted to make sure that we had here, those experiences. Something else was the value of global experiential learning to go with that. So how do we take students abroad? How do we work with organizations and schools in other countries to give students that chance to connect with students from other countries that have very different backgrounds, very different cultures, but have a shared commonality of esports and gaming to work on projects or experiences with?

How do we take our students out to South Korea or to Amsterdam or to London or to Dublin or the other places that Bangkok that we traveled to, with students to work with organizations in the esports and gaming industry to get their connections, to develop their network. But maybe most importantly, just have global competencies to understand how the world works, that it is not all about what’s going on at the time in Virginia or here, what’s going on here in New York, but what’s going on abroad? What’s going on across borders? How do I navigate that landscape when I might not speak the same language as that person I’m trying to work with? I think those are important ideas as well that I wanted to make sure to bring here to implement international programming as part of the experiences our students have.

So yeah, I take a lot of lessons I learned at Shenandoah, and I bring them here to Syracuse. Because I see it as a very similar conceptually program with the academic component, the facilities, the varsity component. It’s just elevated to such a higher degree here at Syracuse because it’s a very prestigious and historical university. So we want to make sure that we are carrying on that legacy of what has made Syracuse so fantastic and now implement something brand new to it and learn lessons along the way and make mistakes along the way because that’s how we get better as long as we learn from them. But I take so much from Shenandoah and that opportunity I had to even get started, and I’m trying to bring that here now. It doesn’t always look the same. It’s going to look a little different everywhere you go, but conceptually, a lot of the same ideas are brought up here with me.

John Boccacino:
What do you think it was about yourself, your background and your work experiences that you feel made you the right person to lead this program?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Yeah, number one, I know how to talk, unfortunately. It’s true because a lot of people that maybe are working in this space or are traditional gamers, they’re introverts, they don’t have the same social skills and know how to present themselves and sell. For lack of a better term, sell themselves to prospective donors or recruits or corporations for partnerships, sell themselves to administration to get the point across about the importance of esports in higher ed. But I think it’s also my background. My background in that I am traditionally from academia. I came through the University of Georgia, got my undergrad and masters and PhD, which I know is maybe not the best idea to get all three from the same school. So having that traditional academic background of scholarship, I did a lot of research. I’ve published a lot of journal articles, done a lot of presentations at different conferences over the years.

So having that background paired with starting a program exactly what Chancellor Syverud wanted here with a strong academic programming, with varsity and enhanced competitive experiences, with designing facilities that would go with all parts of recreation, student experience, competition, academics, professional development, hosting events, international travel, experiential learning. All of those same things that I was doing at Shenandoah and had experience in, Chancellor Syverud wanted here. And that steering committee was very clear. We need somebody that has done this before, has worked in this space. I’m like, “Well, that’s what I’ve done the last five years.” So I think I was really lucky to get the opportunity to come here and work with some great people because of my background.

But I also want to make sure I brought not just the academic background to this position, I wanted to make sure I did bring in that varsity competition background and that opportunity for students to come here to compete at the highest level against other schools around the country at that highest level. Scholarship opportunities, national championships, jerseys, coaching, travel, all the things that go with it. Because I saw the value that brought at Shenandoah, so I wanted to bring that here as well. So I think not only my background in traditional academia, the fact that I have a terminal degree in, I don’t want to say the field because there is no terminal degree in esports, but my research was in esports and video games for several years and I made a lot of presentations on that.

So I think having all those experiences really was the reason I was brought in. And I’m learning new things along the way. Fundraising, I was never good at fundraising, never really had to do that at Shenandoah. Here it’s like, all right, what are we doing for fundraising? I’m like, all right, let’s explore this chance. And that’s where the talking and the gabbing comes in, the fact that I have to sell myself on some things and sell the program on some things. So I think that’s why I was brought here is that, that really holistic background I had and experience I had that honestly, there might be one or two other people that have that same experience I’ve had if that many in the country.

John Boccacino:
And when it comes to, you mentioned a couple of times the core tenant of the… And we’ll get into the recreational sports and the varsity sports component because that’s fascinating to me. But I want to do a little more on the academic side of the house. And with the three-pronged degree program having esports business and management, esports communications, and esports media and design, all of these arms have been well calculated to set up our students for success, both when they’re in the classroom and then once they graduate from Syracuse and go out to be difference makers in the world. What did you love about the way the degree programs were set up that really played to your strengths, your research background, and how you could help these students reach their goals?

Joey Gawrysiak:
There were a couple of things that really I love. I love the fact that it pulled on two of the strongest schools and colleges at Syracuse, and not just at Syracuse, two of the best. One of the best sport management areas and programs with Falk in the country that everybody knows about, everybody hears about. But also with Newhouse, I mean, there’s nothing that compares with Newhouse around the country for a school of public communication. So it’s like that’s a no-brainer to me. And one of the things I’ve always said to people is that an esports degree program has to talk about the communication side of the industry. It can’t just be about the business or sport business side of the industry. There has to be a component that students can learn about, content creation, monetization of brand, name and image and likeness opportunities like we hear in athletics, but this time is with content creators.

The ideas of the behind this camera in front of the camera operations, full-fledged production because that is not my background, but I knew how important it was in the esports ecosystem, and I knew that I wanted that as part of what a degree offering would be. And when I was here touring and I saw the Newhouse spaces like the Dick Clark Studios and other spaces in there, I was like, 1000% I’m sold. This is all I needed to see, knowing that this could really be a difference maker for students. Because again, it’s not in a classroom. These are studios that don’t just replicate what you see in the professional industry. They are the professional industry. They literally are being used for professional industry experiences. I’m like, yes, if we can get our esports students to being able to understand how something at that level works and then take their understanding of esports, not only are they going to be well positioned to be successful, they’re going to be well positioned to accelerate the esports industry coming from Syracuse alums.

We’re going to set new standards because of the skill sets and experiences our students go through while getting their degree because of the strength of Newhouse that we are pulling in on for part of the esports degree, because of the strength of Falk and what we’re pulling in as part of that esports degree. So now I’m so lucky because I get to take the best of both worlds and put that together in this giant snowball and I guess snowball’s appropriate because in Syracuse. Put this giant snowball that I can start rolling down the hill, and really it starts picking up momentum, picking up steam. Students are working with each other, pulling on different experiences.

So those three prongs that you mentioned, one more Falk oriented, two more Newhouse oriented, I think they are so well positioned that we can really get things started in a meaningful way that other schools, they’re already looking at us. They’re already asking me, “How did you start this program?” They can really look at our students now when they graduate, and they can work with our students to help them set up programs at other institutions or professional industries. And it’s not only that, John, it’s like I also want to make sure we’re starting to tap into Whitman and entrepreneurial opportunities. Make sure our students understand business finance and economics and things that go on in Whitman. Make sure we understand what’s going on in the iSchool or engineering, and pull in some of those tenants and those courses as well. Because the ideas of computer science, game design.

While that’s not “esports directly,” there are a lot of overlaps and parallels with the esports industry and game design and content creation that go with the engineering as well as the analytics and the iSchool. Dude, I get so excited with all the different opportunities that esports has to touch so many different areas of campus, and I think we’re just getting started. But seeing that it started in Falk and Newhouse, which is exactly where my mind always has gone with understanding that sport management side of things and the broadcast and production side of things, I was like, this is already set up perfectly for me to come into and hopefully start filling that cupboard up.

John Boccacino:
When do you think that became the reality where the switch flipped from esports being gaming and a fun passion to an actual career opportunity?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Obviously, yes, we are there and people are like, they want to go to school, they want to study to work in esports. But even with a lot of students that we get as part of this program, or even my time at Shenandoah, a lot of students came in, they just wanted to play. They wanted to compete. Yes, they were taking the degree program. But a lot of them still wanted to compete. And then at about their junior year, after their sophomore year, they’re like, you know what? I’m not going to be a pro gamer. It’s something I was telling them the whole time because I was like, “Guys, you are not going to be a pro gamer, sorry. Top 1% make it as a career and you’re not the top 1%. I hate to burst your bubble, but it ain’t going to happen.” So they’re like, okay, well what can I do to leverage my knowledge and passion of esports to find a career?

So they will then start working more on the sales, the development, the marketing, the branding, the social media, the broadcast production. They will switch from playing and competing while also studying and going to class to just working as a work study position and professional development while also going to class. So I think that that change happens. For some students it happens in high school that they think, all right, this is a career. And I think that age continues to get lower because they’re starting to see more opportunities not just as careers, but also in college. And the curriculum is starting to evolve, not just to be college curriculum, but to be high school curriculum where you can take esports courses now in high school that can feed into college. So I think just as we continue to evolve as a discipline, that age is going to keep getting lower, that people can realize that they can go into esports or gaming or entertainment as a career opportunity and not just as a pro gamer.

So I think that’s where we are. That light bulb doesn’t switch on for some people as early as we want it to. But at some point during their college career, while they’re here, we make sure that we are constantly in front of them making sure they understand, there are real opportunities to study esports and gaming from an academic discipline that lead to career opportunities. And it’s not playing games or on keyboard and mouse. It’s not doing that. It’s through the lessons you learn through understanding that, but not just about playing the game.

John Boccacino:
What would you say to a prospective student or a parent or family member who listens to this and the light bulb goes off in their head that they might want to pursue the esports program? What are the best benefits of coming to Syracuse to study here under Falk, under Newhouse and under the Syracuse umbrella?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Yeah. The biggest benefits is, like I mentioned earlier, you are studying under Falk and Newhouse. This is not this new independent thing that doesn’t pull on the strengths that are already here at Syracuse. So we’re not reinventing the wheel, we’re just making a better wheel that makes sense for esports. So it’s something that you get to be part of Falk and you get to be part of Newhouse as part of this degree program. But we’re also pulling our connections and our alum network that are based out of Los Angeles. And a lot of students working in the gaming and esports industry. So students that come to Syracuse, they’re going to have a chance to travel to Los Angeles and work with Gen.G or Team Liquid or Riot Games as part of their experiences here. As part of the experience, they’re going to be able to travel to Washington DC and go meet with monumental and other entities down in DC that are part of the esports organization because of the umbrella and the network that we have here.

So I think somebody looking at Syracuse to come and study esports, yes, you’re going to have world-class classes as part of this. You’re going to have teachers that are proficient in their discipline in sport and in communication. But now you’re going to have esports specific faculty that are top of their field in researching esports and teaching esports, but also with the industry connections that will help you find a job and an experience, a capstone, an internship that are part of your educational journey that you’re here. And to top it all off, you’re going to have the best in-class facilities that no other college campus has with what we’re putting together in Schine and in Marley to go with what we’ve already have in Barnes. We’re going to have three massive esports facilities that any university would be lucky to have one of if for our students to have so many opportunities to engage with esports and gaming that you don’t get anywhere else.

We have the, and I’m sure we’ll get into this, we have the largest staff for esports on any college campus. And that’s some on the academic and some on the student experience side. We have the most work study opportunities. We have the most facilities. We are competing and engaging in so many different levels that if you want to have any experience in and through esports and gaming, there is no place that’s doing what we’re doing here. So that’s the biggest thing that we talk to parents about is, “What does your son or daughter like to do?” “Oh, they’d like to stream their stuff.” Cool. Here are seven different streaming rooms that we have, and here are some streamers that we work with on a daily basis that could talk to your son or daughter about how to set up a stream and how to monetize their branding through that stream in a way that makes sense.

We’re not just going to throw them to the wolves and say, “Streaming. Cool. Good luck. Go find a PC on your own.” We’re going to support students every step along the way as part of the program here.

John Boccacino:
And that’s really reassuring. Again, given the fact that with this program we just wrapped up year zero in the fall, we’ll have students admitted for the first time. So how would you summarize the first year of the esports program on campus, and what were some of the highlights you’re most proud of?

Joey Gawrysiak:
It’s been a whirlwind. It’s been a lot of fun. It’s been a learning experience for sure, not just for me, but for me educating and working with other people across campus. For me, the biggest area of growth that I’ve seen is that getting people to understand what esports looks like in higher education and that it’s not just a degree program. It is not just a club team. It is not just a varsity team. It is not just a facility that you’re throwing money at to make it look really cool and sound really cool. It’s how all of those pieces work together to make an esports program. Not an esports major, not an esports team, but an esports program under this awesome S right here.

So that’s the biggest thing that I’m most proud of is that people were starting to coalesce and not have siloed approaches to what esports can be on campus. We’re bringing it all under this esports broader umbrella to make sure that all those entities are working together. The sum of everything we do is so much greater than those individual parts that we were offering initially to students, which were great, and it’s fantastic that we had some offering for students. But seeing the top down approach and the value that the chancellor and other administrators have for what esports can be, is really reassuring that we are going to have that support structure for us to really go for this and make it something meaningful for our students. So our varsity teams, they don’t operate in a silo. Our varsity team works with our production area to make sure they coordinate the schedule and information and analytics and graphics and headshot and media that goes that they need. All of that has been an experience just to get things set up and structured how they can work most effectively and efficiently as a holistic program.

The thing I’m really, really proud of is also the fact that we had varsity competition for one semester. So we had clubs, they were competing on their own. In January, I had a full meeting with all of our students that wanted to keep competing, and I said, “All right, we’re going to offer the chance for you to be varsity competition starting this spring semester. If you want to be varsity, there are certain expectations you will have. And there are time commitments, GPA requirements, blah, blah, blah. If you want to remain a club, because that’s what you want to do and just have fun and play together, cool, we will support you still, but you will be on your own a little bit more. More freedom, but not as much support from the university.” So some teams decided they wanted be varsity, some wanted to stay club.

Of those varsity teams, we had a Counter-Strike team, one of the games we compete in, they won a national championship. They were the best counterstrike team in the country. I’ve got a three-foot tall trophy sitting right outside my office. Because this team had got to go down to Orlando and compete against the other top schools in the country that were on full ride scholarships. And our players are on no scholarships for esports, but they still won a national championship. I was so incredibly proud of what they did and how they really embraced this idea of varsity. And it wasn’t them, our Rocket League team did the same thing. They finished 12th in the country out of 400 teams. So very, very successful.

They won the first ever ACC member championship for Rocket League as we were competing against SMU, Florida State, Miami, Clemson, and other ACC schools. So we got some bragging rights already going on for the best ACC school. So really proud of that competitive side in the first semester of varsity. But I’m also really proud that we’ve made some great connections for our students that are going to be part of this major to work with some of the best esports organizations in the world. Like I mentioned earlier, Team liquid, Gen.G, Riot Games, Xbox, Samsung, Sony, EA. We’ve got great connections with all those companies for our students to work with immediately as part of this degree program.

John Boccacino:
If you look into your crystal ball, what types of expanded opportunities do you think will be available to our students moving forward?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Once we reach our final form as a program, some of the opportunities are things that we want to do like working events. We want to be hired by convention visitors bureaus from around the country. So CVBs in Indiana and South Carolina and New York. I want them to hire our students and our program to run an event for them completely offsite where our students get to plan in everything from start to finish and run the event, get paid for it, get a great experience, get great networking, awesome, put that on their resume.

I want that to be something we do on a yearly basis. I want there to be expanded international opportunities. There has to be international components that our students can study abroad in South Korea for a full semester or London, or Germany’s got a great scene. France has a great scene. Where our students can go abroad and for an entire semester and study esports, but also work with international companies that are in and around the esports and gaming industries.

I want us competing on the competitive side. I want us competing for ACC and national titles on a consistent basis in two or three different titles. And I want to continue to bring events here to campus. I would love, and John Wildhack would love it, Kent Syverud would love it. So many people would love it if we can bring a massive esports event and put it in the dome. That is something I hear over and over is get, League of Legends or get Valorant or get something, get Call of Duty to be in the dome at some point. I’m like, that is really ambitious because that’s like what, 40,000 seats or whatever it might be. An esports event might get 400 people, 500 people. There are maybe four events a year that get to that 20 to 40,000. And they’re typically in New York City or Seoul, South Korea, these major metropolitans. So if we could get something like that to Syracuse, New York, I mean mind blown. You’d know we’ve arrived. You know we got the best program.

John Boccacino:
People might not believe there are hardcore intense practice sessions that go into these esports games. There’s communications lessons, there’s comradery. How does an esports student athlete demonstrate that comradery, that communication, the skills needed to reach the pinnacle?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Yeah. A lot of it is communication. It’s just like any other sport. It’s constant communication and teamwork and practice. So our students do have very intense practice sessions. They have what we call VOD review, video on demand, where they’re watching gameplay of scrimmages they have. Scrimmages are so important in the competitive esports space compared to more traditional sports because you can play a team from anywhere in the world online right now. So coaching, VOD review, breaking down film, knowing tendencies, and this is where this is really cool. This is where we’re going to tap into our analytics programs at Syracuse that are sports analytics, best in the country. No question about it. We have data analytics out of the iSchool that are amazing as well. So we’re going to tap into those students and get them involved with our teams to start tracking progress and trends that they have. And then reporting back to help our coaches with the analytics part of esports that is incredibly untapped.

So hopefully that we can elevate our players to even higher level based on analytics and science now, not just on how they play and how they communicate. But we are constantly talking about, hey, who’s the IGL, the in-game leader, who’s making the callouts for what’s going to happen in the game? How are we communicating that to each other effectively and efficiently so that things aren’t getting jumbled and they’re not trying to talk over each other during a competition? So it’s listening to communication. It’s breaking down gameplay, looking at mechanical ability as well as mental ability and understanding gameplay and mechanics that go into it. But it’s always, it’s playing with each other. It’s constantly playing with each other intentionally to get better so that you can. It’s not just playing the game to have fun, unfortunately.

The game should be fun, but they’ve got to take it seriously. They’ve got to make sure they’re grinding and putting the time in needed for an hour or two a day in practice, and then going to class. It’s not about playing for six or seven hours a day and not doing something and getting anything out of it. It’s about playing for one or two hours intentionally to work on a skill to get them better at the game. So we treat it just like any other sport. We’re going to work with psychologists, work with nutritionists.

We’re going to work with physical trainers to make sure they are in good shape, mentally, physically, emotionally, to compete at a high level for a longer period of time. We’re going to tap into that science side of things with the analytics. We’re going to work with team psychologists. Psychology is right in the same building that our esports program will be in. So it’s like a perfect marriage. So yeah, we really want to really capitalize on all those different areas because all of those skills are what’s needed to take somebody to make them a really high level player, just like in traditional sports.

John Boccacino:
And it’s really remarkable. I mentioned earlier the growth that esports has seen. I saw a recent study from Pew saying that 90% of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 play video games in some way, shape or form. That’s clearly got to be music to your ears as future potential students and student athletes to bring here to Syracuse’s program. What do you attribute that rapid growth and interest in esports and video games to?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Kids are digital natives. It’s accessible. It’s accessible like it never has been before. And it’s largely because of this thing that’s in my pocket right now. That I could pull out and I could play a video game on right now. And the mobile gaming industry, it’s not the same as the esports industry unless you’re in Southeast Asia where mobile gaming is the biggest form of esports. But I’ve heard those same numbers. But I’ve also heard numbers that 99% of all boys and 94% of all girls play a game before age 12. And what other activities even close to that? Nothing. So yes, we know that people play video games. We know there’s an interest in video games, so how do we set this up to intentionally have an educational opportunity that utilizes and harnesses that power and impact that gaming can have to teach people skills that are transferable and important for valuable careers across different industries?

That’s the whole point of an esports degree program. That’s the whole point of professional development through esports and gaming. These they’re very real world skills. But it makes me very excited and I hate trying to forecast and guess on anything in the future, but I feel really safe where we are with the value and passion that gaming has and the fact that kids growing up today are digital natives and they’re understanding what, not just esports and games are through different devices, but just how to engage in social media, how to engage with YouTube and people that are out there and talk to people through this right here, like Zoom, like Teams. That you’re not picking up a phone and calling somebody, you’re doing a video chat through something like this for meetings and social experiences, and they’re making friends with people around the world that they’ve never met in real life.

So how do we harness this new age, this new digital age that we’re getting into through this idea of entertainment and technology that is esports and gaming, just like we’re looking at AI and VR and robotics and other STEM and STEAM fields. Esports is that entertainment component to STEAM education.

John Boccacino:
With this ever evolving industry, what’s next? Where else can this industry be headed when it comes to the academics and then the esports competitive side of it as being varsity athletes?

Joey Gawrysiak:
Yeah. I think it is understanding that the continuing evolution of technology, AI being a major part of it. But I think AR VR is another part of it that we need to understand. Esports in particular, will there be like virtual reality esports? Of course there will be. There already has been. They haven’t been as accessible or available to people as other esports have been. So I think as we look at trends for the future and the education, it’s an understanding of technology more all encompassing and how we utilize technology not just for entertainment like the esports industry is in, but also for other areas of industries, whether it be religion or work or economy or education. How we utilize technology and computers and all the equipment, all the hardware, all the software that comes with esports and gaming and streaming, and how we utilize all that in a way that makes sense across other industries. I think that’s a big part that we need to keep an eye on.

But for the esports industry in particular, it’s understanding AR VR. It’s understanding mobile gaming a little bit more and how to get things a little bit smaller. But also the biggest key phrase is accessibility. How do we make this more accessible and equitable to make sure that we are encouraging and including everybody we can through these mechanisms? There are some DEI initiatives in place that the esports industry is not good on different diversity standards right now. It is very white male or Asian male. So how do we get more people included? How do we get more people, more backgrounds included in this space? I think that’s a big thing that we’ve got to figure out as an industry as well. And I think it’s lowering that barrier to access, lowering that barrier to entry. So getting things cheaper, getting things more accessible, those are going to be some of the big trends that we see in this industry going forward.

John Boccacino:
I can’t wait to see what happens moving forward in the fall with students being admitted for the first time to the esports program here at Syracuse University. Joey, keep up the great work and thanks again for making the time to talk with us.

Joey Gawrysiak:
Awesome, John. Really appreciate it, man, and happy to be here. Really excited for the conversation we had today and really appreciate your time as well.

John Boccacino:
Thanks for checking out the latest installment of the ‘Cuse Conversations podcast. My name is John Boccacino, signing off for the ‘Cuse Conversations podcast.

A Syracuse University News story by John Boccacino originally published on June 25, 2024.

Falk in Australia

‘We Made Memories That Will Last a Lifetime, and Bonds That Will Last Forever’
A group of people are posed together on a beach.

Nineteen Syracuse University students, including 14 from Falk College, spent nearly three weeks in Australia starting in mid-May for Professor Rick Burton’s “Australia: Sport, History and Culture” class (Burton is in the back row with red jacket and hat).

From mid-May through early June, 19 students from Syracuse University–including 14 from Falk College–spent the start of their summer in Australia for the “Australia: Sport, History and Culture” class taught by David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management Rick Burton.

For nearly three weeks, the students traveled from the Melbourne Cricket Ground to Cairns to the Great Barrie Reef to Sydney, Australia’s largest city. As part of their immersion trip, each student was required to contribute to Aussie 24, a blog that captured their day-to-day experiences.

The entire blog is worth your time, but here’s a video and daily excerpts from the blog to get you started:

The Day Before: Kate Bradley ’26 (sport management major)

Currently, all of the students are working on writing research papers to prepare us for this trip and give us background knowledge on the various topics we will be learning during this course. My research paper topic reflected on the Australian Football League Women’s (AFLW) and female leadership and representation within that league. The entire league is full of successful women the prioritize supporting each other and encouraging diversity within the league.

I am looking forward to landing in the beautiful city (of Melbourne), grabbing a cup of famous Australian coffee, and heading to the Melbourne Cricket Ground for a tour of their facilities to kick off our week in Melbourne before we depart for Cairns.

Day 1: Ethan Canals-Fernandez ’27 (sport management)

Today is day one of travel for most, but for me I am already halfway to Melbourne! I decided to leave a day earlier to be able to acclimate to the time difference before the fun begins. I am extremely excited to learn about the rapid growing sports culture here as well as attending some local games.

Each student wrote about different things, but for (my research paper) I chose to write about economic growth as well as racial issues in sports in Australia. Through this paper I was able to see how rapidly the sport sector is growing and the positive affect it has on the economy.

Day 2: Elizabeth Carchia ’26 (chemical engineering)

At 1:15 p.m., after a warm shower and change of clothes, the whole group of us set off to Melbourne Cricket Arena, where we were able to get a tour of the facilities and watch some professional players warm up. It was here we were able to learn more about the Australian Football League and its significance to Australians.

After our tour or the facilities and the museum we headed back to the hotel for a quick rest before we got dinner at a local food market. I am looking forward to catching up on rest from our long days of travel and watching a real Australian football in person tomorrow!

A group of people are standing in a circle in a park.

Learning how to play rugby.

Day 3: Julia Cronin ’26 (sport management)

Our group walked to Victoria University, where we met with Dr. Matthew Klugman, who was kind enough to come into work on a Saturday to teach us about the history and rules of Aussie Rules Football as well as the social impact of the game. After a captivating lecture, our group got lunch and headed to Flagstaff Gardens Park with Damian Hecker (“Damo”) to try out Aussie Rules Football! We started out with drills and then played a scrimmage game. I even surprised myself and scored a goal.

Later, we watched the St. Kilda Saints vs Fremantle Dockers at Marvel Stadium (in Melbourne). We all got dinner at the stadium, and many tried the famous Australian meat pies and kangaroo meat! Our group was able to understand the game much better after getting the chance to play it ourselves in the park earlier. Unfortunately, St. Kilda (Professor Burton’s favorite team) didn’t pull off the win but the game was so fun to watch nonetheless.

Day 4: Sean Cullen ’26 (sport management)

We were given a day today to explore the city of Melbourne, and some of us headed off to the Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. While seeing penguins for the first time was surreal, looking at large sharks a couple of days before going scuba diving may not have been the smartest move of the afternoon.

My last activity of the day was dining at a restaurant called “Ghost Donkey,” solely because of the name. While I expected a Mexican-style restaurant, it turned out to be a very relaxed and calm bar/lounge with beautiful decor. After about an hour of just hanging around there, we all departed and went back to our hotel to prepare for an early morning tomorrow.

A group of people are posed on boardwalk stairs going down to a beach.
Walking the Great Ocean Road.

Day 5: Liam De Vos ’26 (education)

Today the group went on a massive road trip along the Great Ocean Road. We saw beautiful sight after beautiful sight, getting amazing photos and memories captured over the course of the day.

We made a stop to see some koalas, but the birds stole the show and I was able to get some birds to land on my arms. After lunch, we took a very scenic route where we saw amazing views as the sun was starting to set and we ended the day at McDonalds to feel at home. It was truly an amazing day that I will remember forever!

Day 6: Finley Dermody ’27 (sport management)

This morning, we started our day with a walk to the Twenty3 Group’s office, where we met with CEO Mr. John Tripodi. He gave us a presentation on the (marketing) company that he started himself. He started out in the candy business, then moved to hair care brands, and then to starting his own agency. It was fascinating to hear about his journey.

Next, we heard from Mr. Raphael Geminder, a Syracuse alum and chairman of the (packaging company) Pact Group who flew in from Europe to speak with us. Mr. Geminder shared his experiences at Syracuse University and talked about sustainability initiatives at Pact. He talked about the circular cycle compared to the linear cycle, as well as the importance of a good role model over a good job.

At 2:15 pm, we walked to the Melbourne Museum and had the chance to explore the museum prior to the official tour. We then had a guided tour at the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The tour was very educational and gave us a deeper understanding of the Aboriginal culture and history.

Day 7: Edison Friday ’27 (sport management)

The flight to Cairns wasn’t too bad, just about 3 hours long. After landing safely in Cairns, our guide took us up the mountains where we eventually learned about the culture of the Djabugay people.

The Djabuygay people were the nation’s first people whose culture and stories were represented through the voices of the Pamagirri guides who work at Rainforestation (National Park). We eventually made our way to what I call a “bird sanctuary,” and our last stop was the sky rail before we eventually made our way home.

A group of people are posed on a basketball court.

Visiting the Cairns Taipans Basketball Club.

Day 8: CJ Green ’26 (sport management)

The day started with an excellent presentation by Dr. Glen Deakin, who discussed the health of Indigenous communities, particularly in the Solomon Islands. His talk was thought-provoking and made me reflect on our privileges and the things we often take for granted.

After the presentation, we visited the Cairns Taipans Basketball Club. Playing basketball and touring the facility, especially the recovery room, was definitely one of the highlights of the day. It was interesting to see how the club’s facilities compare to the NBA facilities.

a collage of underwater photos with the phrase "we even got to swim with turtles"
Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.

Day 9: Anna McDonald ’26 (sport management)

The trip to the Great Barrier Reef took about two hours through rough ocean waters. On the way there the boat crew taught us about the marine life we might see, proper scuba diving and snorkeling techniques, and told us what to expect from the day.

Arriving at the reef was beautiful, from the boat you could see some of the corals and the water was very blue. I got the opportunity to scuba dive for the first time, and it was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. I got to see some many different types of fish and all the corals. After the first dive we ate lunch and had the opportunity to dive or snorkel again, this time I just snorkeled, which was just as cool.

Day 10: Johann Perera ’25 (sport analytics)

Today we had a free day to explore Cairns. So of course, I decided to do a free fall 14,000 feet in the sky. Anna, Dante, and I took a one-hour drive south in order to make this bucket list experience possible. And after a two-minute debriefing and 20-minute plane ride, my instructor decided it was time to kick me out of the plane. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

Later, Dylan, CJ, and I went to the Cairns Dolphins’ (basketball) game. Even though the arena was small, the atmosphere was great. We watched the entirety of the women’s game. It would’ve been much better if they won, but instead they lost by 40. It was still a great experience.

Day 11: Dante Reese ’26 (sport management)

Growing up in Los Angeles, my elementary school mascot at Kentwood Elementary was a koala. Today, that childhood memory came full circle as my group and I had the chance to pet and take pictures with a koala at Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures. We also fed and petted kangaroos, took a boat ride through a crocodile-infested swamp, and watched an engaging crocodile show where we learned about saltwater crocodiles.

After our thrilling time at the zoo, we visited Palm Cove Beach, where we swam in the warm ocean waters. We were also treated to ice cream by the generous John Tripodi (first introduced in Day 6). Thank you, Mr. Tripodi, for taking the time to inspire us with your success story. I was truly moved by how one can create such a successful business through experiences in various occupations.

Day 12: Leda Rossmann ’26 (history)

We arrived in sunny Sydney very excited for warm weather since it’s been pretty rainy in Melbourne and Cairns. We drove to Bondi Beach to visit the legendary Bondi Icebergs Swimming Club. The pools are saltwater and freezing cold. I was so excited to jump in. I was a competitive swimmer for most of my life so the water is one of the most calming and nostalgic places I can be.

Our amazing bus driver took us on a guided tour of the Sydney sights. We saw The Gap and heard the story of Don Ritchie, who saved at least 180 people who were going to jump off the rocks. We also saw Lady Macquarie’s (rock) Chair, where she would look into the harbor to watch for ships bringing news of her family during the early colonization days. We saw some of Vivid Sydney, a light/art show in the harbor with lights into the sky and on the bridge and art projected onto the Opera House and other buildings.

Day 13: Dylan Taylor ’26 (sport management)

To start off our second day in Sydney the group traveled to University of Technology Sydney for special lectures from Prof. Burton’s good friend, Dr. Daryl Adair. The first lecture was an overview of Australia and its history as well as some of its pillars of society. The second lecture was very special about the history of race in sports as it relates to Australia. This was a treat as the lectures were informational, engaging, and eye opening.

After a nice lunch break, we went to one of Australia’s most famous landmarks, the Sydney Opera House. This time we were able to attend an hour-long guided tour through the building. I found the story of the architecture and the history of Aboriginals prior to the building’s construction to be the most interesting.

Day 14: Cate Vickery ’26 (sport management)

Today we had our lecture of the day in the morning at the University of Technology Sydney. The lecture was about the history of politics and geopolitics within the Olympics and what that’s going to look like this year at the 2024 Paris Olympics. After our short lunch break, we went over to the UTS’ main campus area, where we met Fadi Chadayda, who works for a company that helps organize and create esports locations and events in universities and other spaces.

We got to see a few different esports rooms, with the main one sponsored by Red Bull. It was very cool because everything in that space was sponsored by Red Bull or other companies to help promote esports. Fadi then gave us a presentation on esports in Australia, the history of it, and where he thinks it will go in the future as well as what his company does and what his job is.

A group of people are posed in a rugby stadium during a game.

Attending a Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks rugby game.

Day 15: Doug Capdeville ’24 (communication and media studies)

After spending time on the beach and listening to a presentation about the local surf club, we headed to the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks rugby facility. There, we got to learn how to play rugby. The staff was super friendly and taught us the basics, which was really fun. We even got to try out some drills ourselves.

After that, we sat through a lecture by the Sharks’ staff. They talked about the team, their strategies, and what it’s like to be part of the rugby community. It was really interesting to hear about the behind-the-scenes stuff.

The day ended on a high note with an exciting Sharks game, which was about an hour away from the rugby facility. The atmosphere was incredible—fans were cheering, and the energy was off the charts. The game was intense and really fun to watch. From the beach to learning rugby and experiencing a live game, it was a day filled with awesome memories.

Day 16: Aylee Weiss ’25 (broadcast and digital journalism)

Today was our free day in Sydney so Kate Bradley and I decided we had to catch some waves in one of the best surf cities in the world. We hopped on a ferry and headed to Manly Beach just outside the city of Sydney.

We had a blast catching waves with our surf instructors for about two hours, and we could’ve stayed out there longer. We were having a blast. Later we then headed to Coogee beach to walk around and get some things for us and our families. We wrapped up our day watching the sunset on the beach and then got a quick dinner and headed home to get some sleep.

Day 17: Thomas Wildhack ’26 (sport management)

After an unforgettable two weeks, the final day had arrived. Fortunately, we had had another free morning, which gave some of us the chance to fit in one last adventure, and others to catch up on some much needed sleep.

I had previously found out that not only was June 1st the first day of winter, it was also the first day of whale season. All of the humpback whales would begin a great migration from Antarctica up the coast of Australia in search of warmer waters. I figured that whale watching would be a great way to go out on a big splash. Once we made our way into the ocean, it didn’t take long to find some activity. A few whales were splashing around, and swam over to the boat to show off their skills. I thought the whales would be sacred of the boat, yet I learned many whales are incredibly curious creatures and often approach boats.

We finished off the trip with one final group dinner at the Great Southern Bar. We reflected the on our favorite moments of the trip, and took one final group photo. All of us couldn’t believe how fast these last few weeks went by. We made memories that will last a lifetime, and bonds that will last forever.

Day 18: Robert Yardley ’26 (sport management)

Unfortunately, our time in Australia together has reached its conclusion.

These last few weeks as a group have flown by, and most of us are left feeling that it all ended too soon. However, there is no doubt that the learning experiences we have shared and the memories we have created together will be with us for the rest of our lives. Most of us came to Australia as strangers to each other, but we all left as a family.

Visit the Department of Sport Management to learn more about other experiential learning trips, academic programs, and career opportunities.

Four Days in Philly

Falk College Students Enjoy ‘Extraordinary Opportunity’ on Immersion Trip
Nine female members of WISE-SPM club

Department of Sport Management students in the heart of historic Philadelphia. From left, Livia McQuade, Kate Hubbard, Brooke Siket, Charlotte Howland, Ashley Stewart, Allison Vilms, Erin Moore, Marni Nirenberg, and Jacqueline Dipaolo.

The city of Philadelphia is one of 12 cities that host teams in the “Big Four” major sports leagues in North America: the Phillies of Major League Baseball (MLB), the Eagles of the National Football League (NFL), the 76ers of the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the Flyers of the National Hockey League (NHL). Also, the greater Philadelphia area has been the home of the Union of Major League Soccer (MLS) since 2010.

In addition, Philadelphia hosts numerous sporting events throughout the year, including collegiate events and international competitions at world-class venues such as Citizens Bank Park and Lincoln Financial Field.

Over the course of four days in May, nine female students from Syracuse University’s Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics visited Philadelphia to meet with numerous sports organizations and more than 25 sport industry professionals. The meetings included executives from several sectors of the industry, including PlayFly Sports, Zelus Analytics, Harris Blitzer Sports and Entertainment, Philadelphia Phillies, Philadelphia Union, Leveling the Playing Field, Temple University Athletics, and the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA). The group also attended a Phillies’ game.

Jake and Suzanne Doft have sponsored the trip for the past three years in honor of their daughter, Class of 2022 Sport Management graduate Dara Doft.

The students on the trip included Jacqueline Dipaolo, Charlotte Howland, Kate Hubbard, Livia McQuade, Erin Moore, Marni Nirenberg, Brooke Siket, Ashley Stewart, and Allison Vilms. The students, all members of the Women in Sports and Events (WISE) Club from the Department of Sport Management, were accompanied by internship placement coordinator Beth Perez and Sport Analytics program coordinator Jackie Dorchester.

Livia McQuade at the stadium

Livia McQuade ’25

We asked McQuade ’25 to share her experiences and thoughts about the Philadelphia immersion trip, and this is what she wrote:

“This year’s WISE immersion trip to Philadelphia was nothing but extraordinary! We are so thankful for the incredible generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Jake and Suzanne Doft and their family for sponsoring this experience, and to the Department of Sport Management at Falk College and our two advisors, Beth Perez and Jackie Dorchester, for coordinating an amazing agenda.

“Our first day kicked off with an on-site visit to Playfly Sports, a sports marketing, technology, and media organization that supports brands, teams, and leagues. We gained a great perspective about mergers and acquisitions and the marrying of clients and brands, and topped off our visit by playing basketball on their indoor court.

“On day two, we headed to the Philly city limits to meet with the MLS team, the Philadelphia Union. A panel of Union executives gave us in-depth answers about both the Union’s and the league’s community-driven initiatives, as well as how they market themselves in a city that is both so passionate about, and saturated with, sports. We came away with great advice, and even snapped a picture at the corner of the pitch!

“After visiting the Union, we made our way back into the city to meet with a panel stacked with Philly-centric executives who represented Learn Fresh, Harris Blitzer Sports & Entertainment, the MLBPA, and Zelus Analytics. With such a wide range of perspectives and sectors present, the group answered questions ranging from entrepreneurship, community relations, player performance technology, workplace dynamics, and even sports betting.

“To wrap up day two, we journeyed on a historic walking tour through Philadelphia, seeing everything from the Liberty Bell to Betsy Ross’ house to where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and even the ‘oldest continuously inhabited residential street in the United States.’ Our biggest takeaway: There wasn’t anything Ben Franklin couldn’t do.

“We kicked off day three by meeting with various individuals at Temple University, including the women that lead Temple athletics who gave their insight on NIL (Name, Image, and Likeness) and how we can build communities with other women as we enter the industry. We then met with students from Temple’s Women in Sport and Recreation Management (WSRM) Club. It was an exciting and comforting experience to exchange ideas between the clubs and make new connections with aspiring industry leaders.

“In the afternoon, we toured Lincoln Financial Field, home of the Eagles. We saw the broadcasting suites, locker room (featuring the team’s Lombardi Trophy), press room, and the NFL’s first sensory room. They played the runout sequence (flashing lights, music, signs) as we walked through the team’s tunnel onto the field! Needless to say, it was a one-of-a-kind experience! On top of everything else, we learned about what goes on behind the scenes at an NFL venue. I task you to look up how much maintenance goes into just the grass at Lincoln Field.

“We wrapped up the day by attending a Phillies’ game. Our pregame activities consisted of a networking event with some of the Phillies’ powerhouse women in brand marketing, legal, graphic design, sponsorship, special events, broadcast technology, and retail marketing. They answered our questions, and we came away with new industry connections. When the game started, we made our way to our seats and met back up with the students from Temple’s WSRM Club to enjoy a great game against the New York Mets.

“On our last day, we had the privilege of meeting with Leveling the Playing Field (LPF), a non-profit that combats the barriers to sport by redistributing sports equipment to local teams and leagues in need at no cost. LPF was started by Syracuse alumnus Max Levitt ’11. The company has distributed $14 million of equipment and impacted more than 100,000 youth in sport.

“Our group loved meeting with LPF! We learned about their partnerships with the Philadelphia pro teams to collect equipment, the true difference they are making for youth teams and athletes, the life-changing impact they have on female athletes, and the sheer amount of equipment they have in their warehouse that is free for those in need.

“Our group is thankful for this experience, to all the industry professionals we spoke with, and for the incredible generosity of the Doft family. We recognize this was an extraordinary opportunity that will catapult us as we prepare for our careers in sport, and we will never forget it.”

Livia McQuade ’25 is a sport management major and a sport event management minor in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. She is executive vice president of the Sport Management Club and co-chair of the 2024 Charity Sports Auction. She’s currently a summer athlete relations intern for the Olympus Sports Group, where she’s assisting U.S. athletes before and during the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics.

Focused on Future Success

Human Dynamics Task Force Members Appointed, Set to Begin Work

drone image of SU campus

A task force charged with the reimagination of Syracuse University’s human dynamics academic programs has been convened by Vice Chancellor, Provost and Chief Academic Officer Gretchen Ritter.

The work of the Human Dynamics Task Force will focus on programs in human development and family science; marriage and family therapy; public health; and social work with the aim of positioning them for future success by leveraging opportunities and expanding impact. Those programs have long been housed in the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics which, as announced in April, will become the David B. Falk College of Sport and focus exclusively on sport-related disciplines.

“The human dynamics programs have played an important role in the history of our University, and have had a significant impact on the communities they serve,” Provost Ritter says. “With the transformation of Falk College comes a unique opportunity to take a thoughtful approach to ensuring the future success of these programs and the continuation of that legacy.”

The first meeting of the task force was held May 28, and work will continue throughout the summer. A final report will be submitted to Provost Ritter by the end of October.

Members of the task force include:

  • Lois Agnew, associate provost for academic programs (co-chair)
  • Rachel Razza, associate dean for human dynamics, Falk College (co-chair)
  • Colleen Cameron, professor of practice of human development and family science, Falk College
  • Marcelle Haddix, associate provost for strategic initiatives
  • Jody Levison-Johnson, Falk College Advisory Board
  • Melissa Luke, Dean’s Professor, School of Education
  • Kenneth James Marfilius, assistant dean for online and distance education and associate teaching professor of social work, Falk College
  • Sharon Owens, deputy mayor, City of Syracuse
  • Ian Richardson, assistant director of undergraduate admissions, Falk College
  • Ann Rooney, deputy county executive for human services, Onondaga County
  • Tracey Reichert Schimpff, member, Falk Faculty Council and associate teaching professor and graduate director of marriage and family therapy, Falk College
  • Merril Silverstein, professor of human development and family science and Marjorie Cantor Professor of Aging Studies, Falk College
  • Yvonne (Eevie) Smith, associate professor of social work, Falk College
  • Maureen Thompson, associate professor and undergraduate director of public health, Falk College
  • Dyane Watson, professor of practice and chair of marriage and family therapy, Falk College
  • Ryan O. Williams, associate dean, College of Professional Studies

A Syracuse University News story by Wendy S. Loughlin originally published on June 6, 2024.

Extra Points

Who Had the Best NFL Draft? Falk College Sport Management Students
Six female Falk SPM students at axe throwing excursion

During their trip to Detroit for the NFL draft, the six Sport Management and Sport Analytics students enjoyed a fun axe-throwing excursion. From left to right, Maddy Forster, Grace Froehlke, Anna Pierce, Claire Patin, Ava Uribe, and Aryssa Hopps.

And with the first pick of volunteers for the 2024 NFL Draft, the Detroit Sports Commission selects . . .

Falk College sport management and sport analytics students!

For the NFL Draft in late April, the Detroit Sports Commission and Visit Detroit – the city’s visitors bureau – did indeed utilize the talents of six female students from Falk College’s Department of Sport Management: Aryssa Hopps ’25, Grace Froehlke ’26, and Alivia (Ava) Uribe ’26 from Sport Management, and Anna Pierce ’25, Madelyn (Maddy) Forster ’26, and Claire Patin ’26 from the department’s Sport Analytics program.

During their three days in Detroit, the students worked a variety of volunteer roles, visited with female executives from the NBA’s Detroit Pistons, and networked with Syracuse University alumni at a dinner hosted by David Katz, chair of the Visit Detroit Board of Directors and the parent of a Syracuse University student. The students were accompanied by Sport Management Internship Coordinators Beth Perez, who organized the trip, and Aaron Knighton.

Perez says the genesis of the trip was a conversation between Falk College Dean Jeremy Jordan and Katz, who believed students would benefit from volunteer opportunities at the draft. In discussions with the Sport Management team, Jordan suggested that this experiential learning opportunity be reserved for female students, and Perez thought that was “a fantastic idea.”

“There’s a push for female leadership and providing opportunities for females in the sport industry,” Perez says. “As we know, they’re still the minority within the industry, so we wanted to make it a point to bring the most students we could to get this experience.

“As soon as we mentioned the NFL draft and having the opportunity to go, they without hesitation said yes, even before they figured out their schedules,” Perez adds.

To better understand the impact of this trip, we asked two of the students – sport management’s Hopps and sport analytics’ Patin, to share with us the highlights of their experience in Detroit. Here’s what they wrote:

Female SPM student with volunteers at NFL draft

Sport Management major Aryssa Hopps (second from left, standing) with her fellow volunteers in Teammate Headquarters at the NFL Draft.

Aryssa Hopps

“My time working in Teammate Headquarters at the NFL Draft was truly an unforgettable experience. I was the first interaction all volunteers had before starting their shifts with the draft, meaning I was able to have an impact on every individual. Whether it be offering a warm greeting, asking them if they were excited about the draft, or just chatting about our favorite teams, I felt as though every person that I met truly impacted my experience in Detroit.

“Most volunteers lived in Detroit or other areas of Michigan, and others were from surrounding states. It was inspirational to hear the stories and different backgrounds from everyone I worked with. Every person had a different reason for why they wanted to volunteer and give back to the city of Detroit.

“While I was inside during my shifts at the NFL Draft Experience and not outside with all the activities like the other women on our trip, I wouldn’t have wanted my experience to be any other way. I was able to form friendships with the small crew that I worked with who made a lasting impact on my impression of Detroit. Over the course of two days, our crew became so close we all signed up to volunteer to work the 2025 NFL Draft in Green Bay, where we hope to meet up again someday.”

Female SPM student with Detroit Lions center standing together

Claire Patin with Detroit Lions center Frank Ragnow at the autograph signing tent at the NFL Draft.

Claire Patin

“While in Detroit for the 2024 NFL Draft, me and my peers had the opportunity to experience so much in such little time. The night before the draft, David Katz hosted us as well as other Syracuse alumni in his home for a dinner and networking event. There were people from all different classes and majors from Syracuse, most of them working in the sport industry in some type of way. It was amazing to talk to everyone and build connections with them. There were so many successful people in the industry I want to go into in one room, and it was a great opportunity to have conversations with all of them.

“The first day of the draft, I worked at the autograph signing tent helping with the lines, directing people, and taking pictures of fans with players. One of the players signing autographs was Frank Ragnow, a center for the Detroit Lions, who was a fan favorite. It was fun to see fans so excited to meet him and be right there to take their picture with him.

“I love the culture that sports creates, and I got to see this with hundreds of people who wanted an autograph from their favorite player. All of the fans were so nice, and just so excited to be at the draft. I feel really lucky that I not only got to experience it myself, but also be a part of the positive experience for the fans. Overall, it was an unbelievable experience to be working the NFL draft.”

As with an NFL team after the draft, Perez and Knighton went back to work soon after returning to Syracuse to start looking at opportunities for next year and beyond for female students and all students from Sport Management. For example, after the positive experience the students had in Detroit, they’ve already started talking about how they can get students to the NCAA men’s basketball Final Four in Detroit in 2027.

“We have a good push for elevating our female students and trying to provide them experiential learning and leadership opportunities and now we can be strategic and build partnerships to make that happen,” Perez says. “We definitely have the mindset of, how can we provide more of these experiences for all of our students?”

Visit the Falk College website to learn more about the Department of Sport Management and its academic programs, experiential learning, and career opportunities.

High Impact

Dessa Bergen-Cico Named Honors Core Faculty Member from Falk College
Dessa Bergen-Cico presenting at conference

Public Health Professor Dessa Bergen-Cico (left), shown here speaking at the International Drug Policy Academy in Strasbourg, France, in June 2023, is the new Honors Core Faculty member from Falk College.

Dessa Bergen-Cico, professor and graduate director in the Department of Public Health, has been selected as the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics’ Honors Core Faculty member for a three-year term starting this May.

Renée Crown University Honors Program Core Faculty help shape the Honors Program curriculum and policy, and assist with strategic planning. Their academic vision and scholarly rigor guide the Honors Program in matters crucial both to the larger Honors faculty and to Honors students.

At Syracuse University, Bergen-Cico is coordinator of the Addiction Studies Programs, faculty in the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, and a research affiliate for the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. She was selected as Falk College’s Honors Core Faculty member by a four-person committee in consultation with Falk Dean Jeremy Jordan and Honors Program Director Danielle Taana Smith.

Dessa portrait

“Dessa’s credentials and passion for this opportunity were simply outstanding, and we are fortunate to have her represent us with the Honors program,” says Falk College Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs Mary Graham.

“Dessa’s credentials and passion for this opportunity were simply outstanding, and we are fortunate to have her represent us with the Honors program,” says Falk Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs Mary Graham, who was joined on the committee by Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Kay Bruening, Associate Dean of Research and Administration Katie McDonald, and Nutrition and Food Studies Associate Teaching Professor Chaya Charles.

“The Honors core faculty are so pleased to welcome Dr. Bergen-Cico to the group,” says Honors Program Director Smith, Professor of African American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse. “The core faculty are high-impact teachers and researchers, at the forefront of their disciplines. They enhance the collegial experiences of students and are integral to the program.

“Dr. Bergen-Cico brings a background of undergraduate education excellence and academic leadership,” Smith adds. “We are excited to work with her to impact students, the campus, and our communities as a whole.”

Bergen-Cico holds a research appointment at the Syracuse Veterans Administration Medical Center and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Health Care Providers in the Addictive Disorders. She is a Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS), Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), and Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher.

Bergen-Cico completed her MBSR teacher training through the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. She has been selected for two Fulbright Scholarships and was selected as a Rotary Peace Fellow in the International Rotary Peace Program at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.

Bergen-Cico is currently leading a research team that’s exploring how to combine an artificial intelligence system with mindfulness-based practices to help people in treatment for opioid use disorder, and she co-developed the International Drug Policy Academy, which is one of several unique opportunities for students to obtain global experience that exposes them to new ways of thinking about substance abuse and addictive behaviors.

“As an Honors Faculty member, I would be able to teach students interdisciplinary and global perspective courses that encompass depth and breadth of content I am otherwise not afforded the opportunity to teach, at the level our top students need and want,” Bergen-Cico said in her letter of interest for the Honors Core position. “For example, it would afford opportunities to engage students in learning and research in applied neuroscience and cross-cultural biomarkers across diverse fields of study integrating sociology, psychology, and neurobiology in the study of addictive behaviors, stress, trauma, and conflict.”

Bergen-Cico is replacing Rick Burton, David B. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management, as Falk College’s Honors Core Faculty member.

“I and my colleagues in the Dean’s Office would like to thank Professor Burton for serving so capably for over 10 years as our Falk College designee to the Honors Program,” Graham says.

Class of 2024 Honored with Sport Management and Sport Analytics Awards

Falk College’s Department of Sport Management is pleased to recognize the outstanding work of its undergraduate and graduate students in the Class of 2024 in sport management, sport analytics, and sport venue and event management.
Sport Management students standing in a group after receiving awards.

At a May 10 ceremony, Sport Management students received Director’s Academic Achievement Awards for achieving a grade-point average of 3.4 or higher for each of their consecutive semesters at Syracuse University

The Department of Sport Management held an awards celebration May 10 in Falk College. Students who were recognized for academic excellence, philanthropic work, and post-graduate plans included:

Falk Scholars

Falk College Scholars represent undergraduate students in Falk College who display academic excellence, exceptional campus and community engagement, and personal integrity. This years department of sport management Falk College Scholars are:

Sean Boland
Tyler Bolebruch
Alison Gilmore
Nicholas Kamimoto
Alexander Oppel

Three portraits
Department of Sport Management Senior Class Marshals, from left to right, Marissa Schneider (Sport Analytics), Sydney Topper (Sport Management), and Erica Trobia (Sport Venue and Event Management graduate student).

Falk Marshals

Senior Class Marshals have excelled during their time on campus and exemplify the spirit of the senior class. The selection committee assesses the nominees on scholarship, academic honors, student organization involvement, and campus/community service.

Falk Marshal: Alison Gilmore
Sport Management Marshal: Sydney Topper
Sport Analytics Marshal: Marissa Schneider
Sport Venue and Event Management graduate student Marshal: Erica Trobia

Berline Sport Analytics Scholars:

Thomas Armstrong
Tyler Bolebruch
Sean Boland
Nicholas Catalano
Alison Gilmore
David Gold
Brett Gustin
Nicholas Kamimoto
Alexander Oppel
Quinn Robnett
Marissa Schneider

Director’s Academic Achievement Award

Sport Management

Twenty-five Sport Management students received the Director’s Academic Achievement Award for achieving a GPA of 3.4 or higher for each of their consecutive semesters at Syracuse University:

Josephine Belcher
Nina Bilotti
Tracey Edson
Elizabeth Ellis
Jordan Fritz
Huzhe Gao
Carly Goldblatt
Alexander Grossman
Ethan Harrison
Ethan Hetu
Xinyue Huang
Madeline Huzjak
Jacob Kasdan

Quinn Kreller
Carter Lewis
Margo Noble
Sydney Orszulak
Jacob Palczak
Kyla Pearlman
Elena Randolph
Allison Rosen
Zachary Roth
Philip Tepper
Sarah Thompson
Sydney Topper

Sport Analytics

Fourteen students Sport Analytics students received the Director’s Academic Achievement Award for achieving a GPA of 3.4 or higher for each of their consecutive semesters at Syracuse University:

A group of students are posed together
Sport Analytics students received Director’s Academic Achievement Awards for achieving a grade-point average of 3.4 or higher for each of their consecutive semesters at Syracuse University:

Jackson Bayuk
Sean Boland
Tyler Bolebruch
Martin Castner
George will Cave III
Lucas Falcetti
Alison Gilmore
Jacob Graff
Mathew Holes
Jordan Jones
Niccholas Kamimoto
Ryan O’Connell
Alexander Oppel
Quinn Robnett

Sport Management Director’s Award

This award is presented to a student with a GPA of 3.5 or higher and a person who is a strong ambassador for the department, demonstrates exemplary service to the community, possesses strong professional sport industry experience, and is a strong mentor for other Sport Management majors.

Recipient: Elena Randolph

Elena has embraced the entire mantra of our program. She is graduating with a 3.9 GPA and has been an instrumental member of the graduating class in both the classroom and her engagement within the field and program. She served as President of the Sport Professionals of Color Club for two years. In 2022, Elena was selected to attend the Michigan Sports Business Conference, where she was named a BIG Initiative Award Winner as one of the 11 highest-achieving sport management students in the United States and Canada. Elena has interned with Syracuse University Athletics, the WNBA and BSE Global. Most recently, Elena completed her senior Capstone internship with the WNBA Players Association. We are proud to say that Elena has been asked to extend her internship until the end of the season with the WNBA Players Association.

Sport Management Director’s Award for Academic Promise

This award is presented to a student who will attend graduate or professional school; has attained a GPA of 3.5 or higher; and is a person who is a strong ambassador for the department, demonstrates exemplary service to the community, possesses strong professional sport industry experience, and is a strong mentor for other Sport Management majors.

Recipient: Nina Bilotti

Nina will graduate summa cum laude in Sport Management, where she amassed a distinguished academic career earning a GPA of 3.9. She is a member of the Pre-Law Society, Sport Law Club, Sport Management Club, and Women in Sports and Events. Nina was an operations assistant with the Syracuse Crunch Hockey Club, as well as a front office intern. She was a social media intern with Syracuse Athletic Communications working with women’s soccer, football, women’s rowing, and softball. In her hometown of Denville, New Jersey, she was a youth lacrosse coach and played for the Syracuse Women’s Lacrosse Club. She completed her senior Capstone with Priority Sports and will continue her post-graduate education this fall in advertising and public relations in Syracuse University’s Newhouse School of Public Communications.

Sport Management Academic Excellence Award

The Sport Management Academic Excellence Award recognizes a student with a grade-point average of 3.8 or higher.

Recipient: Madeline Huzjak

Madeline graduated with a GPA of a 3.97. What is more impressive is that along with her academic accomplishments, she has also been heavily involved in a variety of activities. Maddie was a member of the club soccer team all four years. She also interned with Syracuse University athletics in athletic communications, Cuse Crew, and the Stevenson Center. Maddie was a member of the Women and Sport and Events club, and served as president in 2021. Outside of Syracuse, she also completed internships with the University of Pittsburgh, Actual Size, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Most recently, Maddie completed her Senior Capstone with the Philadelphia Eagles, first as a ticket and fans service intern and was then moved into a community relations seasonal associate role. After graduation, Maddie will be heading to the National Football League to be part of their rotational program. Maddie is the first student in the history of the program to get accepted into the rotational program at the NFL.

Matt Brodsky Philanthropic Excellence Award

This award is named after Matt Brodsky, a sport management major who passed away unexpectedly after the Fall semester of his freshman year in 2013. In his honor, the department created an award that stems from his philanthropic excellence while he was a student at Syracuse University. This award is presented to a student who displays outstanding service to both the campus and greater Syracuse communities; demonstrates exemplary citizenship and philanthropic qualities; serves as a mentor for students by establishing outreach opportunities for the Department and University; and is an exemplary representative of Sport Management.

Recipient: Sarah Thompson

Sarah has been involved in the sport management program and the community for the past four years. Sarah was a four-year member of the women’s ice hockey team. As part of her passion for hockey, Sarah created her own non-profit organization called Sticks Together, giving children around the world the opportunity to learn and play the sport of hockey. She manages her program through the IVHQ Sport Development program with the goal of providing innovative physical education lessons and introduce the game of hockey. She partnered with CARHA Hockey as it further expands into community driven work and with Play it Again Sports to collect recycled hockey sticks and other street hockey equipment to donate to schools and communities. She has led hockey mission trips to Argentina in the summer of 2022 and South Africa last summer. She is continuing her efforts as she is planning a trip to Tigman Village, Palawan, this summer. Sarah recently completed her Senior Capstone with Game Changer. Sarah will attend graduate school at St. Lawrence University, where she will work toward a Master of Arts in Leadership degree and continue to play hockey.

Sport Management Professional Engagement Award

This award is presented in recognition of a student’s real-world experience, work ethic, dedication, professional demeanor, and career development as an undergraduate student and representative of the Department of Sport Management. This student’s outstanding academic achievements, coupled with strong citizenship and community service, typify the hard work, dedication, and preparation the student made throughout their academic career at Syracuse University.

Recipient: Tracey Edson

Tracey has been involved with Syracuse University since she was very young and came into the program with a drive and passion that led her to incredible success. She has skillfully managed her time each day and had a 3.9 GPA while being involved in everything Syracuse University has to offer. For Falk College, Tracey has been a student ambassador, peer advisor, and summer teaching assistant. For the department, she has served as a member of the Women in Sports and Events (WISE) and Sport Management clubs. For the Sport Management Club, she served as the communication committee chair for two years.

Outside of the college and department, Tracey found a second home in athletics. She started out in athletic communications and then found a passion for ice hockey and served in a variety of roles for the team, including digital media and most recently as the Director of Operations as her senior Capstone. Outside of campus, Tracey has gained tremendous experience through other organizations, including The Basketball Tournament and the Syracuse Crunch. Besides her engagement within sport management, Tracey was also heavily involved with organizations such as the Fellowship for Christian Athletes. She has been an incredible member of our program and always comes in with a smile on her face and a willingness to help with whatever is needed. Upon graduation, she will head to the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to pursue a master’s degree in sport administration.

Jason Morales Perseverance in Sports and Life Award

This award is named in honor of Jason Morales, a sport management student who passed away while completing his Senior Capstone in New York City in 2013. Since 2014, this award has been given in Jason’s honor to a student who has demonstrated persistence, perseverance, and positive motivation throughout his/her academic career while striving to be their best when confronted with life’s challenges. Jason overcame many challenges while at Syracuse University and was just 6 weeks away from graduation when he passed away.

Recipient: Andrew Amell

Andrew has exemplified the meaning of this award by overcoming several points of adversity throughout his college career. Andrew has shown immense motivation, passion, and the ability to overcome the most difficult challenges. Andrew has a passion and love for Syracuse that stands out among his peers. Despite life’s challenges, Andrew always gives 110 percent of his abilities, keeps a smile on his face, and works hard to overcome whatever is in his way. Most recently, Andrew completed his senior capstone with the Syracuse University Men’s Basketball Operations Department after serving as a team manager for the past three seasons.

Sport Management VIP Award

The Sport Management VIP Award is presented to a student with outstanding service to the department; has engaged in a variety of experiential learning and sport industry experiences; actively volunteers to serve the department and University on a regular basis; demonstrates strong professionalism and outstanding character; and serves as a role model for Sport Management majors.

Recipient: Philip Tepper

Philip has been an integral part of this department since he stepped foot on campus as a freshman. He has carried a 3.9 GPA while also engaging himself in the experiential learning opportunities within the University. Philip has been an active member of the Sport Management Club for all four years, serving as a committee member for the donations and inventory committees. He also served as Vice President of the Programming Committee. Philip has completed internships with the Sports Broadcast Journal and Three Two Strategies. Most recently, in the fall, he completed his Senior Capstone with the Bowl Season. He did such an outstanding job that they kept him on this past spring as a digital media assistant.

Kate Veley Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility Award

Kate worked at Syracuse University for more than 15 years and was instrumental in the planning of the annual Sports Charity Auction. She recently retired as the Director of Corporate Philanthropy for Make A Wish of Central New York. The Kate Veley Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility Award is presented to a student who has “given back to the community they’ve called home for the past four years.” This student has continually demonstrated strong volunteerism and philanthropic effort to improve the lives of others within the greater Syracuse community, and in so doing, set an example for us all.

Recipient: Alexander Grossman

Alex served as 2023 co-chair for the Sport Management Club’s Annual Charity Sports Auction that raised $48,000 for Tillie’s Touch in Syracuse. During his four years as a club member, Alex held leadership roles as the Co-Chair for Sales and Vice President of Community Service. This semester, Alex completed his Senior Capstone with WSC Sports. Alex also interned for Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League, Amsterdam Mohawks, and Vandetta Sports Media. These experiences prove Alex’s dedication to giving back to the community, the department is confident Alex will continue on this path.

Patrick Ryan Sport Technology Award

This award is named after Professor Emeritus Patrick Ryan, who taught at Syracuse University for 15 years before retiring in May 2021. He taught and created all the Sport Technology courses for the department. Prior to joining Syracuse, Ryan worked in the technology industry for more than 30 years. This award recognizes a student’s entrepreneurial spirit and academic excellence while utilizing technology to enhance personal skills.

Recipient: Allison Rosen

Allison completed her senior Capstone last summer and fall with the Premier Lacrosse League as a Social Media Intern and, for the last three years, served the Syracuse Athletic Department as a Creative Services Intern and Women’s Soccer Student Manager. Her creative photography work has been featured on many local media sites, especially her work with Syracuse men’s lacrosse. Additionally, she served as a Donations Chair for the Sport Management Club Charity Auction and Communications Officer for Sport Excel UK, a sports association aiding those with learning disabilities. She has used her communications and photography skills and served in leadership roles with Women in Sports and Events (WISE), Sport Management Club, and the Daily Orange.

Sport Venue and Event Management Graduate Student Award

Recipient: Holly Carr

Holly graduated from SUNY Oswego with a degree in business administration and management. While at Oswego, Holly was a member of the field hockey team and found an interest in working in sport during her experiences with the SUNY Oswego Athletic Department and the SUNY Athletic Conference. Since joining our program last July, Holly has embraced our philosophy of experiential learning by working in the JMA Wireless Dome; as a graduate assistant in the Department of Sport Management assisting faculty with teaching and research; and as a volunteer with organizations such as the Savannah Bananas during their tour stop in Cooperstown. She also played a pivotal role in the planning of the SVEM graduate student immersion trip to New York City. Holly’s outstanding academic achievements, along with her strong leadership and respect that she earned from faculty members and her peers, make her a role model for future graduate students.

Sport Analytics Academic Excellence Award

This award is in recognition of a student’s outstanding academic achievement and overall scholarship in Sport Analytics.

Recipient: Sean Boland

Sean is a Berlin Scholar and Falk College Scholar. He has been incredibly engaged on campus during his time in Syracuse. Sean has served as a student manager/data analyst for the SU men’s soccer team since the fall of 2021, including being part of the national championship-winning team in 2022. Sean has also served as a data analyst for the Swiss professional soccer team FC Wil (VILL), data collection analyst for Pro Football Focus FC, and data analytics intern for the Hamptons Collegiate Baseball League. He also served the department as a teaching assistant in the 2023 Berlin Sport Analytics Academy for high school students.

Sport Analytics Academic Excellence Award

This award is in recognition of a student’s outstanding academic achievement and overall scholarship in Sport Analytics.

Recipient: Nicholas Kamimoto

Nicholas is a Berlin Scholar and Falk College Scholar. This spring he was part of the team that captured the team title at the 2024 National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship. He has been an active member of the football and basketball analytics clubs on campus and has served as a supervisor in the Barnes Center. Nick has spent time as a video and analytics intern with San Francisco Glens SC, as well as a Technology and Data Services intern with the United Soccer League. In addition, Nick contributed significantly to a research project with Dr. Sanders and Dr. Ehrlich that was selected as a finalist at the prestigious MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference.

Sport Analytics Director’s Award for Academic Promise

This award is in recognition of a student’s plans to attend post-graduate education, exemplary service to the community, and service as an ambassador and mentor to students in Sport Analytics.

Recipient: Tyler Bolebruch

Tyler is a Berlin Scholar and Falk College Scholar. He has been active gaining experience in the industry, having completed internships with the Amsterdam Mohawks and EV Analytics. This spring, he was part of the team that captured the team title at the 2024 National Collegiate Sports Analytics Championship. Tyler has been accepted to continue his educational experience in the Applied Data Science Master’s Program in the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University.

Sport Analytics Research Excellence Award

This award is in recognition of a student’s demonstrated commitment and success in academic research, presentation, and publication in Sport Analytics.

Recipient: Quinn Robnett

Quinn is a Berlin Scholar and has spent significant time focused on research. He is a key member of hockey analytics club, serving as director of media, and has also spent time as an analytics intern with Syracuse University’s field hockey team. He has also been selected twice to participate in the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference Hackathon, making it to the finals in his first year. Last summer, Quinn was chosen as a participant in the highly competitive Undergraduate Summer Research program at Carnegie Mellon University. Throughout that experience he worked on a project, Examining the Decline of Save Percentage in the NHL, that he presented at the Carnegie Mellon Sports Analytics Conference in November 2023. Quinn will continue his education at Syracuse University as he completes a master’s degree in applied data science through the School of Information Studies in the coming academic year.

Sport Analytics VIP Award

This award is in recognition of a student’s outstanding service, volunteerism, strong academic standing, leadership, and service as a role model to students in Sport Analytics.

Recipient: Alexander Oppel

Alex has been an omnipresent member of the department. As a Berlin Scholar, Alex has been a major part of research analyzing the impact of television proliferation on live college basketball attendance. He has a long list of accomplishments: He is one of the few students to present research at the 2023 SABR Analytics Conference, he was a major contributor of Syracuse’s first overall winning team at the SABR Diamond Dollars competition, and he was a member of the winning team for the Cincinnati Reds’ Hack-a-Thon. He has completed internships with Wasserman and Syracuse softball, and he is a Falk Scholar. He also served as president of the Sabermetrics Club and has been a constant mentor to our baseball-focused students.

Sport Analytics Game Changer Award

This award is in recognition of a student’s positive impact on fellow Sport Analytics students and their unyielding dedication, professional skills, and commitment to succeed. This student has “changed the game” and made a tremendous difference in our program and across campus at Syracuse University.

Recipient: Alison Gilmore

Alison is Berlin Scholar and Falk College Scholar. She also received two of the University’s highest honors, being named a Syracuse University Scholar for the Class of 2024 and a 2023-24 Remembrance Scholar. Alison has been active in student competitions throughout her time in the program, including winning a room in the inaugural Football Analytics Blitz competition in 2021 and being part of, and leading, a team at SABR Diamond Dollars Case Competitions in Arizona. She is an active member of Falk College’s Sport Analytics Women’s Club, having served as president.

Alison earned internships with Zoomph as a Women in Sports Tech Fellow, Sports Reference, and most recently, 6-4-3 Charts. In addition, she is a Falk College Ambassador and Peer Advisor, and a student assistant with the Disability Cultural Center. She is a key member of OttoTHON and Orange Seeds. Alison has truly made a difference in the program, and the department wishes her the best of luck as she starts her professional career with the Detroit Tigers as a Baseball Analytics Associate.

With Deepest Gratitude

Falk College Honors Retiring Faculty and Staff
Standing in a row with Dean Jordan, 2 males and 2 female persons retiring from Falk

At a May 3 reception, Falk College Dean Jeremy Jordan (far left) celebrated the retirement of, from left to right, Michael Veley, Dennis Deninger, Donna Fecteau, and Dianne Seeley.

Falk College acknowledges with gratitude the contributions and dedicated service of five faculty and two staff members retiring this year: Thom deLara, Dennis Deninger, Donna Fecteau, Eric Kingson, Eileen Lantier, Dianne Seeley, and Michael Veley.

Here’s a look at the Falk College retirees who were honored at a celebration Friday, May 3 in Falk College Complex:

Thom deLara portrait
Thom deLara

Thom deLara, M.S.W., M.B.A.

Professor of Practice in the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT)

Thom has 50 years of experience as an administrator, academic, licensed mental health practitioner, and management consultant. Prior to joining Syracuse University, he was chief executive for two not-for-profit organizations and served as vice-president of business development and strategic planning at a large health care organization.

Thom has authored more than 30 funded federal, state, local, and foundation grant applications, totaling more than $10 million. These grants established and expanded primary care services for rural and underserved communities in New York, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Thom also taught courses at Cornell University on the politics of public budgeting, critical issues in healthcare, and strategic management in healthcare.

Thom joined the Syracuse University faculty in 2002 and served for 14 years as Chair of the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy. He led substantial advancements in the curriculum to train students to meet the mental health and relational needs of children and families. Thom was deeply involved in the creation of the highly respected MFT training facility at Peck Hall, and he led the development and implementation of the online master’s degree program in marriage and family therapy.

In addition to his service as a faculty member and department chair, he served as a member of the University Senate, and numerous college and university committees. In all his work, Thom has demonstrated personal dedication to expanding and improving the quality of health care and mental health care for underserved populations and communities.

Dennis Deninger portrait
Dennis Deninger

Dennis Deninger

Professor of Practice in the Department of Sport Management

Dennis is a former television production executive and Emmy Award-winner for innovation in sports television, production on digital platforms, and educational television. He spent 25 years leading production teams at ESPN, where he launched more than a dozen televised series and events, including Wimbledon, Major League Soccer, and the National Spelling Bee. He developed for American television the digital instant review technology called “Shot Spot,” which is now in use at all major tennis tournaments.

Dennis is the author of three books, including “The Football Game That Changed America” from Rowman and Littlefield scheduled for release this fall. He has written and directed two documentary films at Syracuse University: “America’s First Sport” about the history and rapid growth of lacrosse, and “Changing Sports, Changing Lives” on the impact of adaptive sports on persons with disabilities. His expert commentary is published in countless national and international media outlets, including The New York Times, Forbes, USA Today, Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, and many others.

As a professor of practice at Syracuse University, Dennis created new graduate and undergraduate level courses and served as the founding director of the sports communications graduate program at the Newhouse School. Dennis has taught in Falk College since 2010. He was honored with the Falk College Faculty Member of the Year Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2014 and 2024.

Donna Fecteau

Donna Fecteau

Administrative Assistant in the Department of Exercise Science

Donna joined Syracuse University in 1987 as a temporary part-time employee in Human Resources. Within just a few months, she was hired full-time as office coordinator position in Health and Physical Education, now known as Falk College’s Department of Exercise Science. At the time, she had the only computer in the department with a hard drive. In fact, her understanding of hard drives and floppy discs was a key reason she was hired for the job.

She coordinated reservations for the gyms, pools, and fields used by students throughout campus. She was responsible for the one-credit activity courses that eventually became the I-Move program. Those courses enrolled up to 3,000 students each year from across campus.
In 1996, she was promoted to the administrative secretary position. The Exercise Science offices were in the Women’s Building until they joined Falk College and moved into the Falk Complex. During her time at Syracuse, Donna has supported students and faculty alike with her positive energy and kindness.

Eric Kingson Portrait
Eric Kingson

Eric Kingson, M.P.A., Ph.D.

Professor in the School of Social Work

Eric joined the Syracuse University social work faculty in 1998. He is also a faculty affiliate of the Syracuse University Aging Studies Institute and an affiliated researcher with the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Eric is a founding co-director of the Social Security Works, which launched the Strengthen Social Security Coalition with over 300 national and state organizations dedicated to advancing economic security through strengthening and expanding Social Security policies and programs.

Eric served as policy advisor to two presidential commissions — the 1982 National Commission on Social Security Reform and the 1994 Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform. He was also an active volunteer on President Obama’s Retirement Security Policy Advisory Committee and later served on the advisory committee to the Social Security Administration’s transition team. He has held many service and leadership roles, including with the National Academy of Social Insurance and the Gerontological Society of America.

His numerous journal articles, book chapters, and research studies examine the politics and economics of population aging, Social Security policy, cross-generational obligations, and retirement income security. His expert commentary and contributions have been published in major media outlets such as the Huffington Post, The Washington Post, Boston Globe, and many others. Eric is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2007 Chancellor’s Citation for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction, the 2010 Martin Luther King, Jr. Unsung Hero Award from Syracuse University, the 2015 Falk College Faculty Researcher of the Year Award, among others.

Eileen Lantier
Eileen Lantier

Eileen Lantier, R.N., Ph.D.

Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health

Eileen joined the Syracuse University College of Nursing faculty in 1983. She served as the Director of the Learning Resource Center on campus and assisted with the development of satellite learning resource centers in Binghamton and Waverly, New York, to support students enrolled in nursing programs in those regions. She and her colleagues successfully secured grants to procure the most up-to-date technology and promote excellence in clinical care. One standout example was the limited residency Nurse Practitioner program, which enrolled students from across the U.S. and as far away as Saudi Arabia. In addition to her teaching, applied research, and service, Eileen developed a NYSED-approved Certificate in Nursing Informatics at Syracuse University.

In 2006, Eileen was appointed Associate Dean of Academic Affairs of the newly merged College of Human Services and Health Professions, a predecessor of Falk College. For nearly 20 years, Eileen led the formation and transformation of countless academic degree programs across Falk College, including the inception of new programs for Syracuse University ranging from public health to sport analytics and beyond. Eileen skillfully managed curriculum, program review, course delivery, academic integrity, admissions, and many other key administrative areas.

At the university level, Eileen has served on the Syracuse University Senate, Chancellor’s University Leadership Team, Forum on Institutional Effectiveness, Health Care Advisory Committee, Campus Wellness Task Force, Nurses Alumni Association, and many others. She was appointed to several city, county, and state commissions, including the Syracuse Commission for Women and County Drug and Alcohol Commission. The New York State Board of Regents appointed Eileen to its Blue-Ribbon Panel on the Nursing Shortage.

Dianne Seeley portrait
Dianne Seeley

Dianne Seeley, M.S.

Operations, Space, and Facilities Manager for the Office of the Dean

Dianne worked at the Syracuse University Registrar’s Office as a classroom scheduling assistant before joining Falk College in 2008 as an administrative assistant in the Dean’s Office. Two years later, she started working in space, operations, and facilities for Falk. At the time, Falk programs were scattered across eight locations, from Drumlins on south campus to several main campus locations.

When the College of Law planned to vacate MacNaughton, White, Barclay, and Grant for the newly constructed Dineen Hall, Dianne and her colleagues prepared to bring Falk College under one roof. Dianne was a driving force in developing and implementing this extraordinary project that involved four years of planning, renovations, and construction from 2011 to the Falk College Complex dedication in 2015. The convergence of academic departments and administrative suites involved careful planning to ensure the Complex met the diverse programmatic needs for research and teaching. It included construction of major laboratories, including the Nutrition Assessment, Consultation and Education (ACE) Center, the Milton Conrad Sport Technology Lab, and the Susan R. Klenk Learning Café and Kitchens. The innovative design of the Klenk Kitchens earned recognition and honors from the American Institute of Architects Central New York Chapter.

In the years to follow, Dianne managed major projects such as the construction of the Falk Café on the second floor, the exercise science and public health relocations into Barclay, and the conversion of the former College of Law Library Stacks to the beautiful multipurpose space in Falk 335. In between these major milestones, Dianne has facilitated countless numbers of moves, ensuring everyone has what they need—from desks to door keys.

Michael Veley
Michael Veley

Michael Veley, M.P.S.

the Rhonda S. Falk Endowed Professor in the Department of Sport Management

Michael spent nearly two decades as a Division I athletic administrator at Cornell and Syracuse, including 10 years at Syracuse University, where he implemented marketing, communications, and corporate sponsorship initiatives. He is a three-time National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators (NACMA) award winner.

Michael has served as founding director and chair of the Department of Sport Management since 2005. Under his leadership, the program has become a national trailblazer in the sport industry. He led the development of more than 25 new academic courses, the nation’s first undergraduate degree in sport analytics, and a first-of-its-kind undergraduate degree in esports. Michael ensured that experiential learning was a defining feature of sport academic degree programs, which has resulted in a strong tradition of alumni career success and industry impact.

He brought the industry into the program, building partnerships with organizations such as the New York Yankees, National Baseball Hall of Fame, National Basketball Association Development League, and many others. Michael was instrumental in creating the Sport Management Advisory Council, which is comprised of influential sport industry presidents, founders, and CEOs. In 2013, he was named the inaugural Rhonda S. Falk Endowed Professor of Sport Management. That year he was also honored with a Faculty of the Year Award for excellence in service and dedication to Falk College, Syracuse University, and the greater Syracuse community.

Faculty of the Year Awards

Falk College Honors Faculty for Excellence in Teaching, Service, Research
Three portraits

Falk Faculty of the Year awardees (from left) Dennis Deninger, Bernard Appiah, and Joey Merrin.
Dennis Deninger, Bernard Appiah, and Joey Merrin were honored with 2024 Falk College Faculty of the Year awards for excellence in teaching, service, and research, respectively. The honorees were nominated by their peers for outstanding teaching, scholarship, and internal and professional service contributions and announced by the Falk College Faculty Council in early May.

Chaya Lee Charles, an assistant teaching professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies and chair of the Falk Faculty Council, thanked all faculty members who submitted nominations and her fellow Faculty Council members for their time and efforts in the award selection process.

“It is inspiring to see the talent and excellence that we represent as a college, and the high caliber of the nominees made our job challenging,” Charles says. “The Faculty Council is excited to share the results of our thoughtful deliberations.”

Here’s a look at the 2024 honorees with comments from their award presenters:

Dennis Deninger

Professor of Practice in the Department of Sport Management
Evan Weissman Memorial Faculty of the Year Award for Teaching Excellence

From presenter Chaya Lee Charles, assistant teaching professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies and chair of the Falk Faculty Council:

Dennis has an impressive and extensive resume, which many of us are aware of. But as a refresher in this, his final year with us, and in the spirit of his broadcasting background, I will now provide you with the fastest three minutes in Dennis’ top-10 highlight reel:

Two individuals stand together with an award between them
Dennis Deninger, who received the Evan Weissman Memorial Faculty of the Year Award for Teaching Excellence, with presenter Chaya Lee Charles.
  1. Dennis is a former television executive who has produced live sports television from six continents and across the United States. In his 25 years at ESPN, he launched coverage of Wimbledon, the French Open, and Major League Soccer, and was the executive in charge of production for World Cup Soccer in 1994, a dozen Australian Opens, Friday Night Fights, Triple Crown horse racing, and a multitude of other live events.
  2. Dennis is a three-time Emmy award winner for categories in innovation in sports television, production on digital platforms, and educational television.
  3. Dennis developed for American television the digital instant review technology called “Shot Spot,” which is now in use at all major tennis tournaments.
  4. Dennis’ comments and analysis have been quoted in national and international media including The New York Times, USA Today, ABC News, CNN, Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, and many other prominent media outlets.
  5. Dennis wrote, produced, and directed the biographical documentary “Agent of Change: David Falk,” which premiered at the ribbon-cutting of the Falk College complex and aired on ESPN2.
  6. Dennis has written and directed documentaries working with his students at Syracuse University as his research team. “America’s First Sport” was broadcast across the U.S. on the ESPN networks and explored the history, culture, and rapid expansion of lacrosse in the U.S. and around the world. “Changing Sports, Changing Lives” focuses on sports that have been adapted for persons with disabilities, and how these sports have impacted so many lives.
  7. Dennis has a new book coming out in September entitled “The Football Game That Changed America.” It is the direct result of the research he has done for his Falk Sport Management course on the Super Bowl and its impact on American life. He is the author of two books previously published entitled “Live Sports Media: The What, How and Why of Sports Broadcasting,” and “Sports on Television.”
  8. Dennis was the founding director of the sports communications graduate program at the Newhouse School of Public Communications, and he has created several new graduate- and undergraduate-level courses at Syracuse.
  9. Dennis is an outstanding teacher and colleague, as evidenced by his previous Falk College award for excellence in teaching 10 years ago. He has served as faculty advisor of the Sport Professionals of Color student club, and was an early supporter of the newly required sport management course, Race, Gender, and Diversity in Sport Organizations. He has consistently received positive course evaluations in all courses he teaches, including Sport Communications; Sport, Media, and Society; and the ever-so-popular Super Bowl and Society, in which he arranges for several students to travel with him to the Super Bowl and hosts a live Zoom class from the host city.
  10. And . . .

  11. The most important highlight and reason for his receiving this award–Dennis’ engagement with students in and out of the classroom is a model we can all aspire to. Whether providing academic or career advice, he is rarely seen in his office without a student seeking his guidance or support. One student summarized it best: “Professor Deninger has great enthusiasm every day and is a great storyteller, so his lectures are much more engaging than other professors might be. It’s very obvious that he knows the content from both an academic and experience perspective. It was an extreme privilege to be able to learn from this industry professional.”

Bernard Appiah

Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health
Faculty of the Year Award for Excellence in Service

Two individuals stand together with an award between them
Bernard Appiah, who received the Faculty of the Year Award for Excellence in Service. with presenter Lisa Olson-Gugerty.

From presenter Lisa Olson-Gugerty, associate teaching professor in the Department of Public Health and a member of the Falk Faculty Council:

Since 2021, Bernard has been faculty advisor of the Graduate Student Association for Public Health, which he helped establish. Under his guidance, the association became the first student association officially affiliated with the New York Public Health Association. Additionally, since 2021, Bernard has served on our department’s Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC), a pivotal committee responsible for curriculum review and quality improvement. During his tenure on PRAC, our department achieved accreditation as a “Public Health Program” from the Council for Education in Public Health. In 2023, Bernard served as a member of the Falk Program Review Committee and contributed to the evaluation of SOURCE grant applications, furthering the work of Falk College and Syracuse University.

Bernard has also made significant contributions to our international community, serving on committees relevant to his expertise in pharmacy and health communication. Notably, he is a member of the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) Expert Committee on Healthcare Safety and Quality and the USP’s Drug and Classification (DC) subcommittee. His work with the DC subcommittee led to it being awarded the 2023 USP Award for Outstanding Contribution to USP Standards by a Volunteer Expert Group. Additionally, in fall 2023, Bernard mentored participants in Farm Radio’s online course on using radio for development, fostering impactful radio program design.

Furthermore, Bernard was selected by the Africa Center for Disease Control as a trainer and evaluator for its Public Health Journalism Fellowship program, where he secured funding for a research assistant to attend the conference in Zambia. This initiative contributes significantly to the internationalization of Falk College and the University. In the same period, Bernard joined the expert panel for the development of a manual for blood donor recruitment across Africa, an initiative of the Belgian Red Cross. Finally, Bernard has served as an editorial consultant for Health Psychology and a reviewer for PLOS Global Public Health, enhancing his contributions to the field of global health.

Joey Merrin

Assistant professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science
Faculty of the Year Award for Excellence in Research

Two individuals stand together with an award between them
Joey Merrin, who received the Faculty of the Year Award for Excellence in Research, with presenter Ambika Krishnakumar.

From presenter Ambika Krishnakumar, professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science and a member of the Falk Faculty Council:

Dr. Gabriel “Joey” Merrin was selected for this honor from a very strong pool of Falk candidates, all with excellent research credentials.

Dr. Merrin is a developmental psychologist and an applied methodologist whose research agenda focuses on a wide range of important and relevant topics such as identity-based harassment, aggression, victimization in the school context, delinquency, substance use, adolescent development, and the transition to young adulthood. His research indicates a commitment to the lives of minority and oppressed groups, and he is currently engaged in translating and mobilizing research knowledge to inform intervention and prevention efforts in these communities.

In the calendar year 2023 to the present, Dr. Merrin published his work in 17 high-impact journals such as Frontiers in Psychology, Psychology of Violence, Journal of Child and Family Studies, and the Journal of Contemporary Educational Psychology, to name a few. He currently has five manuscripts under review and 10 manuscripts in preparation.

In this academic year, Dr. Merrin presented his research at 16 professional conferences. Dr. Merrin received one external grant from the National Institute of Justice as co-investigator and has one grant proposal under review with the National Institute of Health as Co-PI (co-principal investigator). According to the Scopus citations report for 2023-2024, Dr. Merrin’s research was cited by his peers in 367 articles.

Last week, Dr. Merrin was awarded the Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award from Syracuse University for his commitment to graduate student research. In recognition of his excellence in research and his contributions to the advancement of knowledge, Dr. Gabriel Joey Merrin receives the 2024 Falk Faculty Award for Research. Congratulations!

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